Monday, August 14, 2017

Where was MSM Outrage when Days Ago Anti-Trump Fanatic Murdered a GOP Committeeman with 2 Bullets to the Head?

Where was MSM Outrage when Days Ago Anti-Trump Fanatic Murdered a GOP Committeeman with 2 Bullets to the Head?

Where was the jew-owned MSM outrage when a West Goshen, Pennsylvania man shot his GOP neighbor twice in the head and killed him last week?
Clayton Carter, an unhinged anti-Trump fanatic, shot his neighbor, G. Brooks Jennings, twice in the head on his neighbor’s property. Clayton Carter whose...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: anti-Trump fanatic, Clayton Carter, G. Brooks Jennings, hate crime, MSM blackout, Pennsylvania, political crime, West Goshen

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