Friday, March 30, 2018

“Hispanics are natural conservatives” — The Dangerous Myth

“Hispanics are natural conservatives” — The Dangerous Myth

The left has their evil platitudes — “diversity is our greatest strength” and “we are a nation of immigrants,” among others. Those in the so-called conservative movement have their own goofy and fictitious one-liners as well — “Israel is our greatest ally” and “Hispanics are natural conservative...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Our March 31st Federal Fundraising Deadline Is In 3 Days, And We Really Need A Miracle

Our March 31st Federal Fundraising Deadline Is In 3 Days, And We Really Need A Miracle

There are just 48 days left until election day on May 15th, and my race for Congress is incredibly close.  This week I learned that our numbers have improved even more, and we are the only campaign with any significant momentum, but I cannot stress enough how tight things are at the moment.  As w...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Review: Travels in Cultural Nihilism: Some Essays

Review: Travels in Cultural Nihilism: Some Essays

Travels in Cultural Nihilism: Some Essays Stephen Pax Leonard
Arktos, 2017
“Many people advised me to write it under a pseudonym, for sailing too close to the wind is a dangerous business these days…It will perhaps mark my ‘swan song,’ academically speaking at least.” Thus begins Travels in Cul...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tesla Update - Model 3 Production And Cash Burn Worry

Tesla Update - Model 3 Production And Cash Burn Worry

Tesla Needs Some Good News As Concerns Grow

It has been a while since we have heard any good news flowing from Tesla. This is making some people wonder if the company is slowly losing its aura. It does not help that we are now hearing about how a Tesla Model X driving on Highway 101...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Media And Politicians Rush To Blame Social Media

Media And Politicians Rush To Blame Social Media

Zuckerberg And Facebook Are In The Hotseat!

Oh, the irony of it all as mainstream media and politicians rush to blame social media for our cultural woes. Facebook has stepped into the sunlight and has found transparency to be rather unflattering. While I’m not a fan of Mark...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Eurasian Grey Wolf Supremacism

Eurasian Grey Wolf Supremacism

A hybrid between a wolf and a German Shepherd

A recent study has revealed that there has been recurrent mating between dogs and wolves throughout Eurasia:
The international study showed that around 60 per cent of Eurasian grey wolf genomes carried small blocks of the DNA of domestic dogs,...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, March 25, 2018

When Buy The Dip Becomes, "Sell the Rally"

When Buy The Dip Becomes, "Sell the Rally"

Markets Have A Way Of Drawing Us In

In every market there comes a day when it runs out of steam and tops out. That is when, in this case, “Buy The Dip becomes, Sell the Rally” or better yet maybe “get the hell out of the market.” The mistakes people make while...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rape-Gangs Unlimited: Third-World People Mean Third-World Pathologies

Rape-Gangs Unlimited: Third-World People Mean Third-World Pathologies

The horseshoe crab is a living fossil. So is the Daily Mirror. It was traditionally the newspaper of the respectable White working-class in Britain. They voted Labour and believed in hard work and education, but they were hostile to Third-World immigration. They were socially conservative too,...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The Omnibus Bill Represents Washington's Failure

The Omnibus Bill Represents Washington's Failure

 Omnibus Means “Everything In”

The Omnibus Sending Bill just passed and signed into law represents all that is wrong with Washington and its failure to face the problems confronting America. An omnibus bill by its nature covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics. ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The Budget-Busting $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill That Was Just Passed By Congress Is A Betrayal Of The American People

The Budget-Busting $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill That Was Just Passed By Congress Is A Betrayal Of The American People

I don’t know if I even have the words to express how disgusted I am with the omnibus spending bill that was just rushed through Congress.  Members of the House of Representatives were given less than 24 hours to read this 2,232 page monstrosity of a bill before they were expected to vote on it, a...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Stock Market Falls Another 724 Points! What In The World Is Happening On Wall Street?

The Stock Market Falls Another 724 Points! What In The World Is Happening On Wall Street?

We just witnessed the 5th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history.  On Thursday the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 724 points, and many believe that this is just the beginning of another huge wave down for stock prices.  After this latest dramatic decline, the Dow is now down ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Identity Politics and the Growing Cultural Rift in America

Identity Politics and the Growing Cultural Rift in America

Identity politics combined with cultural and ethnic differences are causing a divide between rural and urban America.
The demographic change in the American electorate has many political consequences for how campaigns are run. Growing partisanship coupled with ideological radicalization of the ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

How Much Wealth Will Escape the Next Economic Crisis?

How Much Wealth Will Escape the Next Economic Crisis?

The Shell Game Of Wealth Transfer

How much wealth will escape the next large economic crisis is very important because it will set the bar that determines the rate of inflation or deflation in coming years. If you believe we did not solve many of our financial problems after 2008 but...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Last Financial Deadline Before The Election Is In 11 Days And We Need Your Help

The Last Financial Deadline Before The Election Is In 11 Days And We Need Your Help

With just 56 days to go until election day, this race for Congress is still incredibly close right now.  Our numbers have been surging, but there are four candidates very closely grouped together, and the truth is that any of the four of us could potentially win this thing on May 15th.  We are i...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Ben Stiller and “Meet the Parents”

Ben Stiller and “Meet the Parents”

Life does not seem good for poor Harvey Weinstein, as it is now reported that his once high-flying production company will likely file for bankruptcy after his sexual harassment scandal has clearly metastasized. As reported at the end of February, “Harvey Weinstein’s film and TV production com...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, March 19, 2018

Reply to Nathan Cofnas’s Review of “The Culture of Critique”

Reply to Nathan Cofnas’s Review of “The Culture of Critique”

I have posted a reply to @nathancofnas at Research Gate as a preprint–their term for unpublished manuscripts seeking comments. Comments may be sent to I will continue working on this & eventually submit to an academic journal
— Kevin Mac...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Stock Buybacks Driving Market - Where It Might Take Us!

Stock Buybacks Driving Market - Where It Might Take Us!

This is the second part of a two-part series. The first explored how stock buybacks have been instrumental in driving this market higher since QE fueled easy money starting in 2009. This part focuses on what is ahead and how the recently passed Trump tax plan has supercharged this trend just as...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Judging by Appearances

Judging by Appearances

How to Judge People by What They Look LikeEdward Dutton
Self-published, 2018
107 pages, $14.19 paperback, free in Kindle
Anthropologist Ed Dutton will be familiar to some readers for his work with Richard Lynn (including the book Race and Sport) and as an occasional contributor to The...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Stock Buybacks Driving Market - Its Current Status!

Stock Buybacks Driving Market - Its Current Status!

A slew of stories and articles have hit the news recently about how companies buying back their own stock are driving the market higher. I would be amiss not to comment on this and point out the impact and importance of stock buybacks and how they add to both low volatility and at the same ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Very Jewish Scandal: The Newmark Affair as Paradigm of Jewish Corruption

A Very Jewish Scandal: The Newmark Affair as Paradigm of Jewish Corruption

Jewish scandals are like earthquakes: sooner or later, another is bound to strike. Sometimes they shake giant companies and reputations to the ground. Think of Robert Maxwell in the United Kingdom and Bernie Madoff in the United States. But there’s also a very big difference between Jewish s...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Terminated by PayPal. Also a New Mailbox

Terminated by PayPal. Also a New Mailbox

Well, it finally happened. I never understood why it took so long, but PayPal has finally bounced TOO as part of the campaign against the Alt Right and truth-telling generally, presumably pressured by the usual suspects. The PayPal buttons have been taken off the donations page, and recurring...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Independent Journalist Exposes How Social Media Companies Are Systematically Silencing Conservative Voices

Independent Journalist Exposes How Social Media Companies Are Systematically Silencing Conservative Voices

Ben Swann has done it again.  A new video that he just released about the stunning purge of conservative voices that we are now witnessing has already been viewed more than 24,000 times on YouTube alone.  I have been writing about all of this censorship quite a bit recently as well, but up until ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"The "Stop Globalization" Or Populist Movement Part-Two

"The "Stop Globalization" Or Populist Movement Part-Two

Trade Is Often Blamed For Loss Of Jobs

Immigration is an issue that can be looped back around and linked to globalization. As mentioned in part one of this series the topic of anti-globalism or populism all folds back into a larger discussion. Framing growing anti-globalism in the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Reflections on “Darkest Hour”

Reflections on “Darkest Hour”

Darkest Hour centers around the conflict of whether Winston Churchill, at the low point of the war from his perspective in May of 1940, should negotiate/capitulate to Hitler, or fight on against all odds.  We all know the basic contours of this history.  While the expected dramatic liberties a...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, March 12, 2018

Chapitre 3 de “Culture de la critique” : LES JUIFS ET LA GAUCHE

Chapitre 3 de “Culture de la critique” : LES JUIFS ET LA GAUCHE

Je n’ai jamais pu comprendre ce que le judaïsme avait à voir avec le marxisme, et en quoi se poser des questions sur ce dernier équivalait à être déloyal envers le Dieu d’Abraham, d’Isaac et de Jacob.
(Ralph de Toledano [1996,50] discutant de ses expériences avec des intel...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The "Stop Globalization" Or Populist Movement Soars!

The "Stop Globalization" Or Populist Movement Soars!

Populism & Anti-Globalism – A Power To The People Theme

Populism has been on a tear the last several years altering how events are being framed. One of the major issues confronting us today is trade. Whether you share Trump’s view that tariffs will help set things...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

A Member Of Congress Explains Why The Corruption In Congress Is Much Worse Than You Think

A Member Of Congress Explains Why The Corruption In Congress Is Much Worse Than You Think

What would you say if I told you that committee chairs were for sale in Congress?  And what would you say if I told you that many members of Congress spend far more time on the telephone raising money than on the jobs that the people of their states actually elected them to do?  There is a r...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Don’t Give People a Club to Beat You Over the Head With

Don’t Give People a Club to Beat You Over the Head With

In November of 2016, I wrote an article called “The Alt-Right and Tyler Durden’s Advice” (I’ll get into the meaning of the Tyler Durden reference at the end of this writing), and in December, the next month, I did a modification of it called “Seize the Center: A Critique of the Alt Right, Includ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, March 9, 2018

Review of Nothing Sacred: The Truth about Judaism

Review of Nothing Sacred: The Truth about Judaism

I had known about Douglas Rushkoff’s treatment of Judaism; Nothing Sacred: The Truth about Judaism, for some time and had always meant to read and review it.[i] A video of Rushkoff discussing his take on Judaism surfaced online discussing the infamous ‘Barbara Spectre moment’ — that is a politic...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Job Friday Is A Reminder It Is Good Jobs We Want

Job Friday Is A Reminder It Is Good Jobs We Want

Today has come to be known as “Job Friday.” This is the day when the BLS releases its latest jobs report that is watched closely by economists and investors. The report suggests whether the American economy is on track and its future path. This should also be a reminder that...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Are The Social Media Giants Trying To Steal The 2018 Elections By Censoring Conservative Websites?

Are The Social Media Giants Trying To Steal The 2018 Elections By Censoring Conservative Websites?

Nobody is disputing the fact that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media giants are censoring conservative material.  In fact, this is probably the largest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet.  Obviously this is going to cause large numbers of people to stop u...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, March 8, 2018

“Cutting the Throat of Whiteness”: The Suffering of White South Africans May Redeem the West

“Cutting the Throat of Whiteness”: The Suffering of White South Africans May Redeem the West

“The time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice.”
These are the words of Julius Malema, the head off South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters party/gang. To use a contemporary cultural reference point, Malema is essentially the Killmonger to Nelson Mandela’s to T’challa, a more...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

“Too Reflexively Ornery”:  E. Michael Jones and “Culture Wars,” Part 2 of 2

“Too Reflexively Ornery”:  E. Michael Jones and “Culture Wars,” Part 2 of 2

Jones often responds to Letters to the Editor, and the September 2017 issue was no exception, with Jones volunteering that “It is clear that the Jews are orchestrating Muslim migration to destroy European Christian culture.” Yes, Jones has read Kevin MacDonald and is familiar with this and oth...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

“Too Reflexively Ornery”:  E. Michael Jones and “Culture Wars,” Part 1 of 2

“Too Reflexively Ornery”:  E. Michael Jones and “Culture Wars,” Part 1 of 2

In January, I wrote about E. Michael Jones and his book on usury, Barren Metal (Part one and Part two). In that review, I called Dr. Jones a “Catholic iconoclast” and “welcome maverick,” and I labeled his writing “little short of incendiary.” That seems to be the consensus about him. For instanc...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Nuclear Weapons - We Are Ready To Launch

Nuclear Weapons - We Are Ready To Launch

Make No Mistake, We Are Ready To Launch

When talking about nuclear weapons it is important to put the issue in perspective. Russia retains a relatively large arsenal, but no other country is capable of deploying more than a few hundred nuclear warheads. A single Ohio-class submarine...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Trey Gowdy Is Leaving Washington And Going Home

Trey Gowdy Is Leaving Washington And Going Home

To those of us who keep an eye on Washington whether a person has a positive or negative opinion of Trey Gowdy the thing they may find most impressive about Gowdy is that he has had enough of Washington and has the courage to say that he wants out. Gowdy appeared on Face The Nation recently and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Pensions Are A Financial Time Bomb Waiting To Explode!

Pensions Are A Financial Time Bomb Waiting To Explode!

Problems and concerns over the stability of our pension systems can drop from sight but have a way of quickly resurfacing. An article about how a former Sanitation Department worker is pulling in

Pensions A Financial Time Bomb Waiting To Explode!

an astonishing $285,047 a year pension...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

This Is The Worst Purge Of Conservative Voices In The History Of The Internet

This Is The Worst Purge Of Conservative Voices In The History Of The Internet

In recent weeks, we have witnessed an unprecedented social media crackdown on conservative voices.  YouTube’s war with Alex Jones has gotten the most attention, but literally hundreds of conservative content creators have had their accounts penalized, suspended or deleted by YouTube, Facebook, Tw...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Dialing For Dollars: Members Of Congress Are Instructed To Spend 4 Hours A Day On The Telephone Raising Money

Dialing For Dollars: Members Of Congress Are Instructed To Spend 4 Hours A Day On The Telephone Raising Money

When I made the decision to run for Congress, I figured that I better learn how members of the House of Representatives actually spend their time, and what I learned chilled me to the core.  It turns out that both parties instruct their members to spend approximately four hours a day on the ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

What Do You Think Would Have Happened To America If Hillary Clinton Had Won The Election?

What Do You Think Would Have Happened To America If Hillary Clinton Had Won The Election?

As I travel up and down Idaho’s first congressional district, I frequently talk with voters about how we almost lost everything in November 2016.  When I ask what a Hillary Clinton presidency would have meant for this country, almost every single time I get a response like “it would have been ove...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Apartheid as Seen by the Boers: The Population History of South Africa

Apartheid as Seen by the Boers: The Population History of South Africa

Editorial note: This is Part 2 of an article that appeared in TOO in 2011 and, relevant to the current program of dispossessing White farmers, gives some of the background of the crisis faced by the Boers whose origins in South Africa date to 1652.
Part 1.
Apartheid: A Just War for Demographic S...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

RussianGate, Collusion, Meddling, And False Flags

RussianGate, Collusion, Meddling, And False Flags

The subject of Russian meddling in the American election process seems a subject that will never go away. By now most people seem to have made up their mind as to whether they are outraged, simply concerned or take the attitude this is all “much ado about nothing“.  Two things for ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

12 Years In A Row And Counting: The U.S. Has Not Had A Year Of 3 Percent Economic Growth In More Than A Decade

12 Years In A Row And Counting: The U.S. Has Not Had A Year Of 3 Percent Economic Growth In More Than A Decade

If the U.S. economy is in good shape, then why has economic growth been so anemic for more than a decade?  It has been 12 long years since the economy grew by at least 3 percent, and for most of that time my website has been one of the leading voices chronicling America’s long-term economic pr...[Read more ...]

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