Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Stagflation Most Probable Scenario Going Forward

Stagflation Most Probable Scenario Going Forward / By: Bruce Wilds

Stagflation Is An Ugly Probability

The odds of stagflation eroding and gradually destroying the buying power of the average consumer in coming years is more likely than many people realize. Too many people little difference exists between...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

REPORT: Trump Has Decided to Withdraw from The Paris Climate Agreement

REPORT: Trump Has Decided to Withdraw from The Paris Climate Agreement

President Donald Trump will fulfill his campaign pledge to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, say two sources with direct knowledge of the decision.
Trump is working with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt and a small group of administration officials to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: climate change, global warming hoax, Paris Climate Agreement, POTUS, President Donald Trump

Jews, Multiculturalism, and the War on Free Speech

Jews, Multiculturalism, and the War on Free Speech

One of the most important functions that we played recently has been to catalogue Jewish efforts to promote multiculturalism and muzzle with extremely repressive legal measures any speech critical of multiculturalism and the Jewish role in relentlessly pushing it. Blogger Brenton Sanderson...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Australia, Britain, Commonwealth, free speech, jews, multiculturalism, United Kingdom, white genocide

DemocRAT Portland Mayor Tries to use Stabbing as Excuse to Shut Down "Trump Free Speech Rally"

DemocRAT Portland Mayor Tries to use Stabbing as Excuse to Shut Down "Trump Free Speech Rally"

The mayor of Portland, Oregon, on Monday urged U.S. officials and organizers to cancel a “Trump Free Speech Rally” and other similar events, saying they are inappropriate and could be dangerous after two men were stabbed to death on a train as they tried to intervene in an argument...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: 1st Amendment, Donald Trump, free speech, Joey Gibson, Portland, Ted Wheeler

Russia Fires Cruise Missiles at ISIS Targets in Syria

Russia Fires Cruise Missiles at ISIS Targets in Syria

Russians warships in the Mediterranean Sea have fired four cruise missiles at the Islamic State group’s positions in Syria, the Russian defense ministry said on Wednesday. The ministry said in a statement that the Admiral Essen frigate and the Krasnodar submarine launched the missiles at...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Bashar Assad, Damascus, ISIS, Kalibr cruise missiles, Mossad, Russia, safe zones, Syria, Vladimir Putin

Russia Warns of Nuke Attack if US, NATO Enters Crimea

Russia Warns of Nuke Attack if US, NATO Enters Crimea

Russian leaders are threatening to unleash a nuclear attack if the United States or its NATO allies enter the Russian territory of Crimea, according to recent comments that appear to come in response to an increased military buildup by Western forces in the region.
Vyacheslav Alekseyevich...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Crimea, NATO, neocons, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin

Battle of Bunker Hill College: Liberal Admins Want to Stop Students Distributing the Constitution

Battle of Bunker Hill College: Liberal Admins Want to Stop Students Distributing the Constitution

A symbol of patriotic resilience in the Revolutionary War, Bunker Hill is now the scene of a battle over the free speech rights that many early Americans died to establish and protect.
Administrators at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston were threatened Tuesday with a lawsuit for ordering...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: ADF Legal, Alliance Defending Freedom, Boston, Bunker Hill, fire, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Young Americans for Liberty

Why is MSM Keep Ignoring America’s Drinking Water Crisis?

Why is MSM Keep Ignoring America’s Drinking Water Crisis?

America has a looming water health crisis and no one seems interested in talking about it.
Over the last year many Americans have likely heard of the lead poisoning affecting the drinking water of Flint, Michigan. We have heard the horror stories of children being sickened due to the failure of...[Read more ...]

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Category: Health, Politics
Tags: drinking water, health crisis, water fluoridation

Illegal Democrats: 5,500 Noncitizens Discovered on Virginia Voter Rolls

Illegal Democrats: 5,500 Noncitizens Discovered on Virginia Voter Rolls

A public interest law firm has discovered thousands of noncitizens were quietly removed from Virginia voter rolls and that a number of the removed individuals had been voting since the 1980s.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an Indiana-based group that litigates to protect election...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: democrat voters, Donald Trump, illegal aliens, PILF, Public Interest Legal Foundation, Virginia, Virginia Department of Elections

Who Opened the Borders?

Who Opened the Borders?

President Lyndon Johnson signing the (Hart-Celler) Immigration and Nationality Act on Liberty Island on October 3, 1965
White babies born today are already a minority. Also, Whites are projected to be a minority by the year 2045. So how did we get here? For those of you high time preference goys...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics, Terrorism
Tags: cultural Marxism, Immigration and Nationality Act, jews, Kevin MacDonald, socialism, white genocide

The Dems' "Russian Connections" Claim Starts to Disintegrate

The Dems' "Russian Connections" Claim Starts to Disintegrate

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan

Did the Democrats’ orchestrated attempt to catch the Trump administration in a major scandal with Russia just blow up?
The Washington Times reported it was President Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, who prompted the investigation into claims the Trump campaign...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Barack Obama, CIA, CIA Director, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, muslim, Saudi Arabia, Seth Rich murder

Putin: Democrats are Using Allegations of Russian Hacking as an Excuse for Losing

Putin: Democrats are Using Allegations of Russian Hacking as an Excuse for Losing

During an interview in France on Tuesday Russian President Vladimir Putin brushed aside accusations of Russian meddling in the US presidential election. Putin claimed the allegations were an excuse used by Democrats to explain Hillary Clinton’s presidential defeat, according to the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: 2016 Election, DNC, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, President Trump, Russia, Vladimir Putin

Evidence of Deep State Opposition to Trump Gets Uncovered

Evidence of Deep State Opposition to Trump Gets Uncovered

Washington watchdogs at Judicial Watch say they have uncovered a case that illustrates how the “deep state,” the federal bureaucrats left from the Obama administration, may be impacting the presidency of Donald Trump.
The holdover staffers have been blamed in recent weeks for leaking...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Adam Lovinger, Barack Obama, Deep State, National Security Council, Pentagon, President Donald Trump

Goldman Sachs Just Decided to Finance Venezuela's Socialist Dictator

Goldman Sachs Just Decided to Finance Venezuela's Socialist Dictator

Nothing to see here. Just another business deal between socialists and money lenders. That shows you the chosen people are always the ones behind socialism..
The opposition forces are finally figuring it all out too. The government is in control, not the people, and Julio Borges is blaming...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Goldman Sachs, jews, Julio Borges, Lloyd Blankfein, money lenders, Nicolas Maduro, PDVSA, Reuters, socialism, Venezuela

Seth Rich Murder Mystery: Attorney to Files Lawsuit Against DC Police Department

Seth Rich Murder Mystery: Attorney to Files Lawsuit Against DC Police Department

Washington, D.C. lobbyist and attorney Jack Burkman is filing a lawsuit Wednesday to force the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to release information regarding the murder of Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer Seth Rich.
“The release of this crucial material will...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Heather Podesta, John Podesta, Seth Rich, Washington DC Police Foundation, WikiLeaks

House Of Cards: Netflix is One of the Poster Children for Tech Bubble 2.0

House Of Cards: Netflix is One of the Poster Children for Tech Bubble 2.0

How can a company that is going to generate $2,000,000,000 in negative free cash flow in 2017 be worth 70 billion dollars?  Netflix has soared in popularity in recent years, but so have their financial losses.  Just like during the original tech bubble, investors are ignoring basic fundamentals...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy
Tags: daily news, debt, economic collapse, end the fed, Federal Reserve, inflation, national debt, Netflix, President Donald Trump, trade, U.S. Economy, unemployment

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Mosul's Transformation Into A Pile of Rubble

Mosul's Transformation Into A Pile of Rubble / By: Bruce Wilds

Mosul Has Become A Scene Of Destruction And Carnage

Mosul’s transformation into a pile of rubble filled with the bodies of dead civilians nears completion. The destruction of Mosul continues, and as the end nears we are now seeing Mosul...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

5 Highly Respected Financial Experts are Warning that a Market Crash is Imminent

5 Highly Respected Financial Experts are Warning that a Market Crash is Imminent

If everything is going to be “just fine”, why are so many big names in the financial community warning about an imminent meltdown?  I don’t think that I have seen so many simultaneous warnings about a market crash since just before the great financial crisis of 2008.  And at this point, you...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: daily news, debt, economic collapse, end the fed, Federal Reserve, inflation, Michael Snyder, national debt, President Donald Trump, trade, U.S. Economy, unemployment

Baltimore's Nigger Mayor Eyes the Removal of Confederate Monuments

Baltimore's Nigger Mayor Eyes the Removal of Confederate Monuments

Baltimore is looking to follow the lead of New Orleans by removing its Confederate monuments, with its mayor suggesting Saturday that the city may auction them.
Mayor Catherine Pugh is exploring removing them entirely, according to The Baltimore Sun, and suggested Saturday the city may auction...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Baltimore, Catherine Pugh, civil war, confederate monuments, history, New Orleans, Robert E. Lee, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

Monday, May 29, 2017

Baltimore and Soros Group Finance Legal Defense Fund for Illegal Aliens

Baltimore and Soros Group Finance Legal Defense Fund for Illegal Aliens

The city of Baltimore and a private nonprofit have established a legal defense fund for illegal immigrants in deportation proceedings, in hopes of attracting more immigrants to the shrinking city.
The city has partnered with a nonprofit called the Open Society Institute of Baltimore and raised...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: Baltimore, Catalina Rodriguez-Lima, deportation proceedings, George Soros, ICE, illegal aliens, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Open Society, President Donald Trump

Tiger Woods Arrested for DUI

Tiger Woods Arrested for DUI

Golf legend Tiger Woods has been arrested for driving under the influence, according to police reports.
According to the Palm Beach County sheriff’s office, Tiger Woods, one of the highest paid athletes of the past century, was taken into custody on Monday morning after a traffic stop...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Sport
Tags: arrest, big Pharma, driving under the influence, DUI, Florida, golf, Palm Beach, pharmaceutical companies, Tiger Woods, United States

Trump May Pull Out of The Paris Agreement and What That Means

Trump May Pull Out of The Paris Agreement and What That Means

President Donald Trump has reportedly told multiple people he would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, signaling he will completely  unravel Obama administration global warming policies.
Axios says Axios Trump has told several people he will withdraw from the Paris agreement, which if...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: carbon tax, church of climatology, climate change, global warming, Paris agreement, President Donald Trump

The G7 Summit Promised Little, Delivered Even Less

The G7 Summit Promised Little, Delivered Even Less

Record low expectations about the latest G7 summit were matched by the leaders’ inability to come up with any new policies during the meeting.
On Saturday, the two-day G7 summit ended in the Italian town of Taormina, Sicily. The leaders of seven leading developed countries, as well...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Donald Trump, G7 summit, gloalists, Paris agreement, Sicily, Taormina

French "Progress": Black Feminist Festival "Prohibited to White People"

French "Progress": Black Feminist Festival "Prohibited to White People"

Nyansapo Fest is scheduled to take place at La Générale Nord-Est cultural center in Paris July 28-30. The “militant Afro-feminist event” is “rooted in black feminism, activism, and on a European scale,” its organizers said.
Activities are set to take place in several locations, but around 80...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: 5th column, feminism, France, Nyansapo Fest, Paris, socialism, white genocide

Why Should Women Save Their Virginity for Marriage

Why Should Women Save Their Virginity for Marriage

In a relationship, men want sex and women want attention. Some men give attention knowing they won’t get much sex, and some women give sex knowing they won’t get the full attention they crave. These men are in stressful relationships or are friend-zoned, and these women are easy. The men are...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Health, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: AskMen, conservative values, marriage, No Hymen No Diamond, Sarah Stefanson, sex life, virgin women

School Suddenly Became Concerned about "Privacy" after Sued for Mixed Showers

School Suddenly Became Concerned about "Privacy" after Sued for Mixed Showers

Officials in the Boyertown Area School District in Pennsylvania, who have been sued for instituting what amounts to coed showers in their locker rooms, suddenly now are concerned about “student privacy.”
Several students, represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom and the Independence Law...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: Alliance Defending Freedom, Boyertown Area School District, Pennsylvania, Superintendent Richard Faidley, the Independence Law Center

New $80M Anti-Trump Network Launched by Soros ONG with Former ACORN Employees

New $80M Anti-Trump Network Launched by Soros ONG with Former ACORN Employees

A new $80 million anti-Trump network is being led by an organization whose top funder is liberal billionaire George Soros and which employs former members of the controversial and now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
The Center for Popular Democracy Action...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: ACORN, Bernie Sanders, Center for Popular Democracy, democrats, Donald Trump, George Soros, illegal voters, Keith Ellison

Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Next Stock Market Crash Will Be Blamed On Donald Trump But It Will Be The Federal Reserve’s Fault Instead

The Next Stock Market Crash Will Be Blamed On Donald Trump But It Will Be The Federal Reserve’s Fault Instead

A stock market crash is coming, and the Democrats and the mainstream media are going to blame Donald Trump for it even though it won’t be his fault.  The truth is that we were headed for a major financial crisis no matter who won the election.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up a staggering...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Saturday, May 27, 2017

First Lady Melania Trump Delivers Touching Speech

First Lady Melania Trump Delivers Touching Speech

First Lady Melania Trump has now officially signed off from her first official foreign trip, before returning back to Air Force One-in-hand with the President.
Melania giving a speech is not a common thing to see, which is why everyone was stunned when the first lady got up to address the US...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: First Lady, Italy, Melania Trump, President Donald Trump, Sicily, Sigonella

First Lady Melania Posts Romantic Picture of Her and Donald

First Lady Melania Posts Romantic Picture of Her and Donald

While they are on their first official foreign trip since entering the White House, it’s pretty obvious that our First Lady is conquering the world with her stunning appearances. While our first couple dazzled everyone in every state, the liberals still found numerous reasons to trash on their...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: Donald Trump, First Lady, FLOTUS, G7 summit, Italy, Melania Trump, POTUS, Taormina

Kate Upton Looked Like a Greek Goddess When She Showed Up at Cannes

Kate Upton Looked Like a Greek Goddess When She Showed Up at Cannes

Kate Upton looked like some kind of Greek goddess when she showed up in a nude color dress at the amfAR’s Gala during the 2017 Cannes Film Festival in France.
The 24-year-old 2017 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model walked the red carpet at the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in a Dolce and Gabbana...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: amfAR’s Gala, Cannes Film Festival, Chopard jewelry, Dolce & Gabbana, Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc, Kate Upton, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit

DC Mayor Still Insisting #SethRich Murdered During a Robbery

DC Mayor Still Insisting Seth Rich Murdered During a Robbery

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser
Responding to claims that Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser directed the Metropolitan Police Department to stop investigating the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, the mayor’s office insisted to the press that Rich was killed in an attempted robbery and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: DNC Leaks, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Mayor Muriel Bowser, Seth Rich, Washington DC, WikiLeaks

MSM Try to Normalize Chemtrails: “We’re Living in a Test Already”

MSM Try to Normalize Chemtrails: “We’re Living in a Test Already”

“The fact is, we are living through a test already.” — The New York Times
The New York Times recently printed a cheerleading article in obvious support of spraying the atmosphere (and thus, the population) with tons of particulates.
The article’s headline, “Is It O.K. to Tinker With the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Health, Media, Politics
Tags: atmospheric geoengineering, chemical aerosols, chemtrail spraying, chemtrails, climate change, Dark City, human health, MIT, MIT Technology Review, New York Times, smart dust, solar geoengineering, toxic metals

Dozens of High-Level "Sex Slave Traders" Indicted in Largest Sex Trafficking Bust in US History

Dozens of High-Level "Sex Slave Traders" Indicted in Largest Sex Trafficking Bust in US History

In what is begin hailed as one of the largest prosecutions of its kind in US history, dozens of high-level modern-day slave traders were indicted this week in the US for enslaving hundreds of young women. Spreading from coast to coast, authorities are calling it a sophisticated sex trafficking...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Alex Khu, Andy Luger, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, IRS Criminal Investigation, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, modern day sex slaves, Phoenix, Sex Trafficking Bust, Shea Jones, Thailand, Washington

Bill De Blasio Employee and Prominent Young Democrat Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Bill De Blasio Employee and Prominent Young Democrat Arrested on Child Porn Charges

A leading young Democrat and de Blasio administration employee was arrested Thursday for allegedly keeping thousands of child pornography images and videos on his laptop.
Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading them...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Arthur Schwartz, Bill de Blasio, Department of Design and Construction, Jacob Schwartz, Manhattan, Manhattan Young Democrats, New York State Young Democrats, New-York, PizzaGate

CNN Can't Move On, Still Talking About a Hillary Presidential Run

CNN Can't Move On, Still Talking About a Hillary Presidential Run

CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin interviewed two commentators Friday about whether or not Clinton could still be the savior of the Democratic party by making a third run for president in 2020.
Washington Post editor David Swerdlick and Chicago Sun Times Columnist Lynn Sweet pivoted from talking about...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Bernie Sanders, CNN, Hillary 2020, Hillary Clinton, loser snowflakes

New "Blue Lives Matter" Laws Strike Fear Among "Activists"

New "Blue Lives Matter" Laws Strike Fear Among "Activists"

Following a spike in deadly attacks on police, more than a dozen states have responded this year with “Blue Lives Matter” laws that come down even harder on crimes against law enforcement officers, raising concern among some civil rights activists of a potential setback in...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Arizona, Back the Badge Act, Back the Blue Act, BLM, Blue Lives Matter, Missouri

Conservatives Urge Trump to Ignore The Swamp on "Global Warming" Agreement

Conservatives Urge Trump to Ignore The Swamp on "Global Warming" Agreement

Republican politicians and conservative activists are making a last-ditch effort to convince President Donald Trump to keep his campaign promise and withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which aims to fight the man-invented global warming.
The anti-Paris crowd wants Trump to ignore the so-called...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: chemtrail programs, climate change, Energy Department, G7 summit, global warming, Paris agreement

"DC Cops hid Evidence, Halted #SethRich Probe" According to Private Investigator

"DC Cops hid Evidence, Halted #SethRich Probe" According to Private Investigator

Jack Burkman’s organization has posted signs and billboards asking, ‘Do you know who murdered Seth Rich?’ This one is located at a bus stop in the Columbia Heights section of Washington, D.C.
The head of a private investigative team in Washington, D.C., trying to solve the murder of Democratic...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: DNC Leaks, Heather Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Jack Burkman, John Podesta, Mayor Muriel Bowser, Profiling Project, Seth Rich, Seth Rich murder

CNN Attacks Congressman Calling for Federal Probe of Seth Rich Murder

CNN Attacks Congressman Calling for Federal Probe of Seth Rich Murder

CNN – the news network that was famously dubbed “fake news” by President Trump – attacked a Republican lawmaker who called for a federal investigation of the unsolved murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich and any possible role he may have had in the leaking of Democratic National Committee emails...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Blake Farenthold, CNN, DNC Leaks, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Seth Rich

How MSM is Propping a Globalist Puppet with Staged PR Stunts

How MSM is Propping a Globalist Puppet with Staged PR Stunts

He’s tackled quantum physics, photobombed a beach wedding, posed shirtless for selfies with a family hiking in the woods and, most recently, jogged past a group of Canadian teenagers heading to prom.
And each time, Justin Trudeau’s actions have earned lavish attention from media outlets in...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Media
Tags: Canada, G7 summit, globalist puppet, Justin Trudeau, MSM, quantum computing, Vancouver

Friday, May 26, 2017

Globalists' Plans for Migrants Crisis fall Amid Divergence Between Trump and G7

Globalists' Plans for Migrants Crisis fall Amid Divergence Between Trump and G7

Divisions between Donald Trump and other members of the G7 at the summit in Sicily have become so broad and deep that they may be forced to issue a brief leaders’ statement rather than a full communique, dashing Italian hopes of pushing the engineered migration plan.
With the US president...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Donald Trump, Europe, G7 summit, Italy, news, Sicily, Taormina, Trump administration, US foreign policy

The Muslim Ban Order is Headed for Supreme Court. Here’s How it Will Go Down

The Muslim Ban Order is Headed for Supreme Court. Here’s How it Will Go Down

The Department of Justice will bring its defense of President Donald Trump’s executive order on refugees and migrants to the Supreme Court, after the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling barring the order’s enforcement.
“This Department of Justice will continue to vigorously defend...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: DOJ, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, muslim ban, Neil Gorsuch, refugee order, SCOTUS, Supreme Court

Melania Trump Outshined Everyone in Brussels

Melania Trump Outshined Everyone in Brussels

Melania Trump stood out in a sea of first ladies in Brussels this week as she accompanied her husband on his first foreign trip since taking office.
First Lady Melania Trump held her own among the first ladies when she met with the other spouses of NATO leaders.
The first lady was wearing a...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: Brussels, European Union, First Lady Melania Trump, Magritte Museum, Manolo Blahnik, NATO

New-York College Offers "Abolition of Whiteness" Course

New-York College Offers "Abolition of Whiteness" Course

Hunter College will offer students an “Abolition of Whiteness” course this fall to discuss how “white supremacy and violence” influence individual identity.
Students at a public university in New York will have the chance to take a class called the “Abolition of Whiteness” in the fall, all...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: 5th column, abolition of whiteness, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Hunter College, Jennifer Gaboury, jews in education, white genocide

Brave Katie Hopkins Fired by LBC Radio for "Final Solution" Tweet after Manchester Attack

Brave Katie Hopkins Fired by LBC Radio for "Final Solution" Tweet after Manchester Attack

Broadcaster and commentator Katie Hopkins has been fired by LBC radio after posting a tweet in the aftermath of the Manchester attack calling for a “final solution.”
LBC said Hopkins’ dismissal will take effect “immediately.” 
The decision comes in response to her tweeting that a “final...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Media
Tags: Ariana Grande, Katie Hopkins, LBC Radio, Manchester Arena, Manchester Attack

Alabama Passes a Bill Making Attacking Police Officers a Hate Crime

Alabama Passes a Bill Making Attacking Police Officers a Hate Crime

Attacking a police officer may soon be a hate crime in Alabama.
This week Rep. John Rogers (D. Birmingham) urged his fellow lawmakers to pass new legislation identifying police officers as a protected group in order to prosecute criminals who attack them more severely.
“It is a hate crime...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Alabama, hate crime, HB 953, John Rogers, Thin Blue Line bill

Guciffer 2.0 Emailed Democratic Voter Turnouts to GOP Consultant after DNC Hack

Guciffer 2.0 Emailed Democratic Voter Turnouts to GOP Consultant after DNC Hack

The same hacker who released once-secret records from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) reportedly provided unique voter research to Aaron Nevins, a Republican political operative, according to an in-depth Thursday report from The Wall Street Journal.
Nevins, who was working in Florida at...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, DNC hack, Florida, Guccifer 2.0

Free Money: Potential Presidential Candidate Mark Zuckerberg Suggests That All Americans Should Get A ‘Universal Basic Income’

Free Money: Potential Presidential Candidate Mark Zuckerberg Suggests That All Americans Should Get A ‘Universal Basic Income’

Should everyone in America receive a “basic income” directly from the federal government?  Considering the fact that we are already 20 trillion dollars in debt, such a concept may sound quite foolish to many of you, but this is an idea that is really starting to gain traction in leftist...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Michelle Obama Proves that You Can Take the Nigger out of the Ghetto but You Can't Take The Ghetto Out of the Nigger

Michelle Obama Proves that You Can Take the Nigger out of the Ghetto but You Can't Take The Ghetto Out of the Nigger

The Obamas were spotted touring the city of Siena, Tuscany on Monday but it was the former first lady who grabbed everyone’s attention with her wardrobe.
Michelle Obama’s off-duty look has apparently gone off the shoulder as she bared plenty of skin in a white strappy top with high-waisted...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Lifestyle
Tags: Barack Obama, ghetto hoe, Harambe, Italy, Michelle Obama, Montalcino, nigger, Siena, Tuscany

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