Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Darren Osborne and the Finsbury Mosque Incident: A Rebellion Against the Idea that Revenge Could Even Be Contemplated

Darren Osborne and the Finsbury Mosque Incident: A Rebellion Against the Idea that Revenge Could Even Be Contemplated

At time of this writing, the Left and the British state are busily engaged in portraying a solitary, frustrated, drunken son of Albion as that great figure of myth — the ‘right wing extremist.’
By most accounts Darren Osborne is an everyman figure, a married father of four who enjoys his beer...[Read more ...]

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Category: Defense, International, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, Darren Osborne hero, diversity, Finsbury Mosque Incident, heritage, nationalism, Odinism, race, revenge will be swift, white pride

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