Thursday, August 31, 2017

Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill Was Filled With Pork

Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill Was Filled With Pork

Not justification For A Bill Filled With Pork!

Memories of the 2013, Hurricane Sandy relief Bill that was filled with pork has started a new debate to form. People are already beginning to wonder if something similar will come out of Washington to help those paddling around...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Unprecedented Disaster: Hurricane Harvey Has Shattered The Rainfall Record For The Continental United States

Unprecedented Disaster: Hurricane Harvey Has Shattered The Rainfall Record For The Continental United States

Never before have we seen a storm dump more than 50 inches of rain on a single location in the continental United States.  The previous record for rainfall in the continental United States occurred when Tropical Storm Amelia dumped 48 inches of rain on Medina, Texas in 1978.  But now one spot...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Austin, daily news, Dallas, debt, economic collapse, end the fed, Federal Reserve, Houston, Hurricane Harvey, inflation, national debt, President Donald Trump, Texas, trade, U.S. Economy, unemployment

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong According to Japanese Deputy PM

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong According to Japanese Deputy PM

Japan’s deputy prime minister, Taro Aso, is in hot water after suggesting Adolf Hitler might have had “the right motives.”
He was criticized both at home and abroad, with the US-based Jewish propaganda Simon Wiesenthal Center saying the remarks were “downright dangerous.”
I don’t question your...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Japan, Mein Kampf, nationalist state, Taro Aso, Weimar Republic

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Charlottesville FALSE FLAG: Van at Accident Scene was a Salvaged and Planted there in Advance

Charlottesville FALSE FLAG: Van at Accident Scene was a Salvaged and Planted there in Advance

Much ink has been spilled over the Charlottesville events.
We will try not to use much of it, instead show you some images that speak louder than words.
What do we know:
1. “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: Alt Right, Charlotte, Charlottesville, Charlottesville false flag, Dodge Challenger, Ford Fisher, Jason Kessler, North Carolina, Virginia

Houston, You Have a Problem!

Houston, You Have a Problem!

Flooding in Houston Leaves Many With Few Options
The catastrophic flooding triggered by Tropical Storm Harvey inundating Houston in early estimates is expected to tally between 25 and 50 billion dollars, it could go much higher. Sadly, many people will find their insurance doesn’t cover...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: debt, end the fed, entitlement policies, exports, Federal Reserve, flood, GDP, household debt, Houston, hurricane, Hurricane Harvey, imports, interest rates, jobs, national debt, property prices, Texas

Hurricane Harvey Has Dumped 15 Trillion Gallons of Water on Texas and May be the Most Expensive Natural Disaster in U.S. History

Hurricane Harvey Has Dumped 15 Trillion Gallons of Water on Texas and May be the Most Expensive Natural Disaster in U.S. History

Authorities are now telling us that Hurricane Harvey may end up causing more economic damage than even Hurricane Katrina did.  We already knew that some parts of southeast Texas are going to be “uninhabitable for an extended period of time”, but the latest forecasts are calling for about 10...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: daily news, debt, economic collapse, end the fed, Federal Reserve, Houston, Hurricane Harvey, inflation, national debt, President Donald Trump, Texas, trade, U.S. Economy, unemployment

Monday, August 28, 2017

YouTube’s Censorship Alliance With the Jews from ADL Makes First Victims

YouTube’s Censorship Alliance With the Jews from ADL Makes First Victims

There has so much truth being shared on YouTube lately that Joogle decided to partner with the Anti-Defamation League to shut it all down by introducing a program to sandbox videos they merely don’t like. This has come just months after a demonetization wave that impacted many conservative...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Red Pill, Terrorism
Tags: ADL, American Renaissance, Anti-Defamation League, Google, Goolag, Jewish Influence, jews in media, kikery, race differences in intelligence, Ron Paul, Silicon Valley, Twitter, YouTube

If Elected Party Leader, Zionist Marxist Lesbian Anne Marie Waters Will Mean UKIP's Death

If Elected Party Leader, Zionist Marxist Lesbian Anne Marie Waters Will Mean UKIP's Death

Marxist Lesbian activist Anne Marie Waters
Within the next few months, United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) members will be asked to elect a leader to replace Paul Nuttall, the Catholic conservative, mildly pro-Zionist Member of European Parliament for North West England, who resigned after...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Red Pill
Tags: Anne Marie Waters, Brexit, Britain, cultural Marxism, diversity, hard Brexit, heritage, jews in UK politics, lesbian, nationalism, Odinism, race, UKIP, United Kingdom, white pride

SCOTUS Asked to Put Lower Courts "In Their Proper Place"

SCOTUS Asked to Put Lower Courts "In Their Proper Place"

A number of prominent national security experts are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to put “in their proper place” the lower court judges who have ruled against President Trump’s plans to temporarily restrict entrants to the United States from certain terrorist-producing nations.
The...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: lower courts, MAGA, muslim ban, President Donald Trump, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, travel ban

Guess who's Behind Anti-Trump Activist Group "Reagan Battalion"

Guess who's Behind Anti-Trump Activist Group "Reagan Battalion"

Just two (( tribesters )) shills earning their shekels trolling online and on MSM
The Reagan Battalion – an anonymous group that pretends to be operating with the conservative interest in mind – has had a busy year.
You may remember that back in February they launched a vicious smear campaign...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: Ben Shapiro, Benny Polatseck, Jewish Influence, jews in media, Milo Yiannopoulos, Never Trump, Reagan Battalion

Hurricane Harvey Will Render Some Parts of Texas ‘Uninhabitable for An Extended Period of Time’

Hurricane Harvey Will Render Some Parts of Texas ‘Uninhabitable for An Extended Period of Time’

Do you remember what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans?  Well, now we are watching the same thing happen to southeast Texas.
On Friday, Hurricane Harvey made landfall as a category 4 hurricane.  It is the first hurricane to make landfall in the United States in 12 years, and it is the most...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: daily news, economic collapse, Hurricane Harvey, Texas, U.S. Economy, unemployment

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Trump Announces He’ll Visit Flood-Ravaged Texas ASAP

Trump Announces He’ll Visit Flood-Ravaged Texas ASAP

President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday he would visit Texas as soon as possible without causing disruption, as the southeastern part of the state deals with catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Harvey.
At least five people are dead as of Sunday morning, according to the latest reports, after the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: atmospheric geoengineering, Donald Trump, floods, geoengineering, Gulf Coast, HAARP, Hurricane Harvey, President Donald Trump, Texas, Twitter

Ryan, Flake and McCain Disapproved of Sheriff Joe Pardon

Ryan, Flake and McCain Disapproved of Sheriff Joe Pardon

House Speaker Paul Ryan joined with other RINOs in criticizing President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
“The speaker does not agree with the decision,” Doug Andres, a spokesman for Ryan, told The Wall Street Journal.
“Law-enforcement officials have a special...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Jeff Flake, John McCain, MAGA, no more RINOs, Paul Ryan, President Donald Trump, presidential pardon, Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Only in California: Hispanic Elementary School Teacher Busted Dealing Heroin

Only in California: Hispanic Elementary School Teacher Busted Dealing Heroin

Detectives investigating drug trafficking in California busted an elementary school teacher for allegedly dealing heroin.
The Napa Special Investigations Bureau began investigating 36-year-old Delicia Gomez earlier this month after reports she was dealing heroin in the community. Authorities...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: California, Delicia Gomez, mexicans in US, Napa, school teacher, they need to go back

Snowflake Students triggered by Law Professors Praising America’s 1950s ‘Bourgeois Culture’

Snowflake Students triggered by Law Professors Praising America’s 1950s ‘Bourgeois Culture’

Two law professors have been condemned by University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) students, alumni, and faculty as bigots engaging in “racist and white supremacist discourse,” after they wrote a nostalgic op-ed praising America’s 1950s “bourgeois culture.”
UPenn...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: American dream, Amy Wax, culture, Lawrence Alexander, snowflake culture, sociology, University of Pennsylvania, University of San Diego, UPenn

Banning from Welfare those who Refused Work Caused Individuals to Reenter Labor Force Earning Higher Incomes

Banning from Welfare those who Refused Work Caused Individuals to Reenter Labor Force Earning Higher Incomes

Welfare reform implemented in Kansas caused individuals to reenter the labor force while earning higher incomes, according to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability.
Kansas Republican Gov. Sam Brownback took office in 2011 and began to implement welfare reform after the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Governor Sam Brownback, Kansas, republican, Sam Brownback, TANF, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

A Letter From Michael In Boise

A Letter From Michael In Boise

Hello from Boise, Idaho!  The reason why I have not been posting new articles lately is because I have been on the road.  I have been in Boise since Monday, and absolutely amazing things have been happening for the campaign.  I spent most of Tuesday and most of Wednesday at the Republican booth...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Trump Likely to End Obama’s DACA Program for Illegal Immigrant Children

Trump Likely to End Obama’s DACA Program for Illegal Immigrant Children

President Donald Trump appears likely to pull the plug on DACA, several government officials said Friday.
The Obama-era controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) allowed children who came to the U.S. illegally to stay, but the program might come to an end as soon as the Trump...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: build that wall, DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Donald Trump, MAGA, they need to go back

Germany Shuts Down Far-Left Website for ‘Legitimizing Violence’

Germany Shuts Down Far-Left Website for ‘Legitimizing Violence’

Germany shut down a left-wing website for “legitimizing violence” against police officers at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg last month, German authorities said Friday.
The shutdown of the site, linksunten.indymedia, is the first such move by the German government against...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Angela Merkel, antifa, Deutschland, Germany, terrorism, Thomas de Maizière

Judge Orders Web Host to Turn Over Info on Website for Trump Inauguration Protests

Judge Orders Web Host to Turn Over Info on Website for Trump Inauguration Protests

A Washington, D.C. judge on ordered web firm DreamHost to give the government data about individuals connected to a website used to organize protests against President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
DreamHost hosts, a website for organizing protests of Trump’s...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: antifa, disruptJ20, DOJ, Donald Trump, DreamHost, The Justice Department

Germany Repatriates $28bn in Gold from France and US

Germany Repatriates $28bn in Gold from France and US

The German central bank (Bundesbank) has brought back 674 tons of gold reserves kept in Paris and New York since the Cold War.
Some 53,780 gold bars, each weighing 12.5kg and worth €440,000, have been shipped to Germany over the last four years, said the bank. The last 100 tons were moved from...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Bundesbank, German Central Bank, Germany, gold, gold reserves, London, Mew-York, Paris

Polish Government Trolls ‘Arrogant’ Macron, after the French Overstepped his Boundaries

Polish Government Trolls ‘Arrogant’ Macron, after the French Overstepped his Boundaries

Polish officials said Emmanuel Macron was an arrogant and poorly informed person, who should mind his own business after the French president has irritated Warsaw, suggesting that the Poles deserved a government that would not isolate the country.
The toxic exchange comes as Macron is touring...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Beata Szydlo, Bulgaria, Eastern Europe, Emmanuel Macron, European Union, France, Poland, Varna

Trump Quietly Pardons ex-Sheriff and True Patriot Joe Arpaio

Trump Quietly Pardons ex-Sheriff and True Patriot Joe Arpaio

President Donald Trump has pardoned former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was awaiting sentencing after being convicted of contempt for targeting illegal immigrants.
A Friday evening statement from the White House said, “Today, President Donald J. Trump granted a...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: build that wall, MAGA, Make America Great Again, patriot, President Donald Trump, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, they need to go back

Friday, August 25, 2017

Lawyer for Google Whistleblower Raises Prospect of Class Action Lawsuit

Lawyer for Google Whistleblower Raises Prospect of Class Action Lawsuit

Harmeet Dhillon, the attorney representing ousted Google engineer James Damore, said that she is soliciting information from other Google employees subject to discrimination because of their political views, raising the prospect that she is preparing a class action lawsuit against the tech...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Alphabet Inc., class action lawsuit, Google, Harmeet Dhillon, James Damore

VIDEO: Nigger Student Chimps Out and Punches Teacher Repeatedly

VIDEO: Nigger Student Chimps Out and Punches Teacher Repeatedly

Police arrested a 16-year-old colored student that punched a Milwaukee teacher in the face, knocking him to the ground, and then repeatedly striking him as other students look on.
Cell phone video captured the exact moments a 16-year-old student went from a confrontation with a teacher to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: chimping out, dindu nuffin, Milwaukee, South Division High School, Wisconsin, WTMJ

Even with Affirmative Action Blacks and Hispanics are Too Dumb for College

Even with Affirmative Action Blacks and Hispanics are Too Dumb for College

Black and Hispanic students are more under-represented in colleges than they were decades ago, despite affirmative action bias in college admissions, a New York Times analysis found Thursday.
The New York Times analyzed admissions enrollment from 100 of the best Ivy League schools, liberal...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: affirmative action, Department of Education, Ivy League, low IQ, New York Times, race and intelligence, retarded races

Baltimore City Proves Again that Rich in Melanin Means Poor in Gray Matter

Baltimore City Proves Again that Rich in Melanin Means Poor in Gray Matter

All have that smart look in their eyes
Earlier this month, ‘Project Baltimore’, an investigative reporting initiative, which was launched in March 2017, by Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. uncovered a Baltimore City school with zero students proficient in math and the highest graduation rate in the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: african americans, colored people, dindu-nuffins, Maryland, niggers, Project Baltimore, zero net wealth, ZeroHedge

White House Will Send Transgender Rules to Pentagon in the Next Few Days

White House Will Send Transgender Rules to Pentagon in the Next Few Days

A White House memo banning transgenders from joining the military is set to be sent to the Pentagon in the next few days.
The memo, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, also instructs the Pentagon not to pay for medical treatments related to gender transition and grants Secretary of...[Read more ...]

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, James Mattis, memo, Pentagon, White House

Christian Group Sues SPLC for Defamation after Being Listed as 'Hate' Group

Christian Group Sues SPLC for Defamation after Being Listed as 'Hate' Group

A Christian TV ministry announced that it is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for labeling it a hate group, like the Ku Klux Klan.
Dr. Frank Wright, president of D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM), said he was suing the SPLC for listing DJKM in the infamous “hate map,” according to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: D. James Kennedy Ministries, DJKM, Dr. Frank Wright, Family Research Council, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Guess Which Country Wants to Start Removing Historical Names from Public Buildings

Guess Which Country Wants to Start Removing Historical Names from Public Buildings

The push to erase the exceptionalism of White Western culture is not something found only in the United States. There is a wave of attacks on white history and values, all over the Western World.
Just these days, a Canadian teachers’ union passed an August resolution urging Ontario schools to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, International
Tags: Canada, CBC News, Durham, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, ETFO, Jewish Influence, jews in education, Sir John A. Macdonald

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Here's How the Jews and ADL Won the Battle of Charlottesville

Here's How the Jews and ADL Won the Battle of Charlottesville

“We have been working on the ground and behind the scenes leading up to, during, and after the rally.”
             – Anita Gray, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the high point in a period of increasing Alt Right...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: ADL, Alt Right, Anti-Defamation League, Charlottesville, Jewish Influence, Jewish Opposition to Free Speech, jews in media, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Steve Cohen, the Goyim know

VIDEO: Anti-Trump Rioter Shot in the Nuts by Police

VIDEO: Anti-Trump Rioter Shot in the Nuts by Police

A leftist protester was struck in the crotch with a tear gas canister outside the Phoenix Convention Center Tuesday night after refusing to comply with police orders to vacate the area.
The  anti-Trump lefturd was one of hundreds of protesters who gathered, some as early as 3 p.m., outside the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Media, Politics
Tags: Arizona, MAGA, Make America Great Again, Phoenix Rally, police

Is it Significant that the USS John S. McCain was Damaged in a Collision on the Same Day as the Solar Eclipse?

Is it Significant that the USS John S. McCain was Damaged in a Collision on the Same Day as the Solar Eclipse?

Could it be possible that it wasn’t just a “coincidence” that a naval vessel named the USS “John S. McCain” was severely damaged on the exact same day as “the Great American Eclipse”?
I have previously written about how solar eclipses have long been believed to be warnings that judgment is...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: daily news, debt, economic collapse, end the fed, Federal Reserve, inflation, national debt, President Donald Trump, solar eclipse, trade, U.S. Economy, unemployment, USS John S. McCain

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

FALSE FLAG? Canadian Conservative Rebel Media Site Says He's Been Disrupted by it's Domain Provider

FALSE FLAG? Canadian Conservative Rebel Media Site Says He's Been Disrupted by it's Domain Provider

Typical Example of Jews as Controlled Opposition
Canada’s conservative Rebel Media said its domain provider cut its internet registration, making the site inaccessible to some users around the world on Monday as the company scrambled to get back online using a second provider.
Last week...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Media, Politics
Tags: alt light, Canada, controlled opposition, Daily Stormer, Ezra Levant, jews in media, neocohens, Toronto

Now That Kelly is Chief the Days Of Ivanka ‘Crying’ to Daddy ‘Are Over’, According to Bannon

Now That Kelly is Chief the Days Of Ivanka ‘Crying’ to Daddy ‘Are Over’, According to Bannon

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon celebrated Chief of Staff John Kelly’s ability to prevent Ivanka Trump from influencing her father through unscheduled emotion-laden visits to the oval office.
“Those days are over when Ivanka can run in and lay her head on the [president’s] desk...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Javanka, John Kelly, Kushner Mafia, neocons, Oval Office, Steve Bannon, White House

Monday, August 21, 2017

There's a Supreme Court Petition to Rid Google of Its Name

There's a Supreme Court Petition to Rid Google of Its Name

Two men that registered hundreds of domain names with the word “Google” in them sent a petition to the Supreme Court asking that it legally rescind the federal protections around the tech conglomerate’s proprietary name and turn it generic.
Chris Gillespie and David Elliott, the two plaintiffs,...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Chris Gillespie, David Elliott, genericide, Google, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Xerox

The Pope Pushes Again His Globalist Agenda

The Pope Pushes Again His Globalist Agenda

Pope Francis showed his true colors again, saying the “Rights of migrants should be above national security concerns”.
The globalist puppet on Monday urged countries to improve their welcome to migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and right to...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Red Pill
Tags: Catholic Church, George Soros, globalist puppet, illegal aliens, illegal migrants, Italy, Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini, Northern League, Pope Francis, propaganda, sub-Saharan parasites, they need to go back, Vatican

Economic Growth Does Not Equal Economic Strength

Economic Growth Does Not Equal Economic Strength

Recently while grabbing a handful of junk newspapers for recycling I could not help but notice the headline, “Indiana Needs Immigrants For Growth.”
It should be noted the publication in which the article appeared was one of those small pesky unprofitable government supported rags...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy
Tags: debt, end the fed, entitlement policies, exports, Federal Reserve, GDP, household debt, imports, interest rates, jobs, national debt, property prices

VIDEO: Judge Ambushed and Shot by Niggers at Ohio Courthouse

VIDEO: Judge Ambushed and Shot by Niggers at Ohio Courthouse

Judge Joseph J. Bruzzese Jr. was ambushed and shot outside Jefferson County Courthouse in Steubenville, Ohio.
According to James Mavromatis, city manager, there were two suspects in the shooting. One is dead, and a colored one is in custody.
The judge was walking from his car into the...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Black Lives Matter, BLM, dindu nuffin, James Mavromatis, Jefferson County, Joseph J. Bruzzese, Ohio, Steubenville

Moroccan Gang Arrested after Fatal Knife Rampage in Finland

Moroccan Gang Arrested after Fatal Knife Rampage in Finland

Five Moroccan citizens have been arrested in connection to the fatal stabbing rampage Friday in the Finnish city of Turku.
Two people were killed and another eight were injured in what police consider a terror attack. One suspect is still at large and an international arrest warrant has been...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Law Enforcement, Terrorism
Tags: Finland, Germany, illegal aliens, islam, Moroccans, muslims, Soldiers of Odin, they need to go back, Turku

Petition to Label Antifa a Terrorist Group hits 100k Signatures Required for White House Review

Petition to Label Antifa a Terrorist Group hits 100k Signatures Required for White House Review

A call on the Donald Trump administration to officially classify the Antifa movement as a terrorist organization has reached the 100,000-signature threshold for a mandatory response from the White House.
The petition was launched on Thursday, August 17, and in just three days, by Sunday...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Terrorism
Tags: Antifa terrorists, petition, terrorist organization, White House

CNN Changes Headline to Make Antifa Look Good after Complaining

CNN Changes Headline to Make Antifa Look Good after Complaining

CNN news changed a headline Sunday of a story on the Antifa movement after members of the group complained, according to the agency’s own editorial note on the story.
Journalist Sara Ganim and Chris Welch originally published the article under the headline “Unmasking the leftist Antifa...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Anarchism, antifa, black bloc, BLM, Charlottesville, CNN, Democratic Party, Donald Trump, fags and dykes, MSM

For These Tech Companies Progressivism Means Selling Out to China

For These Tech Companies Progressivism Means Selling Out to China

Several prominent tech companies and their leaders often espouse liberal progressive policies in acts of apparent self-righteousness while simultaneously eschewing the same stances when it comes to their respective conduct in China.
Derogatorily referred to as “social justice CEOs,” the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy, Politics
Tags: Amazon, Apple, communism, Facebook, Google, leftist corporations, progressive

Trumps is Losing Ground in 3 States that Helped him Win the White House

Trumps is Losing Ground in 3 States that Helped him Win the White House

President Donald Trump is losing key support in three states that helped him win the White House during the 2016 presidential election, according to a poll released Sunday.
The majority of voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania no longer approve of the president, according to a series...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Marist College, Michigan, NBC News, Pennsylvania, Steve Bannon, white voters, Wisconsin

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Capital-preservation Remains Priority One

Capital-preservation Remains Priority One

The Loss of Savings Reduces Our Options
A key first step towards achieving financial security is to take measures that ensure capital preservation. An investor and anyone that has worked hard to save and build a nest egg does not want to face having to start back at square one or even worse dig...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy
Tags: debt, end the fed, entitlement policies, exports, Federal Reserve, GDP, household debt, imports, interest rates, jobs, national debt, property prices

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Judge Rules IRS Can’t be Forced to Release Trump Tax Records

Judge Rules IRS Can’t be Forced to Release Trump Tax Records

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. dismissed a lawsuit seeking President Trump’s tax returns Friday, concluding the court cannot compel the IRS to produce the records without the president’s consent.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a Washington-based advocacy group that...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, FOIA, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, Judge James Boasberg, tax records, Trump’s tax returns

Twitter Rejects Anti-Illegal Immigration Ads as ‘Hate Speech’

Twitter Rejects Anti-Illegal Immigration Ads as ‘Hate Speech’

Twitter has rejected a conservative organization’s request to promote tweets highlighting the harmful effects of illegal immigration, apparently because using the word “illegal” to refer to immigrants violates the company’s hate speech rules.
Organizations can pay Twitter to re-up previously...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: censoring conservatives, censorship,, hate speech, Twitter

Catalan Police Identified the Killed Muslim Terrorists and Intensify Manhunt for Remaining Terror Cell Members

Catalan Police Identified the Killed Muslim Terrorists and Intensify Manhunt for Remaining Terror Cell Members

Catalan police have identified the five terrorists who were shot dead in Cambrils. Authorities say the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks, which left 14 people dead and some 130 others injured, was their plan B after a bombing plot was disrupted by the explosion in Alcanar.
We have already...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Barcelona, Cambrils, Catalonia, Moroccans, Mossos d'Esquadra, muslim terrorists, terrorists from Morocco

Friday, August 18, 2017

GOP Senator Asks Tillerson to Investigate Tainted Alcohol Incidents at Mexican Resorts

GOP Senator Asks Tillerson to Investigate Tainted Alcohol Incidents at Mexican Resorts

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on the State Department to look into a series of unsolved incidents involving tainted alcoholic drinks at resorts in Mexico, including one in the tourist hotspot of Playa Del Carmen that left a 20-year-old woman dead.
Johnson sent Secretary of State Rex...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Media, Politics
Tags: Abbey Conner, date rape drugs, GHB, GOP, Mexico, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Republican Party, Rex Tillerson, rohypnol, Ron Johnson

British Lawmaker Forced to Step Down for Calling Out ‘Pakistani Muslims Raping White Girls’

British Lawmaker Forced to Step Down for Calling Out ‘Pakistani Muslims Raping White Girls’

A British lawmaker was forced to step down Tuesday after facing criticism over a column she wrote to address Britain’s “problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.”
Sarah Champion resigned from Parliament almost one week after writing a column for the Sun in response...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Party, multiculturalism, Rotherham, Sarah Champion, UK, United Kingdom

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