Friday, March 31, 2017

Rejected Syrian Migrant sets Himself on Fire at Greek Refugee Camp

Rejected Syrian Migrant sets Himself on Fire at Greek Refugee Camp

A migrant from Syria has set himself on fire at a Greek refugee camp, apparently after being rejected for asylum multiple times, local media reported. The moment the man set himself alight was captured on numerous mobile phones and later posted online.
The incident took place at a refugee camp...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Chios, George Soros NGO, Greece, human trafficking, refugee camp

Mike Flynn's Lawyer Advised Him to Testify on Trump Campaign ties to Russia ONLY in Exchange for Immunity

Mike Flynn's Lawyer Advised Him to Testify on Trump Campaign ties to Russia ONLY in Exchange for Immunity

President Trump’s former national security adviser told investigators probing into the Trump campaign’s potential ties to Russia he will testify in exchange for immunity from prosecution, US media reports, citing officials familiar with the matter.
The news was first reported by the Wall Street...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: CNN, Mike Flynn, President Donald Trump, Robert Kelner, Russia, Russian ambassador, Vladimir Putin

Trump Supports Flynn Immunity Request: "He Should Ask for Immunity in This Media Witch Hunt"

Trump Supports Flynn Immunity Request: "He Should Ask for Immunity in This Media Witch Hunt"

US President Donald Trump has backed former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s offer to testify as part of a congressional investigation into the Trump campaign’s potential ties with Russia, in exchange for immunity from prosecution.
Trump took to Twitter on Friday to express...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump, Russia, Twitter, Vladimir Putin

Saudi General Evades Citizen’s Arrest in London over Yemen War Crimes and Flips the Activist

Saudi General Evades Citizen’s Arrest in London over Yemen War Crimes and Flips the Activist

Saudi military spokesperson Brigadier General Ahmed Asiri narrowly avoided an attempted citizen’s arrest in London on Thursday.
Footage shows activist Sam Walton attempting the arrest, claiming Asiri is a war criminal responsible for atrocities in the Yemeni conflict.
Asiri’s bodyguards blocked...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Brexit, James Mattis, London, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Yemen

#Vault7: WikiLeaks reveals CIA "Marble" Tool that Masks Their Hack to Look Russian, Chinese or Arabic

#Vault7: WikiLeaks reveals CIA "Marble" Tool that Masks Their Hack to Look Russian, Chinese or Arabic

WikiLeaks’ latest batch of documents, named ‘Marble’, details CIA hacking tactics and how they can hamper forensic investigators from attributing viruses, trojans and hacking attacks to the spy agency . The tool was in use as recently as 2016.
The third release, which contains 676 source code...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, International
Tags: Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Sony hack, Twitter

Trey Gowdy Destroys Chuck Schumer for Saying Chairman Nunes Should Resign

Trey Gowdy Destroys Chuck Schumer for Saying Chairman Nunes Should Resign

Trey Gowdy went off:
I just love it when Senator Schumer gives Republicans advice on what we ought to do. Devin is doing exactly what the chairman is [supposed] to do.”
Fox News Reports
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., reaffirmed on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Tuesday that the person who leaked...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: California, Chuck Schumer, Devin Nunes, Fox News, Trey Gowdy, Tucker Carlson

Government Watchdog Looking into Trump’s Trips to Mar-a-Lago

Government Watchdog Looking into Trump’s Trips to Mar-a-Lago

Democratic congressmen announced Tuesday that a government watchdog has agreed to review President Donald Trump’s weekend trips to Florida due to questions about costs to taxpayers and information security at the Mar-a-Lago resort.
The Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan agency that...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump, Sean Spicer, Sheldon Whitehouse, White House

The Ticking Time Bomb That Will Wipe Out Virtually Every Pension Fund In America

The Ticking Time Bomb That Will Wipe Out Virtually Every Pension Fund In America

Are millions of Americans about to see the big, juicy pensions that they were counting on to fund their golden years go up in flames in the biggest financial disaster in U.S. history? When Bloomberg published an editorial entitled “Pension Crisis Too Big for Markets to Ignore“, it simply...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Thursday, March 30, 2017

North Carolina Will ask Companies to Return After HB2 aka "Bathroom Bill" Repeal

North Carolina Will ask Companies to Return After HB2 aka "Bathroom Bill" Repeal

North Carolina’s commerce secretary says he’ll start calling companies that have avoided North Carolina now that the state has repealed its “bathroom bill.”
Commerce Secretary Tony Copeland spoke Thursday as Gov. Roy Cooper signed the bill. The American Civil Liberties...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: ACLU, Bruce Springsteen, HB2, LGBT, North Carolina, PayPal, Raleigh, United States

White House tells House Panel to "Come look at the Intel Material"

White House tells House Panel to "Come look at the Intel Material"

The White House refused to say on Thursday whether it secretly fed intelligence reports to a top Republican investigating possible coordination between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. Fending off growing criticism, the administration invited lawmakers from both parties to view classified...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Adam Schiff, National Security Council, Sean Spicer, White House

Republicans Want to Ignore Trump’s Budget Cuts to Avoid Shutdown Fight

Republicans Want to Ignore Trump’s Budget Cuts to Avoid Shutdown Fight

The Trump administration’s suggestions to reduce spending this fiscal year won’t get very far in Congress, as both parties want to avoid funding fights in the final days before the government runs out of money April 28.
President Donald Trump sent Congress an extensive list of $18 billion worth...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: border wall, GOP, Paul Ryan, Republican Party, Susan Collins

Trump Organization Looks to Open a Second Hotel in DC

Trump Organization Looks to Open a Second Hotel in DC

The Trump Organization, now run by President Donald Trump’s sons, has been looking into transforming an existing hotel in Washington, D.C., and reopening it under one of its brands called Scion.
This arrangement in many ways is unlike the first Trump hotel in D.C. on Pennsylvania Ave., as that...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Eric Trump, Pennsylvania Ave., Trump Hotel, Washington DC

Cow Farts, Again: Bill Nye’s Latest Global Warming Idea: GMO Cows that Fart Much Less

Cow Farts, Again: Bill Nye’s Latest Global Warming Idea: GMO Cows that Fart Much Less

Global warming could be solved by genetically engineering or breeding cows to fart less Bill ‘The Science Guy” Nye said in an interview Tuesday.
“Agriculture researchers are going to produce or breed farm animals that produce less methane by changing the bacteria that are in their stomachs,” Nye...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Bill Nye, California, GMO, Heinrich Böll Foundation, methane

VIDEO: Here’s The Arrest of the Black Woman that Rammed Capitol Police Yesterday

VIDEO: Here’s The Arrest of the Black Woman that Rammed Capitol Police Yesterday

A black female driver was arrested Wednesday morning after reportedly hitting a police cruiser and nearly running over police officers at the U.S. capitol.
The incident began when police attempted to stop a vehicle with what is belived to by a Maryland license plate number 1CV 5147 on...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Law Enforcement, Politics
Tags: Black Lives Matter, BLM, Washington DC

First Lady Melania Trump Was the Center of Attention at the International Women of Courage Awards

First Lady Melania Trump Was the Center of Attention at the International Women of Courage Awards

The white outfit First Lady Melania Trump wore at today’s ceremony would make a fashion critic’s eyes pop. The First Lady was the center of attention at the International Women of Courage Awards at the State Department in Washington, D.C.
“I’m deeply humbled to be here today to honor...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: Department of State, First Lady, International Women of Courage Awards, Melania Trump, Washington DC

The Pizzagate TimeBomb: "It’s a Trap to Discredit Alternative Media"

The Pizzagate TimeBomb: "It’s a Trap to Discredit Alternative Media"

Pizzagate has imploded.
Not because it’s untrue. Because—like the Democrat accusation the Russians are behind Trump’s election victory—it cannot be proven, there is insufficient evidence. Speculated “code” in a Podesta email is not enough, it doesn’t even amount to circumstantial evidence.
This...[Read more ...]

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Category: FBI, Media, Politics
Tags: Hillary Clinton, James Alefantis, John Podesta, Pizza, PizzaGate, Tony Podesta, Washington DC

VIDEO: NGA - The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard of Now Plans to Take the Game to the Next Level

VIDEO: NGA - The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard of Now Plans to Take the Game to the Next Level

While most Americans would consider the CIA, and perhaps the NSA, household names, one U.S. spy agency — whose headquarters surpasses the U.S. Capitol in size — has managed to keep to the shadows while possessing cutting edge tools of the surveillance trade.
Called the  National...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Air Force, Big Brother, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, NGA, NSA, spying

VIDEO: Who is Huma Abedin?

VIDEO: Who is Huma Abedin?

The evidence presented here is undeniable, connecting both Clinton and Abedin to Saudi Arabia and a known terrorist supporter, Abdullah Omar Nasseef.
There is little doubt in anyone’s mind Huma is a legitimate enemy of the state! More and more information is revealed every day that proves this...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Abdullah Omar Nasseef, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, sharia

VIDEO: Marine Le Pen Blasts BBC: You’re Trying to Start World War III with Russia

VIDEO: Marine Le Pen Blasts BBC: You’re Trying to Start World War III with Russia

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has accused a BBC presenter of warmongering, snapping at a question probing her resilience to Russian aggression.
Le Pen, who heads Front National and is leading the French Presidential race, went into a furious rant when asked if she would protect the...[Read more ...]

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: BBC, FN, France, Francois Hollande, Front national, Marine Le Pen, Moscow, Russia, Vladimir Putin, WW3

DNC Purge: Corrupt Democratic National Committee Fires ALL Staffers

DNC Purge: Corrupt Democratic National Committee Fires ALL Staffers

DNC cleaning house after election loss.
New Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez has asked the entire staff of the DNC to turn in their resignation letters amid major party turmoil after November’s stunning defeat, according to a report by NBC News.
The report claims that sources...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Democratic Party, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Tom Perez

Broken America

Broken America

Is this the beginning of the end for the United States of America?  It has been said that a house divided against itself will surely fall, and today we live in a shattered union.  In all my years, I have never seen so much strife, discord, bitterness and resentment in this country.  Everyone can...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Britain Formally Triggers Article 50 to Leave the EU

Britain Formally Triggers Article 50 to Leave the EU

Forty-four years after joining the European Economic Community, the forerunner of the modern day EU, Britain has triggered Article 50 to begin formal divorce talks with the bloc.
Appearing at the House of Commons despatch box for the regular weekly session of Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs),...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Article 50, Brexit, EU, European Union, House of Commons, London, Nigel Farage, Theresa May, UKIP

Capitol Hill on Lockdown after Shots Being Fired

Capitol Hill on Lockdown after Shots Being Fired

Congressional office buildings have been locked down after reports of gunfire. Multiple police cars have been spotted outside the US Botanic Garden, on the south side of the Capitol reflecting pool.
A notice sent to area offices tells of unspecified Capitol Police activity at the intersection of...[Read more ...]

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Category: Law Enforcement
Tags: Capitol Hill, police, Washington

House Panel Passes Bill To Audit The Federal Reserve

House Panel Passes Bill To Audit The Federal Reserve

A House panel has just approved legislation allowing a government watchdog audit of the Federal Reserve’s policy decisions, a move the central bank is strongly opposed to.
This concept was made popular by Ron Paul, the former presidential candidate who has always opposed the Federal Reserve...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: end the fed, Kentucky, Rand Paul, Rockefeller, Ron Paul

VIDEO: Maxine Waters is now Directly Attacking Trump Supporters, but They are More Enthusiastic than Ever

VIDEO: Maxine Waters is now Directly Attacking Trump Supporters, but They are More Enthusiastic than Ever

Fresh off ludicrously claiming that aspects of the discredited Trump dossier are “absolutely true”, crazed Democrat Maxine Waters is at it again, this time questioning the patriotism of the tens of millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump.
Speaking on the House floor Monday night, Waters...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Alt-Knight, Based StickMan, California, Kyle Chapman, Maxine Waters, sacramento

VIDEO: Here’s the Transgender Joke That Landed Dave Chappelle in Hot Water with the Lefties

VIDEO: Here’s the Transgender Joke That Landed Dave Chappelle in Hot Water with the Lefties

A joke about trans people on his first special in 13 years landed comedian Dave Chappelle in the sights of many liberals and activists.
During Chappelle’s newest standup The Age of Spin: Live at the Hollywood Palladium, the comedian cracked multiple jokes about transgender transitions and the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Bruce Caitlyn Jenner, Dave Chappelle, dick jokes, LGBT, Netflix, The Age of Spin: Live at the Hollywood Palladium

VIDEO: Chicago To Keep ‘Sanctuary’ Status Despite Sessions’ Promise to Pull Funding

VIDEO: Chicago To Keep ‘Sanctuary’ Status Despite Sessions’ Promise to Pull Funding

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has no plans to change city policies that shield illegal immigrants, even after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Monday he will withhold Department of Justice (DOJ) funds from local jurisdictions that don’t comply with federal immigration law.
Emanuel has...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

"Russian Dressing Down": Twitter on Fire as Sean Spicer Clashed with Veteran White House Reporter

"Russian Dressing Down": Twitter on Fire as Sean Spicer Clashed with Veteran White House Reporter

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer caused a stir on social media after he got into a heated exchange with veteran journalist April Ryan over the ‘perception problem’ facing the Trump administration.
It’s not the first time that President Trump’s spokesperson has been the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: April Ryan, Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, White House

President Trump Revokes Obama Climate Change Rules, Declares End to "War on Coal"

President Trump Revokes Obama Climate Change Rules, Declares End to "War on Coal"

President Donald Trump has signed an executive order overruling the Obama administration rules intended to cut carbon emissions, vowing to achieve energy independence and put coal miners back to work.
“My administration is putting an end to the war on coal,” Trump said, adding that he wants to...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Exxon, Fukushima, President Donald Trump, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt

BREAKING. VIDEO: Peruvian Airlines Boeing Swerves off Runway and Bursts into Flames after Landing in Peru

BREAKING. VIDEO: Peruvian Airlines Boeing Swerves off Runway and Bursts into Flames after Landing in Peru

A Peruvian Airlines Boeing 737 jet with 141 passengers on board has veered off the runway, bursting into flames upon landing at the Francisco Carle Airport in Jauja, Peru.

#BREAKING Peruvian #Airlines #Boeing 737-300, #Lima to Jauja #Peru veers off runway, bursts into flames after landing....[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Boeing 737, Francisco Carle Airport, Jauja, P9110, Peru

VIDEO: McConnell Says Gorsuch Will be Confirmed Next Friday

VIDEO: McConnell Says Gorsuch Will be Confirmed Next Friday

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters on Tuesday that Judge Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed to the Supreme Court on Friday, Apr. 7.
“We’re going to get Judge Gorsuch confirmed,” McConnell told reporters.
“There will be an opportunity for the Democrats to invoke cloture. We’ll see...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Judge Neil Gorsuch, Mitch McConnell, President Donald Trump, SCOTUS, Senate

Meet Tiger Woods' Reportedly New Girlfriend

Meet Tiger Woods' Reportedly New Girlfriend

The last time we checked Tiger Woods was dating 32-year-old personal stylist Kristin Smith. Looks like that relationship never materialized, and Tiger is back to his old tricks.
This might be just what the Doctor ordered for Tiger to get back to winning Majors.
His tricks seem to include...[Read more ...]

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: Laci Kay Somers, Playboy, Tiger Woods, Trump National Golf Club

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Senate Budget Republicans Think Funding Trump’s Wall is Unlikely

Senate Budget Republicans Think Funding Trump’s Wall is Unlikely

A top Republican budget senator is doubtful that funding for President Donald Trump’s border wall will be included in the budget package this year.
Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt announced that the Senate Committee on Appropriations will probably not consider Trump’s supplemental budget...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: border wall, California, Executive Order, GOP, Roy Blunt, Senate

VIDEO: California Gov Jerry Brown has No Clue how to Stop Trump's Border Wall

VIDEO: California Gov Jerry Brown has No Clue how to Stop Trump's Border Wall

Under Gov. Jerry Brown, California has emerged as the state most determined to oppose the Trump administration’s immigration and border security policies.
A bill under consideration in the statehouse would make California the first “sanctuary state” in the nation, preventing state, county and...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: border wall, California, Chuck Todd, conservatives, cow farts, illegal aliens, MAGA, Meet The Press, Mexico

Democrat States Push to Protect Abortion Funding Despite Failed GOP Bill

Democrat States Push to Protect Abortion Funding Despite Failed GOP Bill

Even with the Republican failure to repeal Barack Obama’s health care law, Democratic lawmakers in some states are pressing ahead with efforts to protect birth control access, Planned Parenthood funding and abortion coverage in case they are jeopardized in the future.
Republicans in the...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: democrats, GOP, Maryland, Nevada, Paul Ryan, Planned Parenthood, United States

Asian Markets Mostly Higher after Wall Street Sinks

Asian Markets Mostly Higher after Wall Street Sinks

Asian stock markets rose Tuesday after Wall Street sank on worries that the Trump administration might not do as much for businesses as once thought. KEEPING SCORE: Tokyo’s Nikkei 225 gained 1 percent to 19,174.56 and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng advanced 0.5 percent to 24,317.93. The...[Read more ...]

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Category: Economy
Tags: China, crude, euro, gold, Japan, juan, Singapore, yen

Democrat City Leaders Defy White House Threat on "Sanctuary" Policies

Democrat City Leaders Defy White House Threat on "Sanctuary" Policies

Ignoring fresh threats from the White House, city leaders across the U.S. are vowing to intensify their fight against President Donald Trump’s promised crackdown on so-called “sanctuary cities” despite the financial risks.
“We are going to become this...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: border wall, Executive Order, illegal aliens, Jeff Sessions, marijuana, President Donald Trump

Los Angeles Middle School Faces Budget Cuts for Having Too Many White People

Los Angeles Middle School Faces Budget Cuts for Having Too Many White People

Los Angeles parents are outraged after their middle school announced budget cuts because there are too many white students, according to Sunday reports.
Walter Reed Middle School announced there would be layoffs and larger classes because the school’s white student body is too big, reports ABC...[Read more ...]

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: border wall, California, leftards, Los Angeles, white genocide

RyanCare 2.0? Paul Ryan Tells Donors He Hasn’t Given Up On Health Care Reform

RyanCare 2.0? Paul Ryan Tells Donors He Hasn’t Given Up On Health Care Reform

‘No timeline, we’ll just work and get it done’.
Republican efforts to reform the health care system may not be as bleak as as they once seemed.
While the leadership-backed Obamacare repeal legislation was pulled off the floor Friday due to a lack of votes, House Speaker Paul...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: GOP, President Donald Trump, Rand Paul, RyanCare

VIDEO: World first! Lee O'Donnel Pulls a Monster Truck Front Flip and Wins Championship

VIDEO: World first! Lee O'Donnel Pulls a Monster Truck Front Flip and Wins Championship

Monster truck driver Lee O’Donnell took home the 2017 Monster Jam World Finals Freestyle Championship title in style by landing the first-ever monster truck front flip.
Fearless O’Donnell made the nail-biting flip in his truck, ‘Mad Scientist’, during the Monster Jam World Finals...[Read more ...]

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Category: Sport
Tags: 2017, Lee O’Donnell, Monster Jam World Finals, Neil Elliott, Nevada, Whitney

Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying for Chinese Firm Convicted of Illegal Sales to Iran

Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying for Chinese Firm Convicted of Illegal Sales to Iran

Democratic super lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran.
The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: China, Iran, lobby, PizzaGate, Tony Podesta, ZTE Telecommunications

Monday, March 27, 2017

Jews and Immigration: Time for Change

Jews and Immigration: Time for Change

Our country and its Jewish intelligentsia are currently torn by a debate about immigration. On one side the Trump administration is trying to pass executive orders limiting immigration from particular, though certainly not all, Muslim-majority countries while also deporting people — largely...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: cultural Marxism, diversity, heritage, jews, nationalism, Odinism, race, white pride

After Dramatic Obamacare Failure, Trump Now Faces A Looming Government Shutdown He May Not Be Able To Prevent

After Dramatic Obamacare Failure, Trump Now Faces A Looming Government Shutdown He May Not Be Able To Prevent

If you thought that the Obamacare debacle was bad, just wait until you see what happens next.  The continuing resolution that is currently funding the government expires on April 28th, and if a new funding agreement is not reached prior to that time, there will be a government shutdown like we...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics

UFC Octagon star Lindsay Pelas has no Problem Rocking Topless all Over the Internet

UFC Octagon star Lindsay Pelas has no Problem Rocking Topless all Over the Internet

Lindsey Pelas is one of the biggest stars on Instagram, and it’s very easy to see why.
Check out all the times the UFC octagon girl went topless on Instagram.

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: Instagram, Octagon, Palm Beach Lindsay Pelas, UFC

Elon Musk Isn’t Happy With Trump’s Plan To Send NASA To Mars

Elon Musk Isn’t Happy With Trump’s Plan To Send NASA To Mars

Billionaire Elon Musk isn’t happy with a bill President Donald Trump signed to fund NASA’s manned mission to Mars.
“This bill changes almost nothing about what NASA is doing,” tweeted Elon Musk, a billionaire who owns the rocket company SpaceX .
“Existing programs stay in place and there is no...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Cape Canaveral, NASA, South Africa, Space X, Tesla

VIDEO: Leftards with Guns. Heavily Armed Left-Wing Group Tries to Intimidate Reporter Filming Them

VIDEO: Leftards with Guns. Heavily Armed Left-Wing Group Tries to Intimidate Reporter Filming Them

Amid an Arizona “Make America Great Again” march in support of Republican President Donald Trump on Saturday, a heavily armed left-wing group  tried to intimidate a liberal reporter into not recording video of their actions.
Reporter Stephen Lemons spotted the group of “about 40 or so assorted...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: 2nd Amendment, bolsheviks, Donald Trump, feminazi, leftards, MAGA, Phoenix

Celebrate Sara Underwood’s Birthday With Her Sexiest Photos

Celebrate Sara Underwood’s Birthday With Her Sexiest Photos

Yesterday model Sara Underwood turned 33 years old.
There is no better way to celebrate her birthday than with her sexiest Instagram posts.

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Category: Beauty, Lifestyle
Tags: bikini, model, Sara Underwood, Wicked Weasel

John Podesta Violated Federal Law by Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares in a Kremlin Controlled Company

John Podesta Violated Federal Law by Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares in a Kremlin Controlled Company

John Podesta, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 national campaign chairman, may have violated federal law by failing to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed company when he joined the Obama White House in 2014, according to the Daily Caller News...[Read more ...]

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Category: Politics
Tags: Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Kremlin, PizzaGate, Russia

Massive Gold Coin Worth Millions Stolen from German Museum

Massive Gold Coin Worth Millions Stolen from German Museum

Thieves broke into the German capital’s Bode Museum before dawn Monday and made off with a massive 100-kilogram (221-pound) gold coin worth millions of dollars, police said.
Police spokesman Stefen Petersen said thieves apparently entered through a window about 3:30 a.m. Monday, broke...[Read more ...]

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Category: International
Tags: Berlin, Big Maple Leaf, end the fed, European Union, Germany, Royal Canadian Mint

The Free Press And Their Responsibility To Be Fair

The Free Press And Their Responsibility To Be Fair / By: Bruce Wilds

The So-called Free Press Includes Most Media

The idea of having a press that is free to cover the news is generally linked to the idea they will be fair because such a freedom generally comes with a degree of responsibility. A common example...[Read more ...]

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