Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Who Was Revilo Oliver?

Who Was Revilo Oliver?

Revilo Oliver

It is not often one encounters someone with a palindromic name, spelled the same forward and backward.   Revilo Oliver (1908–1994), a classics professor at the University of Illinois, had one.  But Oliver’s claim to fame went far beyond his intriguing name: if a thorough history ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Gun Sales Skyrocket As Gun Owners Brace For An All-Out Assault On Our Second Amendment Rights

Gun Sales Skyrocket As Gun Owners Brace For An All-Out Assault On Our Second Amendment Rights

Every time the left goes into a gun grabbing frenzy, gun sales always end up going through the roof.  In the aftermath of the recent tragedy in Florida, we are seeing an all-out assault on our 2nd Amendment rights like we haven’t seen in decades.  Politicians from both parties are pushing for new...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Richard Lynn, Cultural Marxism, and the War on Objective Science

Richard Lynn, Cultural Marxism, and the War on Objective Science

Richard Lynn is one of very few academics whose impact on their discipline is such that the field could scarcely be discussed without referring to him. In psychology, and particularly the study of intelligence, Lynn has carved out a dominant, innovative, and extraordinarily productive career...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tell Us What You Think – Will More Gun Control Make America A Safer Place?

Tell Us What You Think – Will More Gun Control Make America A Safer Place?

The left has decided that the great tragedy that we just witnessed down in Florida is an opportunity to try to grab our guns.  We are witnessing an all-out assault on the 2nd Amendment like we haven’t seen in decades, and this will undoubtedly be one of the most hotly debated issues as we head in...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Automakers Face Ugly And Bumpy Road Full Of Potholes!

Automakers Face Ugly And Bumpy Road Full Of Potholes!

The road ahead looks very challenging for automakers with problems building and lurking around every corner. The major reason the automobile industry took a beating during the 2008 downturn was that the world was mired in overcapacity. When this occurs companies are forced to cut prices and are...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Terminated by PayPal. Also a New Mailbox

Terminated by PayPal. Also a New Mailbox

Well, it finally happened. I never understood why it took so long, but PayPal has finally bounced TOO as part of the campaign against the Alt Right and truth-telling generally, presumably pressured by the usual suspects. The PayPal buttons have been taken off the donations page, and recurring...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, February 23, 2018

“The New Jim Crow” As Seen from the Right.

“The New Jim Crow” As Seen from the Right.

Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness is a text I’ve come across many times over the years. In fact, I don’t know if there is a single time I have walked into a major bookstore and have not seen the book displayed in prominence on an end cap or ce...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

William Pierce and Cosmotheism

William Pierce and Cosmotheism

During the early 1970s, the late white activist Dr. William Pierce formulated a religious orientation he called Cosmotheism to provide the spiritual basis for the direction he was taking in his racial work.  Pierce had serious reservations about Christianity’s appropriateness for white people an...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, February 19, 2018

Housing Policy Feeds And Hides Growing Problems

Housing Policy Feeds And Hides Growing Problems

An Estimated 80% Of New Units Are High-End Luxury Units

Some of the things occurring in the apartment industry have big implications for both the economy and society. Make no mistake the government is up to its eyeballs in housing and this extends into apartments. Low mortgage rates and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Greek Biopolitics and Its Unfortunate Demise in Western Thinking

Greek Biopolitics and Its Unfortunate Demise in Western Thinking

Mika Ojakangas, On the Origins of Greek Biopolitics: A Reinterpretation of the History of BiopowerLondon and New York: Routledge, 2016
Mika Ojakangas is a professor of political theory, teaching at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. He has written a succinct and fairly comprehensive o...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Debt Cancer: More Than 80 Percent Of American Adults Owe Somebody Else Money

Debt Cancer: More Than 80 Percent Of American Adults Owe Somebody Else Money

How long can our debt levels keep growing much, much faster than the overall economy?  We haven’t had a year of 3 percent growth for the U.S. economy since the middle of the Bush administration, but we keep borrowing money as if there is no tomorrow.  Much of the focus has been on the exploding d...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The Next 90 Days Will Determine Whether Michael Snyder Goes To Congress, And We Need A $50,000 Miracle

The Next 90 Days Will Determine Whether Michael Snyder Goes To Congress, And We Need A $50,000 Miracle

After everything, it is going to come down to the last 90 days.  Hundreds of you have already gotten involved in this campaign either as volunteers or donors, and we have shocked the Idaho political elite by becoming one of the leading contenders in this race.  But there is no prize for coming i...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Metal Prices And Higher Interest Rates

Metal Prices And Higher Interest Rates

Copper prices recently popped upward with gold on inflation fears but a lesson learned back in 1979 has been long forgotten and that is high-interest rates trump inflation. At least they can or did in that era. I remember this well because as a young investor both believing in and seeing the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Marketing Miscegenation

Marketing Miscegenation

Since “cutting the cable” several years ago, I have felt secure behind my own personal immigration wall, free of the barrage of marketing demands and political poltroons upon my time and money. During the Christmas holidays, however, I ventured onto the major networks (NBC, ABC, and CBS) with an...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, February 15, 2018

China's Bold "One Belt One Road" Agenda Explained

China's Bold "One Belt One Road" Agenda Explained

China has a bold agenda that was put into play roughly four years ago that will play a major role in shaping the world. It is known as the “One Belt, One Road initiative” an all-encompassing and confusing “work in progress” that, as it unfolds will reshape world trade and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Let’s agree Trump is a racist (properly defined). Good for him!

Let’s agree Trump is a racist (properly defined). Good for him!

The New York Times recently published an “op-ed” piece titled, “Trump is a Racist. Period.” by Charles Blow.
Charles Blow is an angry middle-aged Black man who writes a twice-weekly column for the Times. He’s divorced with three kids and openly bisexual. Mr Blow graduated Magna Cum Laude from Gr...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, February 12, 2018

Who Was George Lincoln Rockwell?

Who Was George Lincoln Rockwell?

George Lincoln Rockwell

I suppose most readers of this publication have heard of George Lincoln Rockwell (1918–1967), but some may not know much about him.  For those unfamiliar with Rockwell, perhaps this writing, drawn from my book on the late William Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Amazon To Compete With UPS And FedEx, Seriously?

Amazon To Compete With UPS And FedEx, Seriously?

This May Become The Face Of Amazon’s New Venture!

The Wall Street Journal has reported Amazon is ready to launch a delivery service for businesses that would compete toe to toe with United Parcel Service Inc. and FedEx Corp. According to people “familiar with the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The Massive Influx of Non-Whites Is Bad for the West

The Massive Influx of Non-Whites Is Bad for the West

Shakira is a Colombian pop-star. Shakira Martin is a Black student-leader. For thousands of years their ancestors occupied different physical and cultural environments, and were subject to different evolutionary pressures.

Two very different Shakiras

Shak Attack
That’s why the two Shakiras b...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, nationalism, Odinism, race, the jewish problem, white pride

Michael Snyder’s Campaign For Congress Has Just Received Two More Major Endorsements

Michael Snyder’s Campaign For Congress Has Just Received Two More Major Endorsements

There are less than 100 days to go until the primary on May 15th, and our campaign just continues to pick up more momentum.  We just received two more major endorsements, and more extraordinary people are joining the campaign with each passing day.  If you would like to join the team, you can f...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, February 9, 2018

CNN: Watching Other Men Fuck Your Girlfriend Can Be Positive For Your Relationship

CNN: Watching Other Men Fuck Your Girlfriend Can Be Positive For Your Relationship

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: beta cucks, CNN, stupidity

The War on Donald Trump: Embracing the Post Objective-Reality World

The War on Donald Trump: Embracing the Post Objective-Reality World

This article was completed just before the latest turn in the Russian collusion saga regarding Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with the Russian lawyer.  I fear that the coherence of the article will be the least of the fallout from what is perhaps the strangest turn yet in this matter.  Ultimately, I ...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jewish problem, nationalism, Odinism, race, white pride

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 1 of 4

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 1 of 4

The Australian Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is the Australian equivalent of America’s Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Both organizations fall under the umbrella of B’nai B’rith International which holds NGO status at the United Nations. The stated mission of the ADC is to make Australia “a be...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jewish problem, nationalism, Odinism, race, race realism, white pride

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 2 of 4

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 2 of 4

As discussed in Part 1 of this article, “Click Against Hate” was devised by the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) as an “early-intervention” program for Australian schoolchildren. I was recently forwarded a recording of a “Click Against Hate” session conducted by a Jewish activist named Brett Ka...[Read more ...]

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Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jewish problem, nationalism, Odinism, race, race realism, white pride

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 3 of 4

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 3 of 4

Go to Part 1Go to Part 2

EXCERPT 3: “I was brought up in a racist country”
Brett Kaye: So somebody asked the question of whether I was brought up in a racist household. The answer is no. But I was brought up in a racist country.
Child: What country’s that?
Brett Kaye: I grew up in South Afric...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jewish problem, nationalism, Odinism, race, race realism, white pride

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 4 of 4

The Jewish War on White Australia: The Anti-Defamation Commission and “Click Against Hate,” Part 4 of 4

EXCERPT 6: “Six million Jewish people”  
Brett Kaye: Right, who’s this guy I googled over here? This one.

Child: Is that supposed to be Osama bin Laden?
Brett Kaye: That’s a Jew. I typed in Jew and that’s what came up first. Now that was taken from, just to let you know, this was taken from ...[Read more ...]

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The Moral Battle

The Moral Battle

From the beginning of Trump’s candidacy I expected and hoped that it would accelerate racial polarization and White radicalization as well as discredit the anti-White media and its false narratives. As that racial polarization — the Great Divide — occurs, our success or failure, and with it the ...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jewish problem, nationalism, Odinism, race, white pride

Gender Bender: Feminist Ideology Goes Off the Deep End

Gender Bender: Feminist Ideology Goes Off the Deep End

Recurring in feminist ideology is the notion that gender expression and gender roles are almost entirely based upon expectations set by society, not biology. Feminists often take issue with the “gendering” of toys, characters, and expectations. On some fundamental level, I do not take issue wit...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
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Assault on Psychology: Race Differences Anathematized

Assault on Psychology: Race Differences Anathematized

Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) has been called the Father of Modern Science. So it is fitting that he was, perhaps, the first scientist to be censured and silenced by political forces represented in his day by the Catholic Church. The issue then was evidence Galileo presented supporting the C...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
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The Notion of Racial Diversity in German Academia and National-Socialist Legislation, Part 1

The Notion of Racial Diversity in German Academia and National-Socialist Legislation, Part 1

What follows below are the translations of several excerpts from rare books and essays on race published by prominent German legal scholars, biologists, and medical doctors who were also high ranking members of the National Socialist Party in before and during World War II. The...[Read more ...]

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Bad Medicine: The Sickening Truth About Britain’s Foreign ‘Doctors’

Bad Medicine: The Sickening Truth About Britain’s Foreign ‘Doctors’

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Exterminate Hate: A Modest Proposal for Mossad

Exterminate Hate: A Modest Proposal for Mossad

Theresa May meets the Community

To paraphrase Wordsworth: “Mossad, at this hour England hath need of thee!” Vile anti-Semitism is again being peddled in a national newspaper here and again the British authorities are refusing to act. Mossad needs to step up to the plate with some of the str...[Read more ...]

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The Numbers Behind The ‘Dreamers’

The Numbers Behind The ‘Dreamers’

Following President Donald Trump’s decision to wind down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive amnesty program earlier this month, journalists produced a torrent of stories about sympathetic figures who now find themselves in legal limbo.
Many of the reports were long on s...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: jewish problem

The Notion of Racial Diversity in German Academia and National-Socialist Legislation, Part 2

The Notion of Racial Diversity in German Academia and National-Socialist Legislation, Part 2

Men and women in traditional folk costumes from the island of Susak, Croatia. Susak is one of the smallest islands in Europe, having the most endogenous population in Europe. Most of Susak’s descendants live in New Jersey, USA.
What follows are more translated excerpts on race, t...[Read more ...]

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Who Commits Murder in America?

Who Commits Murder in America?

Most Americans suspect that Blacks commit the majority of crime in this country. They are, in a word, correct. However, the government takes great strides to cover this up. From the federal on down to the city level, our rulers are loathe to release data on crime that includes racial...[Read more ...]

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Polarization is good

Polarization is good

The assault by the left on pretty much every shred of traditional American culture is speeding up dramatically. Just in the last few months there have been well-publicized attacks on Confederate statues that quickly morphed into attacks on Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Christopher...[Read more ...]

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On the Rise of Mixed-Race Britain

On the Rise of Mixed-Race Britain

“The intermarriage of nations gradually extinguishes the characters, and is, despite any pretended philanthropy, not beneficial to mankind.”          Immanuel Kant
The recent engagement of Britain’s Prince Harry to a mixed-race actress of Black and Jewish origins has delivered something of a pr...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jewish problem, nationalism, Odinism, race, white pride

Save Net Neutrality: Why Net Neutrality Is Necessary for White Advocacy

Save Net Neutrality: Why Net Neutrality Is Necessary for White Advocacy

Since the recent announcement that Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is almost certainly going to do away with net neutrality when they vote on the issue on December 14, pundits on every side of the issue have been weighing in with their opinions. This contributes to the confusion ...[Read more ...]

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An Un-Civil War: Part I, The Mueller Conspiracy

An Un-Civil War: Part I, The Mueller Conspiracy

Lincoln’s first famous speech on June 16, 1858 has become known today for one memorable quote, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The phrase was taken directly from the Bible, Gospel of Matthew 12:25, KJV: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every cit...[Read more ...]

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The War Against Whites Is Massively Incentivized

The War Against Whites Is Massively Incentivized

Given Andrew Joyce’s tweet, I thought I would repost this.

When Greenblatt says that “tackling hate is a priority for shareholders,” what he really means, as elucidated by @TOOEdit, is that there are massive incentives for anti-White activity. pic.twitter.com/tOpscOaUDH
— Joyce (@TOQJoyce) Dece...[Read more ...]

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Lies, Spies and Harvey Weinstein: Thoughts on Jewish Behaviour and the Pervnado

Lies, Spies and Harvey Weinstein: Thoughts on Jewish Behaviour and the Pervnado

As a newspaper committed to improving the world, the Guardian is passionately pro-migrant and anti-racist. If a single migrant’s rights are threatened by racism and xenophobia anywhere in the world, it is swift to report, rebuke and provide a voice for the powerless. Deportation is cruel and u...[Read more ...]

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Opioids and the Crisis of the White Working Class

Opioids and the Crisis of the White Working Class

A sense of betrayal seems to lie just behind today’s political discourse—a feeling of being left behind, a suspicion that those at the top, in media, corporations, politics, academia, and finance, have motives and goals at odds with those of the broader population. Put simply, Americans of all ...[Read more ...]

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Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews – Part One

Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews – Part One

The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of JesusRobert Aleksander Maryks
Brill, 2010. 
“Those from the circumcision subverted the entire house of the Society. As sons of this world who are shrewd in dealing with their ow...[Read more ...]

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Joyeux Noёl: The Beginnings of WWI and the Christmas Truce of 1914

Joyeux Noёl: The Beginnings of WWI and the Christmas Truce of 1914

Editor’s note: Christmas is a special time of year, and over the years TOO has posted some classic articles that bear on the season. This article by F. Roger Devlin was originally posted in December, 2013. It is an important reminder of the disastrous intra-racial wars of the twentieth cen...[Read more ...]

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Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews — Part Two

Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews — Part Two

Everard Mercurian (1514-1580)

“Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc., it is certain that they fit religious life very badly and that it is impossible to maintain union with them. If those of this blood are made superiors, they employ almost all their g...[Read more ...]

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An Un-Civil War, Part II

An Un-Civil War, Part II

Part 1 of “An Un-Civil War” focused on the MSM’s sins of commission. The Left-leaning MSM (but I repeat myself) has been obsessed with destroying Trump by any means possible. The MSM is quite happy with any tactic at all, whether it’s wiretapping, leaking, indicting, slander, it doesn’t matter w...[Read more ...]

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From Christian humanitarian and Royal Naval officer to venomous anti-White Terrorist: The Transformation of the Social Justice Warrior

From Christian humanitarian and Royal Naval officer to venomous anti-White Terrorist: The Transformation of the Social Justice Warrior

It goes without saying, the odiously ignoble troupe of societal misfits turned Marxist activists, commonly referred to as Social Justice Warriors (SJW), care naught about redressing the balance of an unfair world.
If SJWs genuinely empathized with the impoverished working and impecunious lower...[Read more ...]

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Noxious Propaganda from Sander Gilman and Newsweek

Noxious Propaganda from Sander Gilman and Newsweek

As propaganda goes, one would be hard pressed to find a nastier, more noxious piece than Sander Gilman’s Newsweek op-ed on the horrifying fact that Paul Nehlen tweeted that he was reading my book, The Culture of Critique. Here’s Nehlen’s tweet:

Currently reading pic.twitter.com/8UVUeEn7PC
— Pau...[Read more ...]

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The New Nullification

The New Nullification

On July 1st, 2015, 32 year old Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed walking on Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco. Her killer was a convicted criminal and a five-time deported illegal alien from Mexico, Jose Zarate. Zarate first claimed that he had fired at a sea lion but...[Read more ...]

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Securing Our Future: The Wall & Border Security

Securing Our Future: The Wall & Border Security

One of the most foundational and principal tasks governments have had for over 2,000 years has been to secure and maintain its borders. The once great Western Roman Empire, spanning centuries, fell not because of a superior rival or total through war as so many others have. Rome fell as a...[Read more ...]

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