Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Charlottesville FALSE FLAG: Van at Accident Scene was a Salvaged and Planted there in Advance

Charlottesville FALSE FLAG: Van at Accident Scene was a Salvaged and Planted there in Advance

Much ink has been spilled over the Charlottesville events.
We will try not to use much of it, instead show you some images that speak louder than words.
What do we know:
1. “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as...[Read more ...]

News first brought to you by TDW News

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: Alt Right, Charlotte, Charlottesville, Charlottesville false flag, Dodge Challenger, Ford Fisher, Jason Kessler, North Carolina, Virginia

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