Thursday, May 25, 2017

Macron, May & Merkel: The Childless Leaders that Bring White Genocide to Europe

Macron, May & Merkel: The Childless Leaders that Bring White Genocide to Europe

What do Macron, May, and Merkel have in common, apart from their neatly alliterative names and being leaders of Europe’s largest nations? They have no children. They are by no means exceptional, however, in this respect. Many European political leaders are childless.
The same is true of...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, European Union, feminism, globalist agenda, Marc Rutte, Nicola Sturgeon, Paolo Gentiloni, Simonetta Sommaruga, Theresa May, white genocide, Xavier Bettel

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