Sunday, April 30, 2017

It Is Becoming Illegal To Be Homeless In America As Houston, Dallas And Dozens Of Other Cities Pass Draconian Laws

It Is Becoming Illegal To Be Homeless In America As Houston, Dallas And Dozens Of Other Cities Pass Draconian Laws

Should we make homelessness against the law and simply throw all homeless people into prison so that we don’t have to deal with them?  Incredibly, this is actually starting to happen in dozens of major cities all across the United States.  It may be difficult to believe, but in many large urban...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Merkel Praises "Working Relationship" with the Trump Dynasty

Merkel Praises "Working Relationship" with the Trump Dynasty

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview Saturday that she has develop a good “working relationship” with President Donald Trump after a rocky start.
Trump has called out Germany for its lack of defense spending and allegedly handed a bill to Merkel during their first meeting in...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Angela Merkel, George Soros, Germany, Jared Kushner, Kosher Mafia, Kosher Nostra, Trump Dynasty

Car Ploughs Through Protesters Blocking Brazilian Highway

Car Ploughs Through Protesters Blocking Brazilian Highway

Police in Brazil have arrested a motorist on suspicion of ploughing through a crowd of anti-austerity protesters in Sao Paulo.
Caught on camera by a number of bystanders, the shocking incident happened on Friday as demonstrators were protesting Brazil’s austerity government on Dutra...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Brazil, Dutra highway, Michel Temer, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo

Milo Launches Touring Enterprise "Milo Inc" with $12 Million Backing

Milo Launches Touring Enterprise "Milo Inc" with $12 Million Backing

Conservative firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos is starting a new touring endeavor entitled “Milo Inc.” to bring right-wing trolling to center stage around the nation.
Yiannopoulos will base his new enterprise in Miami, Fla. His team will consist of 30 members and is funded with $12 million from...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Berkeley, California, Florida, Free Speech Week, Madonna, Miami, Milo Inc.

"Euro is Dead": Le Pen Wants Return of the Franc and Use the Single Currency for International Trade Only

"Euro is Dead": Le Pen Wants Return of the Franc and Use the Single Currency for International Trade Only

A week before the 2nd round of the French election, eurosceptic presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen has reminded her supporters that the ”euro is dead” and should be left only for international trade, while France should regain control and reintroduce the Franc.
“We need to control the currency,...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Brussels, currency, euro, European Union, France, french franc, Germany, Marine Le Pen, Paris

North Korea Brands Israel as "Disturber of Peace Armed with Illegal Nukes Under US Patronage"

North Korea Brands Israel as "Disturber of Peace Armed with Illegal Nukes Under US Patronage"

North Korea has accused Israel of being the “only illegal possessor” of nukes and threat to peace in the Middle East, and threatened Tel Aviv with a “thousand-fold punishment” after Israeli Defense Minister called Pyongyang’s leadership a “crazy and radical group.”
In an interview with Hebrew...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: ISIS, Israel, Kim Jong-Un, Mossad, North Korea, nuclear weapons, parasite, Pyongyang, Tel Aviv, United States, zionists

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Brussels Teamed Up With Soros to Fight Hungary's Viktor Orban

Brussels Teamed Up With Soros to Fight Hungary's Viktor Orban

Brussels has exerted pressure on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for his high education law, which allegedly targets American billionaire George Soros.
The European Commission is up in arms about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s latest initiatives, especially the higher...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Central European University (CEU), currency manipulation, Eastern Europe, European Commission, European Union, Fidesz, George Soros, Hungary, NGO, United States, Viktor Orban

Unexpected! Chuck Norris 'Forced' into Something!

Unexpected! Chuck Norris 'Forced' into Something!

Longtime martial-arts champion, television and movie star and columnist Chuck Norris has a tough-guy reputation among tough guys.
One of the Chuck Norris “facts” notes that when he does a pushup, he doesn’t push himself up; he pushes the Earth down. And he was supposed to be put on Mt....[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Media
Tags: App Store, Chuck Norris, Google Play, Missing in Action, Nonstop Chuck Norris, The Wrecking Crew, Walker Texas Ranger, Way of the Dragon

The Five Times DemocRATS Rebelled Against Their Own President to Shut Down Govt

The Five Times DemocRATS Rebelled Against Their Own President to Shut Down Govt

Politicians are quick to pass blame to the other party when congressional budget battles lead to stalemates that can’t be resolved in time to fund government agencies.
Government shutdowns are most often battles between parties, but under Democratic President Jimmy Carter,...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Freedom Caucus, government shutdown, Medicaid, Republican Party, Tea Party

Marine Corps Has Yet to Discovered any Felonies in Nude Photo Scandal

Marine Corps Has Yet to Discovered any Felonies in Nude Photo Scandal

More than 30 Marines may face discipline and harsher punishments like court-martial in connection with the Marines United nude photo scandal rocking the service.
Investigators have not uncovered any felony criminal activity at this point, but officials told Marine Corps Times that service...[Read more ...]

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: fappening, James Mattis, Marine Corps, nude photos scandal, Pentagon

NSA Halts Same Surveillance Practice that Resulted in Flynn’s Outing

NSA Halts Same Surveillance Practice that Resulted in Flynn’s Outing

The NSA has stopped scooping communications American citizens’ have with foreign surveillance targets, The New York Times reports.
The same process reportedly caught Michael Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, discussing sanctions with a Russian official, which he...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Big Brother, FISA, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, George W. Bush, Michael Flynn, New York Times, NSA

#First100Days of Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

#First100Days of Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

One hundred days after he took over as America’s 45th president, Donald Trump is still putting together his Cabinet and it looks like members of his inner circle have as much influence on him as he does on them.

Neil Gorsuch confirmation

Trump fulfilled a core campaign promise by...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: 100 days, compromises, Donald Trump, federal budget, health care reform, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Kosher Mafia, Kosher Nostra, Michael Flynn, results, Trump Dynasty, United States, US Congress

11 Reasons Why U.S. Economic Growth Is The Worst That It Has Been In 3 Years

11 Reasons Why U.S. Economic Growth Is The Worst That It Has Been In 3 Years

Those that were predicting that the U.S. economy would be flying high by now have been proven wrong.  U.S. GDP grew at the worst rate in three years during the first quarter of 2017, and many are wondering if this is the beginning of a major economic slowdown.  Of course when we are dealing with...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Friday, April 28, 2017

Entire World Keeping Watch on Volatile Kim Jong-Un

Entire World Keeping Watch on Volatile Kim Jong-Un

As the world waited to see if Kim Jong un will conduct another nuclear test, Pyongyang escalated its bellicose rhetoric Thursday by releasing a unnerving video depicting a simulation of rocket attacks on the U.S. Capitol and an American aircraft carrier in a Third World War.
The footage shows a...[Read more ...]

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Category: Defense, International
Tags: China, hegemony, James Mattis, Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, Pentagon, South China Sea, WWIII

Once Upon a Time, Presidents Knew What Kept America Great

Once Upon a Time, Presidents Knew What Kept America Great

James Monroe explaining Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe was born April 28, 1758. Scottish Rev. William Douglas, an early tutor of Thomas Jefferson, taught in the home of James’ father, Col. Spence Monroe. James then attended Campbellton Academy, run by Scottish Rev. Archibald Campbell of Washington...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Andrew Jackson, history, James Monroe, MAGA, Monroe Doctrine, Supreme Court, Thomas Jefferson, United States

China Still Adding Liquidity To System At Record Pace

China Still Adding Liquidity To System At Record Pace

In a world where money flows across borders at the press of a button, it doesn’t matter which major central bank is adding money to the system the effect is the same. Today money printed and injected into the economy of any country drives markets higher across the world by distorting...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Liberal Snowflake Refuses to Accept He’s No Longer Black after DNA Test Results

Liberal Snowflake Refuses to Accept He’s No Longer Black after DNA Test Results

A man refused to accept the results of his ancestry DNA test after it revealed he wasn’t black.
Two professors from West Chester University decided to do an in-depth analysis into various people’s ancestries and backgrounds, study reported by NY Times. First they asked participants to guess the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: Bernard, Black Lives Matter, BLM, butthurt, DNA, liberal, New York Times, snowflake

EU Parliament Says Le Pen Owes 5 Million Euros in Fraud Case

EU Parliament Says Le Pen Owes 5 Million Euros in Fraud Case

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and other members of the National Front (FN) will be asked to repay 5 million euros ($5.43 million) to the European Parliament for misuse of EU funds after an investigation by the EU’s anti-fraud watch dog.
The European Parliament claims Le Pen used...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Au Nom Du Peuple, Choisir la France, FN, France, Frexit, Front national, Marine Le Pen, MArion Le Pen, National Front

The Democrats Won This Round, And It Wasn’t Even Close…

The Democrats Won This Round, And It Wasn’t Even Close…

We have just witnessed one of the greatest routs in modern American political history.  We are still waiting to see if a spending agreement can be reached so that a government shutdown at midnight on Friday can be averted, but whether a shutdown actually happens or not, the Democrats have won...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Bungee Jump Fail: Horrifying Moment Woman Smashes into Riverbed

Bungee Jump Fail: Horrifying Moment Woman Smashes into Riverbed

A thrill-seeking woman got more danger than she bargained for when the length of her bungee jump rope was overestimated, causing her to plow straight into a shallow riverbed.
The daredevil posed for pictures in front of a crowd of spectators on Sunday before leaping from La Negra bridge, only to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: Andean Treks, Bolivia, bungee jumping, Darwin Awards, La Negra bridge, Shyrleny Cuchallo Ribera

The Simpsons Mocks Trump's 100 Days: Dead Spicer, Naked Melania

The Simpsons Mocks Trump's 100 Days: Dead Spicer, Naked Melania

Fox’s popular animated comedy show “The Simpsons” has released a dark and biting spoof of President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in the White House – and the cartoon features a press secretary who commits suicide, a naked portrait of the first lady, infighting among Trump’s top advisers, an...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: FLOTUS, Hillary Clinton, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway, Kosher Nostra, POTUS, Sean Spicer, Steve Bannon, The Simpsons, Trump Dynasty, White House

Assad: Trump is a Puppet of US "Deep State"

Assad: Trump is a Puppet of US "Deep State"

US president Donald Trump is not a truly independent political leader but merely a puppet of US corporations, military and intelligence, and who serves their interests, Syrian President Bashar Assad has told the Latin American TeleSUR TV network.
Trump pursues “no own policies” but only...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: Bashar Assad, Deep State, Donald Trump, Syria, TeleSUR

The Outfit Melania Trump Wore at The White House Today Stunned Fashion Critics

The Outfit Melania Trump Wore at The White House Today Stunned Fashion Critics

Melania Trump caught everyone’s attention when she strolled into the West Wing wearing this outfit Thursday.
The first lady was dressed in matching army green skirt and top with a pair of animal print heels as she welcomed President of Argentina Mauricio Macri and his wife alongside her husband...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: Argentina, Barack Obama, First Lady, lemons, Mauricio Macri, President Donald Trump, Venezuela, White House

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tesla to Lose Half Its Value by Next Year, According to Bank of America

Tesla to Lose Half Its Value by Next Year, According to Bank of America

Bank of America (BofA) expects Tesla’s shares to plummet nearly 50 percent because of the electric vehicle maker’s decision to acquire beleaguered solar panel provider SolarCity in November.
Tesla shares will fall within the next year to $165, a 46 percent drop from where the stock closed...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Bank of America, Barack Obama, BofA, David Tamberrino, Elon Musk, Ford, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, SCTY, SolarCity, Tesla, TSLA

Muslim Carrying Bag of Knives Arrested Near UK Parliament

Muslim Carrying Bag of Knives Arrested Near UK Parliament

A man has been arrested under the Terrorism Act after he was found carrying a bag of knives near the Houses of Parliament, the Metropolitan Police has confirmed.
Armed police cordoned off part of Whitehall on Thursday afternoon after the man was tackled and arrested by police“following a...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Law Enforcement, Terrorism
Tags: Brexit, immigrants, islam, London, muslims, Nigel Farage, Sadiq Khan, Terrorism Act, UK, UKIP, United Kingdom

There are Federal Investigations into Huma Abedin's Family

There are Federal Investigations into Huma Abedin's Family

While Hillary Clinton loyal aide Huma Abedin was reportedly sidelined in the final stretch of the 2016 presidential campaign as a result of Abedin’s husband’s child-porn scandal, she was potentially an even greater liability than known. It turns out Anthony Weiner wasn’t the only family member...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Alliance of Civilizations, Anthony Weiner, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Health Access Initiative, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Irfan Amanat, Omar Amanat, Saleha Abedin

MSM Worry for Red Bull’s CEO is Launching a Right-Wing News Platform

MSM Worry for Red Bull’s CEO is Launching a Right-Wing News Platform

In a recent interview, Dietrich Mateschitz expressed his support for Trump and criticized the Austrian government for allowing refugees into the country.
Red Bull has become much more than just an energy drink company over the past two decades. The Austrian company has held the electronic...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Media
Tags: Breitbart, Closer to the Truth, Daily Westerner, Dietrich Mateschitz, F1, Formula 1, Näher an die Wahrheit, Red Bull, TDW news

Man Attacks Police Officers at Berlin Hospital, Got Shot in the Leg

Man Attacks Police Officers at Berlin Hospital, Got Shot in the Leg

Shots have been fired at a hospital in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin, local media says, citing police.
The hospital and surrounding areas have been cordoned off by law enforcement, the German DPA news agency reports.
A police spokeswoman told the local news outlets that police opened fire on...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: AFD, Alternative for Germany, Alternative für Deutschland, Berlin-Kreuzberg, Deutschland, Germany, police, Polizei, Urbankrankenhauses

Long Island MS-13 Violence Surge Prompts Jeff Sessions Visit

Long Island MS-13 Violence Surge Prompts Jeff Sessions Visit

A spate of brutal violence linked to a Central American street gang has prompted Attorney General Jeff Sessions to schedule a visit to Long Island Friday, as authorities announced new measures to try to stop the wave of slayings.
The hacked-up bodies of four young people found in a Central...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, attorney general, Chuck Norris, Jeff Sessions, Long Island, Mara Salvatrucha, MS-13

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Trump Tax Plan Slashes Taxes for "Some" Businesses and Wealthy Estates

Trump Tax Plan Slashes Taxes for "Some" Businesses and Wealthy Estates

The White House is proposing comprehensive tax reforms which are said to simplify the federal tax code by cutting rates and eliminating deductions.
The plan fell short on how the measures would be paid for with critics saying it will primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans.
“This is going to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Ron Wyden, Steve Mnuchin, tax reform, taxes, Twitter, White House

Have We Just Reached Peak Stock Market Absurdity?

Have We Just Reached Peak Stock Market Absurdity?

Have you ever wondered how tech companies that have been losing hundreds of millions of dollars year after year can somehow be worth billions of dollars according to the stock market?  Because I run a website called “The Economic Collapse“, there are naysayers out there that take glee in mocking...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

How 9/11 Destroyed America

How 9/11 Destroyed America

The events on September 11, 2001, changed the world. It was the excuse for the U.S. government to launch military attacks on seven Middle Eastern countries, causing civilian casualties in the millions and sending waves of Muslim refugees into the Western world. The U.S. government wasted...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: Building 7, dancing israelis, George W. Bush, Larry Silverstein, Steven E. Jones, Twin Towers, World Trade Center, WTC, WTC buildings

UK Police Still Pursuing Madeleine McCann Case

UK Police Still Pursuing Madeleine McCann Case

Could this be the missing piece of the investigation puzzle?
British detectives say they are still pursuing “critical” leads in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, 10 years after the girl — then three years old — vanished from a vacation home in Portugal.
Metropolitan Police...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Law Enforcement
Tags: Europe, John Podesta, Madeleine McCann, missing persons, PizzaGate, Portugal, Tony Podesta, United Kingdom

VOICE: DHS Opens New Office to Aid Victims of Immigrant Crimes

VOICE: DHS Opens New Office to Aid Victims of Immigrant Crimes

The Trump administration opened an office dedicated to helping victims of crimes committed by immigrants.
“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) established the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office to acknowledge and serve the needs of crime victims and their...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: DHS, Donald Trump, ICE, illegal aliens, immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, John Kelly, MS-13, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, VOICE

Ted Cruz Outsmarts Trump: Introduces EL CHAPO Act to Make Mexican Drug Lord Pay for Wall

Ted Cruz Outsmarts Trump: Introduces EL CHAPO Act to Make Mexican Drug Lord Pay for Wall

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) introduced the Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (EL CHAPO) Act on Tuesday, intending to cover the cost of the southern border wall by seizing more than $14 billion in drug proceeds from infamous Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: border wall, build that wall, Donald Trump, El Chapo, El Chapo Act, Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, MAGA, Ted Cruz

MILF House: Melania Trump is Turning 47 Today

MILF House: Melania Trump is Turning 47 Today

It’s Melania Trump’s birthday.
The First Lady turns 47 Wednesday. She’s spending the day at a luncheon with the spouses of senators at the National Gallery of Art in Washington before having a private dinner with Donald Trump in the residence of the White House, Politico reported.

Looking...[Read more ...]

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Melania Trump, MILF, National Gallery of Art, Twitter, Washington DC, White House

EU Takes Legal Action to Defend Soros' University against Hungarian Prime Minister's Law

EU Takes Legal Action to Defend Soros' University against Hungarian Prime Minister's Law

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks during a plenary session at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday, April 26, 2017.
The European Union has launched legal action against Hungary over a new higher education law that critics say is aimed at shutting down a university founded...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: 5th column, Budapest, Central European University, European Union, Frans Timmermans, George Soros, Guy Verhofstadt, Hungary, Michael Ignatieff, NGOs, Viktor Orban

Marine Le Pen Trolls Rival Macron with Stop at Factory

Marine Le Pen Trolls Rival Macron with Stop at Factory

Populist French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen upstaged her establishment puppet Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday by making a surprise campaign stop to a home appliance factory that’s the latest hot-button symbol of French job losses to plants overseas.
As Macron was meeting with union...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Arcelor Mittal SA, Emmanuel Macron, European Union, France, Francois Hollande, Marine Le Pen, Paris, Production facilities, Western Europe, Whirlpool

No Go Zone: ’99 Percent’ Chance of Violence if Ann Coulter Speaks at Berkeley

No Go Zone: ’99 Percent’ Chance of Violence if Ann Coulter Speaks at Berkeley

Law enforcement sources have told press that there is a “99 percent” chance of violence on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley if conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter speaks on Thursday.
Once known as the home of the Free Speech Movement, UC Berkeley has become a...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: Ann Coulter, anti-trump protest, BAMN, berkeley riots, Big Government, By Any Means Necessary, free speech, free speech movement, resistanceyaf, Tech, UC Berkeley

Leaked Document Finally Reveals what Happened at Bill and Loretta’s Airplane Meeting

Leaked Document Finally Reveals what Happened at Bill and Loretta’s Airplane Meeting

It all started when WikiLeaks released information prior to the election that showed clear evidence that there was a clear collusion between the former Attorney General and the Democratic party so ensure that Hillary Clinton would win the election.
An investigative report from The New York...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: 2016 Presidential Race, Bernie Sanders, Big Government, DNC emails, email server, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, New Hampshire, Russian hacking, Wikileaks

Trump’s VA still Controlled by Obama Appointees

Trump’s VA still Controlled by Obama Appointees

Obama-era appointees remain in top posts at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) three months into Donald Trump’s presidency. This includes disgraced former under-secretary for benefits Allison Hickey, who is now helping choose her successor.
Then-candidate Trump called the VA the “most...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Allison Hickey, Barack Obama, David Shulkin, Department of Veterans Affairs, Donald Trump, drain the swamp, Thomas Murphy, VA

Canada is About to Give 4,000 Households Free Money for Three Years

Canada is About to Give 4,000 Households Free Money for Three Years

Canada is the latest place to experiment with a universal basic income, offering up to $24,000 to eligible Canadian households.
The province of Ontario announced plans to study basic income through a three-year pilot project, where it will provide the funding to 4,000 households selected at...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Aparna Mathur, Bernie Sanders, Canada, feel the Bern, Hamilton, Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne, Ontario

Obama Gave Zuckerberg a Scolding about Facebook’s ‘Fake News’ Problem, Report Says

Obama Gave Zuckerberg a Scolding about Facebook’s ‘Fake News’ Problem, Report Says

Former President Barack Obama once confronted Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg about the purported problem of “fake news” on the social media platform, according to a New York Times profile published Tuesday.
Facebook representatives later clarified that Obama wasn’t the only person to speak to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Emmanuel Macron, Facebook, fake news, globalists, Mark Zuckerberg, MSM, Twitter

The Russians Again: French Centrists Accuse Russia of Trying to Hack Elections

The Russians Again: French Centrists Accuse Russia of Trying to Hack Elections

A few days after Sunday’s first round of voting in France‘s heated presidential race, Western officials and media have decided to dust off the old broken record of accusing Russia of hacking elections, this time blaming Russian hackers for trying to crack the computer servers of...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Emmanuel Macron, France, Francois Hollande, La Manif Pour Tous, same-sex marriage

France's Le Pen Wishes to Maintain Good Relations with Russia, US, UK

France's Le Pen Wishes to Maintain Good Relations with Russia, US, UK

Ahead of the presidential runoff vote in France, candidate Marine Le Pen has shared her views on the international politics and on the issues of her campaign in an interview with the TF1 broadcaster.
French Presidential Candidate Marine Le Pen has expressed her willingness to maintain...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: au nom du peuple, Brexit, Donald Trump, FN, France, Frexit, Front national, MAGA, Marine Le Pen, Russia, UK, UKIP, United Kingdom, United States, US, Vladimir Putin

NASDAQ Tops 6K For First Time Ever

NASDAQ Tops 6K For First Time Ever

The NASDAQ composite index broke the 6,000 milestone for the first time ever in its 46-year history Tuesday morning.
The index traded at an intraday record Tuesday morning of 6,022, up nearly 40 percent.
The NASDAQ hasn’t soared this much since the bubble of the early 2000s. Strong...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Sweden Gives Hilarious Sentences to the Muslims Involved in the Facebook Live Gang Rape

Sweden Gives Hilarious Sentences to the Muslims Involved in the Facebook Live Gang Rape

A Swedish court sentenced three men to jail Tuesday for their participation in a gang rape at gunpoint in January, which streamed live on Facebook.
The men were arrested in January after viewers alerted police of the ongoing rape. An 18-year-old Afghan was sentenced to one year in jail for...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Emil Khodagholi, Facebook Live gang rape, Maisam Afshar, Nils Pålbrant, Polisen, Sverige, Sweden, Uppsala

Le Pen’s Hopes of Becoming President Come Down to One Factor

Le Pen’s Hopes of Becoming President Come Down to One Factor

French populist Marine Le Pen’s hope of winning the presidential election comes down to how many voters stay home on election day.
Le Pen finished second in the first round of voting Sunday and she will now face centrist Emmanuel Macron in a run-off election. Polls give Macron a 20-point...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: au nom du peuple, Emmanuel Macron, FN, France, Frexit, Front national, globalism, Marine Le Pen, Paris

Can The Pentagon Hack Kim Jong-Un’s Missiles?

Can The Pentagon Hack Kim Jong-Un’s Missiles?

North Korea’s ballistic missile program has suffered several setbacks in recent weeks. Multiple North Korean missiles have blown up shortly after launch, leading some to suspect sabotage.
The “new Washington bedtime story,” as one expert observer put it, is that the Pentagon is hacking North...[Read more ...]

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, North Korea, Stuxnet, United States, USS Carl Vinson

All Against One: South Korea, Japan, US Agree to Tighten Pressure on North Korea

All Against One: South Korea, Japan, US Agree to Tighten Pressure on North Korea

South Korea, Japan and the United States on Tuesday agreed to increase their pressure on North Korea as tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen, with Pyongyang conducting a massive firing drills earlier in the day, South Korea’s Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea, United States

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