Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Jewish Origins of Swedish Multiculturalism

The Jewish Origins of Swedish Multiculturalism

NO ONE CAN DENY that multiculturalism and mass immigration are a reality in Sweden today.
However, like in all Western Countries it hasn’t always been so.
This brief (96 pages) study of the historical origins of Sweden’s multicultural policy was published ten years ago in Swedish, but has just...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Red Pill
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jews and diversity, jews and multiculturalism, jews destroy nations, nationalism, Odinism, race, Sweden, white pride

Mergers Hit Rail Equipment Sector - What Is The Lesson?

Mergers Hit Rail Equipment Sector - What Is The Lesson? / By: Bruce Wilds

Chinese-Bullet-Trains On Display

Little noticed by many Americans currently obsessed with an emotional debate as to whether it is acceptable for an NFL football player to kneel during the national anthem an important development is taking place...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Australia’s Gay Marriage Vote May Turn Out a Spectacular Failure for (((the Left)))

Australia’s Gay Marriage Vote May Turn Out a Spectacular Failure for (((the Left)))

Australia is currently voting in a postal survey on whether to legalize gay marriage. A clear majority of Australians support gay marriage but I predict that the “No” side will win the vote. When this occurs, the radical left will have no one to blame but themselves. There is a strong feeling...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Red Pill
Tags: Australia, Capital Kids Parties, cultural Marxism, degeneracy, Gay Marriage Vote, homosexuality, Malcolm Turnbull

Illegal Immigration Costs $116 Billion Annually, According to Study

Illegal Immigration Costs $116 Billion Annually, According to Study

Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year – an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates – according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy, Politics
Tags: FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform, heritage, illegal aliens, immigration

On the Middle East and (((Minority))) Control of US Foreign Policy

On the Middle East and (((Minority))) Control of US Foreign Policy

In his magnum opus, The Dispossessed Majority, the great Wilmot Robertson noted:
A denationalized foreign policy has many heads and hearts, but no soul. It supports imperialism in one part of the world and opposes it in another. It upholds human rights in some areas; in others it honors and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Red Pill
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, nationalism, Odinism, race, red pill, The Dispossessed Majority, the parasitic jews, white pride, Wilmot Robertson

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Nigel Farage Campaigns for Judge Roy Moore in Alabama

Nigel Farage Campaigns for Judge Roy Moore in Alabama

Nigel Farage, former leader of the U.K. Independence Party, is campaigning in Alabama for U.S. Senate candidate and former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore.
Farage was speaking at a rally in Fairhope, Ala., on Monday along with former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon as well...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Alabama, Donald Trump, drain the swamp, Nigel Farage, Roy Moore, Steve Bannon

How an Independent Kurdistan Will ONLY Help Israel

How an Independent Kurdistan Will ONLY Help Israel

The Kurdistan independence vote taking place today, September 25 will play nicely into Tel Aviv’s hands.
An independent Kurdish state would allow Israel to solve its energy issues and weaken its regional rivals Iraq and Syria, Iraqi expert told media. For his part, a Syrian general...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Iran, Israel, Jewish Influence, Kurds, Mossad, referendum, Russia, Syria, terrorism

It’s A National Bonfire: Fans All Over America Are Burning Jerseys To Show Their Anger With The NFL

It’s A National Bonfire: Fans All Over America Are Burning Jerseys To Show Their Anger With The NFL

Does the NFL actually think that it can go to war with the national anthem and the American flag and win?  Many are trying to frame this controversy as a “protest against Trump”, but the truth is that owners, coaches and players can speak out against President Trump any time that they want. ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, September 25, 2017

Puerto Rico Update! What You Might Not Know

Puerto Rico Update! What You Might Not Know / By: Bruce Wilds

This update about the situation in Puerto Rico delves into its financial woes which without a doubt will add greatly to its problems going forward. Almost everyone has seen the news that Hurricane Maria battered parts of the Dominican Republic with...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Disrespecting The National Anthem And The American Flag Are Not Legitimate Forms Of Political Protest

Disrespecting The National Anthem And The American Flag Are Not Legitimate Forms Of Political Protest

This is going to backfire on the left in a major way.  On Sunday, more than a hundred NFL players knelt during the playing of the national anthem.  It was obviously an attempt to make some sort of public statement about President Trump, but it was an exceedingly poor way to go about doing that. ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Nuclear Proliferation - Duck and Cover! May Not Work

Nuclear Proliferation - Duck and Cover! May Not Work

Nuclear Blast Survival 101 – Don’t Look At The Light! / By: Bruce Wilds
Recent talk about war with North Korea highlights the problem of nuclear proliferation. Lurking in the back of our minds is the idea someone may someday unleash a nuclear bomb...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The People of Alabama are NOT for Sell

The People of Alabama are NOT for Sell

He’s outspoken, with no experience as a lawmaker, a track record of politically incorrect comments that have pundits on the Acela corridor widening their eyes and a deep belief that America needs to be made great again.
Sound familiar? This is Roy Moore, the former Chief Justice of the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Breitbart, Donald Trump, GOP, Republican Party, Roy Moore

The Biggest Deadline For Our Campaign So Far Is In 7 Days, And I Am Praying For A $25,000 Miracle

The Biggest Deadline For Our Campaign So Far Is In 7 Days, And I Am Praying For A $25,000 Miracle

I really need your help.  As most of you already know, I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district, and because there is no incumbent the race is totally wide open.  I announced that I was running on July 4th, and so September 30th is my very first FEC quarterly reporting...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, September 21, 2017

How Bad Debt Is Resolved, Hint, It Is Not Good!

How Bad Debt Is Resolved, Hint, It Is Not Good! / By: Bruce Wilds
It is only prudent that we again come back and address the issue of where bad debt goes. This exercise has gained urgency in light of recent information released by the Bank of International Settlements concerning the growth of debt across the globe.  It...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Shock Survey: Less Than 1 Out Of Every 4 Republicans In Congress Support A Border Wall

Shock Survey: Less Than 1 Out Of Every 4 Republicans In Congress Support A Border Wall

It is time to flush the toilet in Washington D.C., because the professional politicians that we have been sending there just keep betraying us over and over again.  On Wednesday, I was absolutely stunned when I came across a brand new survey that was conducted by USA Today.  They asked all of...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Dear White People...Why Shouldn't Whites be Supreme in the Nations of Their Forefathers?

Dear White People...Why Shouldn't Whites be Supreme in the Nations of Their Forefathers?

Dear white people, DON’T be afraid of the term ‘white supremacy’. Africans are supreme in Africa… it’s not like the Chinese aren’t supreme in China.
Why shouldn’t Whites be supreme in the nations of their forefathers?
Though you are the race which...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: 14 words, race realism, red pill, white heritage, white race

Monday, September 18, 2017

Top Financial Expert Warns Stocks Need To Drop ‘Between 30 And 40 Percent’ As Bankruptcy Looms For Toys R Us

Top Financial Expert Warns Stocks Need To Drop ‘Between 30 And 40 Percent’ As Bankruptcy Looms For Toys R Us

Will there be a major stock market crash before the end of 2017?  To many of us, it seems like we have been waiting for this ridiculous stock market bubble to burst for a very long time.  The experts have been warning us over and over again that stocks cannot keep going up like this...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Equifax Hack Is The Most Disastrous Data Breach In History Because Now Hackers Have The Credit Information Of 143 Million Americans

The Equifax Hack Is The Most Disastrous Data Breach In History Because Now Hackers Have The Credit Information Of 143 Million Americans

Talk about a nightmare.  It is being reported that criminals were able to hack into Equifax and make off with the credit information of 143 million Americans.  We are talking about names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, home addresses and even driver’s license numbers.  If this data...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Paying Bill For Harvey And Irma Storm Damage

Paying Bill For Harvey And Irma Storm Damage

As Expected, Mobile-homes Suffered Much Damage

In life, we are faced with many choices and one of those has to do with where we choose to live. Across the globe, people have matriculated towards the water and the coastline is often considered prime real estate. This often makes it the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Campaign Update: 3 Major Events And The All-Important September 30th Deadline Within The Next 14 Days

Campaign Update: 3 Major Events And The All-Important September 30th Deadline Within The Next 14 Days

We are entering do or die time for my campaign for Congress, and if you are interested in helping the campaign we really need to hear from you.  As I have discussed in previous emails, we have created an enormous amount of buzz all over Idaho’s first congressional district, and everywhere we go...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The Importance of Having Challenges in Our Daily Lives

The Importance of Having Challenges in Our Daily Lives

One of the precepts of Buddhism is that by its nature, life involves suffering. (Another context of the original terminology means unfulfillment.)
There’s something to that, but it only tells part of the story. Life sucks, and life is awesome—it all depends on which specific moment of it is...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics, Red Pill
Tags: behavioral sink, challenges in life, daily struggles, John B. Calhoun, red pill, social breakdown

Hungary Asks Citizens for Advice on How to Stop George Soros

Hungary Asks Citizens for Advice on How to Stop George Soros

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his government are once again going after billionaire investor George Soros with a nationwide campaign.
The government is set to launch a “national consultation” to get eligible voters’ opinions on a number of issues, including the European Union’s...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Fidesz party, George Soros, Hungary, NGOs, Open Society Foundations, Viktor Orban, zionism, Zoltan Kovacs

Saturday, September 16, 2017

EU’s Top Energy Official Claims Trump Has Decided To Re-Enter The Paris Climate Deal

EU’s Top Energy Official Claims Trump Has Decided To Re-Enter The Paris Climate Deal

The Trump administration allegedly said Saturday the country is going to re-enter the Paris climate accord, according to the European Union’s top energy official.
President Donald Trump’s alleged decision to shift course came during a meeting of more than 30 ministers from Canada, China and the...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: European Union, lies, Miguel Arias Cañete, Paris Accord, Trump administration

Former BIS Chief - "System Dangerously Unanchored"

Former BIS Chief - "System Dangerously Unanchored"

Former BIS Chief – “System Dangerously Unanchored”

Former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements, William White, told Bloomberg TV recently that “the system is dangerously unanchored.” This is not the first time White has...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, September 15, 2017

Venezuela Has Officially Abandoned The Petrodollar – Does This Make War With Venezuela More Likely?

Venezuela Has Officially Abandoned The Petrodollar – Does This Make War With Venezuela More Likely?

Venezuela is the 11th largest oil producing country in the entire world, and it has just announced that it is going to stop using the petrodollar.  Most Americans don’t even know what the petrodollar is, but for those of you that do understand what I am talking about, this should send a chill up...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed: Now Only 25 Percent Of All Americans Have $10,000 Or More In Savings

The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed: Now Only 25 Percent Of All Americans Have $10,000 Or More In Savings

We just got more evidence that the middle class is being systematically eviscerated.  According to a GOBankingRates survey that was just released, more than half the country has less than $1,000 in savings.  So in the event of a major economic disaster of some kind, over 50 percent of the nation...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hillary Almost Proposed ‘A Universal Basic Income’ In 2016, And The Idea Is Catching Fire Among Grassroots Democrats

Hillary Almost Proposed ‘A Universal Basic Income’ In 2016, And The Idea Is Catching Fire Among Grassroots Democrats

Should you get free money from the U.S. government every month simply for being alive?  That may sound like a crazy idea to many of us, but the truth is that this will likely be one of the biggest political issues in the 2020 presidential election.  At this point, 40 percent of all Americans...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, September 11, 2017

Debt Nightmare: Does Anyone Actually Care That Our Exploding National Debt Is Destroying Our Future?

Debt Nightmare: Does Anyone Actually Care That Our Exploding National Debt Is Destroying Our Future?

When will America finally wake up?  The borrower is the servant of the lender, and we now have a colossal 20 trillion dollar chain around our collective ankles.  We have willingly enslaved ourselves, our children and our grandchildren, and yet our addiction is so insatiable that we continue to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

The Allure Of Illusions - Five Favorite Financial Myths

The Allure Of Illusions - Five Favorite Financial Myths

The reality of “Facts” Blow Myths Apart!

Have you ever wondered why so many people find magic alluring? It seems many of us are drawn to a good illusion and this proves true for most people in their daily life as well. The problem is whether simply too lazy to question what...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Apocalyptic September? Here Is A List Of 27 Major Disasters That Have Already Happened So Far This Month

Apocalyptic September? Here Is A List Of 27 Major Disasters That Have Already Happened So Far This Month

Two major hurricanes, unprecedented earthquake swarms and wildfires roaring out of control all over the northwest United States – what else will go wrong next?  When I originally pointed to the month of September as a critical time, I had no idea that we would see so many catastrophic natural...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Ann Coulter Stuns The Establishment By Posting This Message On Twitter: ‘Michael Snyder For Congress!’

Ann Coulter Stuns The Establishment By Posting This Message On Twitter: ‘Michael Snyder For Congress!’

I was absolutely floored when I learned what had happened.  On Saturday night I was going through my emails, and I discovered that one of my supporters had sent me a message informing me that Ann Coulter had mentioned me in a tweet.  I wondered if that could possibly be true, so I immediately...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Walmart Gave, Target Gave, Amazon Gouged!

Walmart Gave, Target Gave, Amazon Gouged!

Irma Has Obliterated Entire Islands

When things get tough that is when you find out who your friends are. In a heartwarming commercial, Walmart paints a picture of America coming together supporting those who are seeing their lives washed away by Hurricane Harvey. The eyes of a nation...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hurricane Irma Is Being Called ‘A Lawnmower From The Sky’ And FEMA Warns It Will ‘Devastate’ The Southeast

Hurricane Irma Is Being Called ‘A Lawnmower From The Sky’ And FEMA Warns It Will ‘Devastate’ The Southeast

It looks like Hurricane Irma is going to make landfall in south Florida on Sunday morning.  Of course that could still change, but this is what the meteorologists are telling us at this point.  But of course the exact spot where Irma makes landfall is not so important because of the absolutely...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Irma Is Being Described As A ‘Nuclear Hurricane’ That Has Left One Island ‘Practically Uninhabitable’

Irma Is Being Described As A ‘Nuclear Hurricane’ That Has Left One Island ‘Practically Uninhabitable’

Irma is not just another hurricane – it is a history making storm that is going to cause up to a quarter of a trillion dollars in damage once it makes landfall in the United States.  In fact, Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine used the term “nuclear hurricane” to describe this storm to the media. ...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mainstream Media Viciously Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Suggesting ‘Category 6’ Should Be Created For Storms Like Irma

Mainstream Media Viciously Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Suggesting ‘Category 6’ Should Be Created For Storms Like Irma

Somebody really needs to be fact checking the so-called “fact checkers”.  A few days ago, I published an article in which I stated that “some have suggested that we need to add a ‘category 6’ to describe the kind of ‘super storms’ that are now developing in the Atlantic”.  That article ended up...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Hurricane Irma: If There Was Such A Thing As A Category 6 Hurricane, This Would Be It

Hurricane Irma: If There Was Such A Thing As A Category 6 Hurricane, This Would Be It

Hurricane Irma has become even stronger than the most extreme forecasts were projecting.  According to the National Hurricane Center, Irma had sustained winds of 185 miles per hour at one point on Tuesday.  That makes it the strongest Atlantic hurricane in history “outside the Gulf of Mexico and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Hurricane Irma Projected To Reach Category 5 And Hit The East Coast – Panic Prepping Begins In Florida

Hurricane Irma Projected To Reach Category 5 And Hit The East Coast – Panic Prepping Begins In Florida

On Monday, Hurricane Irma strengthened into a category 4 hurricane, and some meteorologists are projecting that it will eventually become a category 5 storm before it eventually makes landfall in the United States.  And since a “category 6” has not been created yet, category 5 is as high as the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Monday, September 4, 2017

World War 3? The United States And North Korea Stand On The Brink Of A Nuclear War

World War 3? The United States And North Korea Stand On The Brink Of A Nuclear War

After North Korea successfully tested a hydrogen bomb on Sunday, U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis warned that the United States is more than capable of “the total annihilation of a country”.  Unfortunately, the North Koreans may have already gotten to the point where they are capable of...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Please Help Michael Snyder Become Donald Trump’s Best Friend In Congress #MAGA

Please Help Michael Snyder Become Donald Trump’s Best Friend In Congress #MAGA

Can you name Donald Trump’s best friend in Congress?  I was thinking about this question the other day, and I couldn’t come up with a single name.  Since nobody else seems very eager to take on that mantle, I will be more than happy to claim it.  If I get elected to Congress, I will call for the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Category 6? If Hurricane Irma Becomes The Strongest Hurricane In History, It Could Wipe Entire Cities Off The Map

Category 6? If Hurricane Irma Becomes The Strongest Hurricane In History, It Could Wipe Entire Cities Off The Map

Meteorologists have been shocked at how rapidly Hurricane Irma has been strengthening, and they are already warning that if it hits the United States as a high level category 5 storm the devastation would be absolutely unprecedented.  Of course we are already dealing with the aftermath of...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, September 1, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Aftermath: 100,000 Homes Destroyed, A Million Vehicles Ruined And Bottled Water Being Sold For $99 A Case

Hurricane Harvey Aftermath: 100,000 Homes Destroyed, A Million Vehicles Ruined And Bottled Water Being Sold For $99 A Case

It is now being estimated that the total amount of economic damage caused by Hurricane Harvey will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 190 billion dollars.  It is a disaster unlike anything that we have ever seen before in all of U.S. history, and federal officials are already admitting that...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: daily news, debt, economic collapse, end the fed, Federal Reserve, Houston, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, inflation, national debt, President Donald Trump, Texas, trade, U.S. Economy, unemployment

Uninsured Will Get A Rude Awakening Post Harvey

Uninsured Will Get A Rude Awakening Post Harvey

We hear that eighty percent of those in the Houston area suffering losses from flood damage do not have insurance coverage to cover their loss. Many of those people who failed to buy flood insurance will find themselves in a bit of financial pain after the storm clouds clear. The pain may be...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

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