Friday, June 30, 2017

The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way

The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way

The borrower is the servant of the lender, and through the mechanism of government debt virtually the entire planet has become the servants of the global money changers.  Politicians love to borrow money, but over time government debt slowly but surely impoverishes a nation.  As the elite get...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Janet Yellen Says A New Financial Crisis Probably Won’t Happen ‘In Our Lifetimes’ But The BIS Says One Could Soon Hit ‘With A Vengeance’

Janet Yellen Says A New Financial Crisis Probably Won’t Happen ‘In Our Lifetimes’ But The BIS Says One Could Soon Hit ‘With A Vengeance’

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is quite convinced that the United States will not experience another financial crisis for a very long time to come.  In fact, she is publicly saying that she does not believe that another one will happen “in our lifetimes”.  But there are other central bankers...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

CNN Is Dead: Network Loses All Credibility As Producer Admits That The Entire Russia Narrative Is Fake News

CNN Is Dead: Network Loses All Credibility As Producer Admits That The Entire Russia Narrative Is Fake News

Nobody else needs to dig a grave for CNN because they are doing it themselves.  There has been scandal after scandal at the network, and now one of their producers has been caught on undercover video admitting that CNN has been pushing fake news stories about a connection between Donald Trump...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Federal Government Owns 61 Percent Of Idaho, 64 Percent Of Utah And 84 Percent Of Nevada

The Federal Government Owns 61 Percent Of Idaho, 64 Percent Of Utah And 84 Percent Of Nevada

Did you know that the federal government owns 28 percent of all land in the United States?  Today, the feds control approximately 640 million acres of land, and after decades of very poor management, many are calling on the states to take a larger role.  This is particularly true in the 11...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

VIDEO: Four Niggers Brutally Attack and Rob Two White Guys in New Orleans

VIDEO: Four Niggers Brutally Attack and Rob Two White Guys in New Orleans

The New Orleans Police Department has released video showing an attack that left a man critically wounded during a robbery Saturday night (June 24) in the French Quarter. The vicious robbery was reported just before 11 p.m. Saturday in the 200 block of Bienville Street.
Captured...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: Bienville Street, black on white crime, dindu nuffin, French Quarter, New Orleans, niggers

#MAGA: Supreme Court Allows Part of Trump Travel Ban to go Into Effect, Will Hear Case in October

#MAGA: Supreme Court Allows Part of Trump Travel Ban to go Into Effect, Will Hear Case in October

The US Supreme Court will hear arguments about President Donald Trump’s proposed travel ban against foreign nationals from six majority-Muslim countries in their next term. In the meantime, people with no relationship with the US won’t be able to enter.
The case will be heard...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: Make America Great Again, muslim ban, President Donald Trump, revised travel ban, SCOTUS, Supreme Court

Why Women Over 30 Are a No-Go Zone

Why Women Over 30 Are a No-Go Zone

There’s no escaping the stampede of fat, bitchy, American women. They’re everywhere you look, and everywhere you’re trying not to look. They’re at the grocery store, the mall, the workplace, the bar. They have become so common at this point, I would start a business selling them out of giant...[Read more ...]

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Category: Health, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: damaged goods, love and marriage, mens sana in corpore sano, relationship, western man

Chimping-Out at San Francisco Mall Forces Lockdown and Massive Police Response

Chimping-Out at San Francisco Mall Forces Lockdown and Massive Police Response

San Francisco’s Westfield mall was placed on temporary lockdown Sunday after a fight broke out leading to a massive police response.
A police officer was injured and a colored juvenile was arrested, authorities said, as reported by SF Gate. Police said the officer’s injuries were minor.
A...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: dindu nuffin, niggers, riot, San Francisco, Twitter, Westfield mall

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Nigger Couple Attacks Restaurant Owner Over Being Served Cold Chicken

Nigger Couple Attacks Restaurant Owner Over Being Served Cold Chicken

A Georgia colored couple Nathaniel Eric and Latasha Smith brutally assaulted a restaurant owner and her daughter after they were allegedly given cold food, new surveillance footage shows.
It happened just after 3 p.m. at the Qwik Chick takeout stand next to U.S. Highway 1. Owner Jeanette Norris...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Lifestyle
Tags: Baxley Police Department, Georgia, Jeanette Norris, Latasha Smith, Nathaniel Eric, Qwik Chick

John Podesta to be Interviewed by House Intel Committee in Secret Session

John Podesta to be Interviewed by House Intel Committee in Secret Session

Former Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta is set to be interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee in a secret session next week over Russia’s alleged interference of the U.S. electoral system during the 2016 run-up to the general election.
Yes, this is actually happening. Despite the...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Politics
Tags: DNC Leaks, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, PizzaGate, Seth Rich, WikiLeaks

Bernie Sanders’ Wife Lawyers Up Amid FBI Investigation for Bank Fraud

Bernie Sanders’ Wife Lawyers Up Amid FBI Investigation for Bank Fraud

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ wife, Jane Sanders, has hired two well-known attorneys amid an ongoing investigation into allegations she defrauded a bank while serving as president of the now-defunct Burlington College.
Jane Sanders served as president of Burlington College from 2004 until 2011...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Bernie Sanders, FBI, feel the burn, investigation, Jane Sanders

Melania Trump Attends Mnuchin’s Wedding in Jaw-Dropping Gown

Melania Trump Attends Mnuchin’s Wedding in Jaw-Dropping Gown

President Donald Trump, first lady Melania Trump and several Cabinet members attended the Saturday night wedding of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Scottish actress Louise Linton. It’s the second marriage for Linton, 36, and the third marriage for Mnuchin, 54.
Linton has appeared in...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: FLOTUS, Gilles Mendel, Louise Linton, Manolo Blahnik, Melania Trump, Mellon Auditorium, Mike Pence, President Donald Trump, Steven Mnuchin

Woman Driver Plows Through Muslims in Newcastle Injuring 6

Woman Driver Plows Through Muslims in Newcastle Injuring 6

A car has plowed into people gathering for Eid prayers near a Newcastle mosque, UK media reports. Six people have been injured and a female driver has been arrested, police said.
The crash occurred outside the Westgate Sports Centre, according to a Northumbria Police statement.
On Sunday June...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Newcastle, Newcastle mosque, Northumbria Police, RamAVan, Twitter, UK, United Kingdom, Westgate Sports Centre

No Muslims at The White House as Trump Declines to Host Ramadan Dinner

No Muslims at The White House as Trump Declines to Host Ramadan Dinner

President Donald Trump has declined to host a dinner to mark the end of Ramadan, ending a kiss-ass tradition that began under the Clinton administration. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also declined to host a reception to mark the event.
Instead of following the “tradition” on...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: no muslims allowed, President Donald Trump, Washington DC, White House

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Left is Triggered by the Identitarian Movement, Germany’s "New Right" Hipsters

The Left is Triggered by the Identitarian Movement, Germany’s "New Right" Hipsters

Activists of the ‘Identitarian Movement’ stand next to the quadriga on Brandenburg Gate, hold up a banner reading ‘protect the borders – save lives’ and have attached another banner to the monument reading ‘save borders – save future’ in Berlin, Germany, 27 August 2016.
A small but dramatic...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Lifestyle
Tags: Deutschland, Germany, heritage, Identitäre Bewegung, Identitarian Movement, Neue Rechte, patriotism, patriotismus, Robert Timm, White Europe, white pride

House Republicans to Vote on Two Bills that Tackle Illegal Immigration

House Republicans to Vote on Two Bills that Tackle Illegal Immigration

House Republicans are hoping to move forward a pair of bills that tackle illegal immigration next week to carry out President Donald Trump’s agenda of enforcing federal immigration laws.
One of the bills would boost penalties for deported immigrants that try to re-enter the country and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Bob Goodlatte, Donald Trump, illegal aliens, immigration, Kate Steinle, Kate's Law, sanctuary cities

Trump Wants Immigrants Off Welfare During Their First 5 Years

Trump Wants Immigrants Off Welfare During Their First 5 Years

President Donald Trump is asking Congress for new immigration policies that would prohibit new immigrants from going on welfare programs during their first five years in the country.
The president called for the policy during a speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Wednesday evening, Fox News...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Cedar Rapids, Donald Trump, immigration, Iowa, Technology Week, welfare

Belgian Town Tracks Hundreds of "Really Dangerous" Radicalized Individuals

Belgian Town Tracks Hundreds of "Really Dangerous" Radicalized Individuals

The Belgian city of Antwerp is monitoring 557 radicalized individuals, and it is now calling for more resources to prevent future terror attacks.
Antwerp Mayor Bart De Wever said 189 of the individuals are considered “really dangerous.” Almost 70 of them are currently in Syria, while 16 have...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Antwerp, Bart De Wever, islam, jihadists, muslims migrants

Like Blacks, Beaners are Also Retarded: Illiteracy Among Hispanic Immigrants Persists Across Generations According to Report

Like Blacks, Beaners are Also Retarded: Illiteracy Among Hispanic Immigrants Persists Across Generations According to Report

Hispanic immigrants and their children lag far behind other migrant populations in the U.S. when it comes to developing proficiency in English, according to a new analysis from a Washington immigration policy think tank.
About two-thirds of Hispanic immigrants who have been in the U.S. for at...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Science
Tags: beaners, genetics is a bitch, illegal aliens, La Raza, low IQ, mexicans, reading and writing, spics, sudacas, wetbacks

Campus Closes and Professor Flees State after Calling White People “Inhuman Assholes” and Saying “#LetThemFuckingDie

Campus Closes and Professor Flees State after Calling White People “Inhuman Assholes” and Saying “#LetThemFuckingDie

A college campus closed Wednesday and a professor reports having fled the state after calling white people “inhuman assholes” and saying “#LetThemFuckingDie.” After sharing a post to an article unambiguously titled, “Let Them Fucking Die,” Williams labelled white people...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: congressional shooting, Connecticut, Johnny Eric Williams, Trinity College, untermensch

Friday, June 23, 2017

Johnny Depp Floats the Idea of Trump Assassination

Johnny Depp Floats the Idea of Trump Assassination

Hollywood star Johnny Depp has become the latest celebrity to broach the subject of assassinating US President Donald Trump. He made the comments during an appearance at the Glastonbury Festival in England.
Amid what he described as the “chaotic madness” of the Somerset performing arts...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Terrorism
Tags: England, Glastonbury Festival, John Wilkes Booth, Johnny Depp, President Donald Trump

Warning: the "Resistance" is Turning Into American "Coup"

Warning: the "Resistance" is Turning Into American "Coup"

Democrats are using the Resistance Summer theme
It’s common knowledge that large numbers of Democrats simply have been unable to accept the results of the 2016 presidential election: a Donald Trump presidency and a departure from socialism of Barack Obama.
Democratic leaders apparently believed...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: AIPAC, CIA, Deep State, Donald Trump, James Comey, Russia

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Car Crashes Spike due to Legal Pot

Car Crashes Spike due to Legal Pot

One of the big bullet points to keep marijuana illegal is the increase in the number of stoned drivers on our nation’s roads.
The growing trend of legalized marijuana gets the blame for a rise in car crashes in marijuana states. The Highway Loss Data Institute is investigating now that the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: 420, accident insurance claims, cars, Colorado, marijuana, Oregon, Washington

Seth Rich "Likely" Murdered by Hired Killer, According to Independent Investigators

Seth Rich "Likely" Murdered by Hired Killer, According to Independent Investigators

DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was brutally murdered on July 10, 2016, on a street near his Washington home – sparking discussion that he might have been the source of party insider emails turned over to WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential race – probably wasn’t the victim of a random...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: DNC Leaks, Hillary Clinton, hired killer, hitman, John Podesta, Seth Rich, Washington DC, WikiLeaks

The Way Congress Is Handling Health Care Shows Why They Only Have A 17 Percent Approval Rating

The Way Congress Is Handling Health Care Shows Why They Only Have A 17 Percent Approval Rating

The Senate health care bill was unveiled on Thursday, and it appears to be dead on arrival.  At least four conservative senators say that they can’t vote for the current version because it doesn’t go far enough, while several moderate Republicans are expressing concerns that it goes too far in...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Texas Fights Back Against LGBT Propaganda in School Curriculum: "This is Houston, not San Francisco"

Texas Fights Back Against LGBT Propaganda in School Curriculum: "This is Houston, not San Francisco"

Christian leaders in Houston are pushing back against a recommendation from Houston Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Richard Carranza to add LGBTQ studies to the system’s U.S. history curriculum.
Carranza, speaking during a meeting hosted by the Houston Defender, a publication...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: Greg Abbott, Houston, LGBTQ propaganda, Rev. Dave Welch, school curriculum, Texas

#Vault7: CIA’s ‘Brutal Kangaroo’ Malware can Infiltrate World’s Most Secure Networks

#Vault7: CIA’s ‘Brutal Kangaroo’ Malware can Infiltrate World’s Most Secure Networks

WikiLeaks’ latest release in its Vault7 series details how the CIA’s alleged ‘Brutal Kangaroo’ program is being used to penetrate the most secure networks in the world.
Brutal Kangaroo, a tool suite for Microsoft Windows, targets closed air gapped networks by using thumb drives, according to...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Science, Terrorism
Tags: Brutal Kangaroo, CIA, Julian Assange, malware, Microsoft Windows, secret program, Vault 7, WikiLeaks

Judge Acts Quickly on the Claim Comey Obstructed Justice

Judge Acts Quickly on the Claim Comey Obstructed Justice

A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has acted quickly in a case alleging fired FBI chief James Comey obstructed justice by burying an investigation into the mass surveillance of Americans by their government.

As reported yesterday, whistleblower Dennis Montgomery – who worked as a contractor...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Politics
Tags: Dennis Montgomery, FBI, Freedom Watch, James Comey, Larry Klayman, mass surveillance, NSA, obstruction of justice

Full Retard Canada Part II: Montreal Celebrates 8-Year-Old Drag Queen and The Perverted Sexualization of Children

Full Retard Canada Part II: Montreal Celebrates 8-Year-Old Drag Queen and The Perverted Sexualization of Children

Montreal, the Canadian cesspool has a new “hero”: an eight-year-old “drag queen” going by the name “Lactatia” (real name Nemis Quinn Mélançon Golden). Hundreds of members of the city’s gay, lesbian, transsexual freak population have lauded the poor youngster as being “adorable” and as a role...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Canada, full retard, Lactatia, leftist propaganda, LGBT freaks, Montreal, Nemis Quinn Mélançon Golden

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Are The ‘Toxic’ Democrats Destined To Become A Permanent Minority Party?

Are The ‘Toxic’ Democrats Destined To Become A Permanent Minority Party?

It has become exceedingly clear that the Democratic Party is in deep trouble.  Close to 55 million dollars was spent on the race in Georgia’s sixth congressional district, and that shattered all kinds of records.  Democrat Jon Ossoff was able to raise and spend six times as much money as Karen...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Darren Osborne and the Finsbury Mosque Incident: A Rebellion Against the Idea that Revenge Could Even Be Contemplated

Darren Osborne and the Finsbury Mosque Incident: A Rebellion Against the Idea that Revenge Could Even Be Contemplated

At time of this writing, the Left and the British state are busily engaged in portraying a solitary, frustrated, drunken son of Albion as that great figure of myth — the ‘right wing extremist.’
By most accounts Darren Osborne is an everyman figure, a married father of four who enjoys his beer...[Read more ...]

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Category: Defense, International, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, Darren Osborne hero, diversity, Finsbury Mosque Incident, heritage, nationalism, Odinism, race, revenge will be swift, white pride

Democrats and Lefturds Already Blaming Ossoff Loss on Hacks

Democrats and Lefturds Already Blaming Ossoff Loss on Hacks

Not even 24 hours after Karen Handel defeated Jon Ossoff in Georgia’s special congressional election Tuesday evening, Democrats began blaming the election results on possible hacks.
The special election in Georgia’s 6th district Tuesday night resulted in a 52-48 victory for Republican candidate...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Georgia, Jon Ossoff, Karen Handel, Twitter

Sheeple Have to Adapt to Terrorism Says Belgian Prime Minister After Failed Brussels Bombing

Sheeple Have to Adapt to Terrorism Says Belgian Prime Minister After Failed Brussels Bombing

A man blows up an explosive device in the station in Brussels. The man was shot by soldiers afterwards in what prosecutors are treating as a “terrorist attack.” He lay still for several hours while a bomb squad checked whether he was carrying more explosives and later died. No one...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Belgium, Brussels, Brussels terror attack, Islamic terrorism

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Democrats after Georgia Election Loss

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Democrats after Georgia Election Loss

Donald Trump, Jr. took a swipe at Democrats after Republican Karen Handel won Georgia’s special election for its sixth district on Tuesday.
Handel claimed victory over Democrat John Ossoff in one of the most expensive House races to date. Democrats are estimated to have spent more than...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: 2016 Elections, Democratic Party, Donald Trump Jr., Georgia, Jon Ossoff, social media, South Carolina, Twitter

Bernie Sanders asks Supporters to Act in “Unprecedented Ways” Only a Week After One of his Supporters Tried Killing People

Bernie Sanders asks Supporters to Act in “Unprecedented Ways” Only a Week After One of his Supporters Tried Killing People

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) told supporters to act in “unprecedented” ways and to fight back in every way they can during a Facebook live event on Monday.
Sanders was responding to a question about what average citizens can do to stop and fight the proposed Republican health care...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Terrorism
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Facebook, James T. Hodgkinson, liberalism is a mental disorder

MIT to Close Minorities' Dorm Because They're too Stupid to Graduate on Time

MIT to Close Minorities' Dorm Because They're too Stupid to Graduate on Time

Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced recently that it will close a dorm favored by many minority students because of the low graduation rate and illegal drug abuse among its occupants.
While the average four-year graduation rate at MIT is 83.7%, only 59.7% of students who live in...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Meritocracy, MIT, Senior House

Apu, Take your Poo to the Loo: Glasgow University Informs "Diverse" Students that ONLY Toilets are for Defecation

Apu, Take your Poo to the Loo: Glasgow University Informs "Diverse" Students that ONLY Toilets are for Defecation

Glasgow, Scotland’s University of Strathclyde has had to spell out for its student body the proper place to take a dump. The university has told its students to stop defecating in the showers and dustbins, blaming the problem on the “multi-cultural population”.
The Telegraph reports the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, International
Tags: Glasgow, multiculturalism, Scotland, subhumans, United Kingdom, University of Strathclyde, untermenschen

The Alpha Males: Republicans are Having More Sex than Democrats According to Study

The Alpha Males: Republicans are Having More Sex than Democrats According to Study

It turns out that Republicans are having sex more frequently than Democrats, a study published Monday revealed.
The study, conducted by Professor Nicholas H. Wolfinger, examined the sex lives of Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Independents and Republicans are more likely to have sex at...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: alpha males, beta cucks, democrats, General Social Survey, Independents, lifestyle, Nicholas H. Wolfinger, politics, Republicans, University of Utah

Ford's Pipe Dream: Plans to Move Production to China and Sell Cars Back to US

Ford's Pipe Dream: Plans to Move Production to China and Sell Cars Back to US

Ford Motor Co. announced Tuesday that it is moving production for the new Focus to China and has plans to start selling vehicles back to the U.S. in two years.
As sales of small cars have dropped in the U.S., car companies are attempting to reduce production costs. Ford’s president of global...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy, Politics
Tags: China, Ford, Ford Focus, Ford Motor, Joe Hinrichs

"Meritocracy" is a Microaggression According to Rowan University BrainWashers

"Meritocracy" is a Microaggression According to Rowan University BrainWashers

Rowan University released guidelines for professors explaining how they can “interrupt microaggressions” that include the “myth of meritocracy,” color blindness, and the phrase “that’s so gay.”
The guidelines are divided into three category, one identifying the microaggression, the second...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: jews in education, Meritocracy, opinion makers, Rowan University, that’s so gay

James Comey and FBI Sued for Obstruction of Justice

James Comey and FBI Sued for Obstruction of Justice

A former contractor for several secret federal agencies and his attorney, who both sued former FBI Director James Comey claiming he obstructed justice by burying an investigation into the mass surveillance of Americans, are asking a federal court for a protection order preventing the...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Dennis Montgomery, FBI, Freedom Watch, illegally and unconstitutionally spying, James Comey, Larry Klayman

European Kangaroo Court Rules Russia Can No Longer Ban "Gay Propaganda"

European Kangaroo Court Rules Russia Can No Longer Ban "Gay Propaganda"

The Russian law banning the promotion of homosexuality breaches articles of the European treaty, the European Court of Human Rights ruled Tuesday.
Under current legislation, any event or act regarded by the authorities as an attempt to promote homosexuality to minors is illegal. The law has...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: European Court, faggots, gay propaganda, NGOs, Russia, Vladimir Putin

Despite his Bullshit Propaganda Sanders still Not Paying Interns a "Living Wage"

Despite his Bullshit Propaganda Sanders still Not Paying Interns a "Living Wage"

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has been a vocal advocate for the United States raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, but he is unwilling to pay his interns the same amount.
Back in April, Democrats united behind Sanders’ legislation that would raise the minimum wage from $7.25...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, leftist propaganda, minimum wage

Georgia 6th District Defends the Wall, Berniecrat Jon Ossoff gets the Boot

Georgia 6th District Defends the Wall, Berniecrat Jon Ossoff gets the Boot

Democrat Jon Ossoff’s expensive bid to flip Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District fell short on Tuesday as he lost to Republican Karen Handel, who he had defeated by 28 percentage points in the election’s first round of voting two months ago.
The election was called by CNN...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Georgia, Jon Ossoff, Karen Handel, Nancy Pelosi

69 Percent Of Americans Do Not Have An Adequate Emergency Fund

69 Percent Of Americans Do Not Have An Adequate Emergency Fund

Do you have an emergency fund?  If you even have one penny in emergency savings, you are already ahead of about one-fourth of the country.  I write about this stuff all the time, but it always astounds me how many Americans are literally living on the edge financially.  Back in 2008 when the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

When History Is Rewritten The Truth Is Lost

When History Is Rewritten The Truth Is Lost

Somewhere between fake news and the passing of time in a world where being politically correct trumps honesty is the place where we are slowly rewriting history. We often get it wrong or later are told we did, so no wonder we are confused. The fascinating chart below shows how beliefs morph or...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Protecting ISIS, US Could be Headed for a Major Showdown With Iran and Russia in Syria

Protecting ISIS, US Could be Headed for a Major Showdown With Iran and Russia in Syria

A picture is worth a thousand words: ISIS and US Army fighting side by side.
The U.S. could increasingly find itself engaging Syrian regime, Iranian, and even Russian military assets as the campaign to retake the Islamic State’s capital of Raqqa escalates.
The Syrian regime and Iranian militias...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Iran, ISIS, Russia, Syria, United States

There's a Drop in Summer Work for Teenagers Due to Increased Immigration

There's a Drop in Summer Work for Teenagers Due to Increased Immigration

The rise of low-skill immigration in recent decades, combined with other factors, has reduced the ability of teenagers to get summer jobs, according to the Atlantic.
“In the summer of 1978, 60 percent of teens were working or looking for work,” the Atlantic‘s Derek Thompson recently...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy, Politics
Tags: illegal aliens, immigration, jobs, summer work, teenagers, youth unemployment

McCain Institute in Crosshairs for Conflict of Interests after Donations from Soros and Clinton-Linked Teneo

McCain Institute in Crosshairs for Conflict of Interests after Donations from Soros and Clinton-Linked Teneo

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain in 2012 turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name, the McCain Institute for International Leadership.
The institute is intended to serve as a “legacy” for McCain and “is...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Politics
Tags: Clinton Global Initiative, George Soros, John McCain, RINO, Teneo

Monday, June 19, 2017

‘When I say cut taxes, I don’t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing’

‘When I say cut taxes, I don’t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing’

The quote in the headline comes from Ron Paul, and it should be the goal of every conservative lawmaker in the entire country.  When professional politicians tell you that they are in favor of reforming the tax code or reducing taxes a little bit, essentially what they are telling you is that...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

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