Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The White House Statement On Yates’ Firing Is Incredibly Blunt

The White House Statement On Yates’ Firing Is Incredibly Blunt

The White House released a blunt statement on the firing of acting Attorney General Sally Yates Monday, accusing her of betraying the Department of Justice and describing her as “weak on illegal immigration.”
Trump replaced Sally Yates with Dana Boente after she ordered Justice Department...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Dana Boente, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, POTUS, Sally Yates, White House

France Could Copy Trump’s Immigration Ban if Le Pen Wins Election

France Could Copy Trump’s Immigration Ban if Le Pen Wins Election


France’s populist National Front is considering copying U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigration ban if Marine Le Pen is elected president in May.
National Front mayor Steeve Briois, who is a leading member of Le Pen’s campaign team was asked whether his party would consider imposing the same...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: au nom du peuple, Donald Trump, France, Front national, Henin-Beaumont, islam, Marine Le Pen, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, muslim ban, National Front, Paris, Steeve Briois

Canada Moving Toward Criminalizing “Islamophobia”

Canada Moving Toward Criminalizing “Islamophobia”


Justin Trudeau and Iqra Khalid.
Canada is inching toward a broadly-based law that would codify “Islamophobia” as a hate crime without even defining Islamophobia or demonstrating that it is a phenomenon requiring legal action.
Since all opposition to jihad terror and all discussion of how it is...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Canada, freedom of speech, Iqra Khalid, islam, islamophobia, Justin Trudeau

European Council President: US Under Trump is a THREAT to EU

European Council President: US Under Trump is a THREAT to EU


European Council President Donald Tusk
European Council President Donald Tusk has called the US under President Donald Trump one of the external threats to the EU along with China, Russia and radical Islam.
The senior EU official added that the bloc must take “spectacular steps” to avoid...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Donald Trump, Donald Tusk, EU, European Council, Europen Union, POTUS

Trump orders ISIS Plan and gives Bannon National Security Role

Trump orders ISIS Plan and gives Bannon National Security Role


Steve Bannon gets a national security role. ISIS is getting what’s coming to them.
Every day is Christmas, I tell ya.
After talking to Putin on Saturday, Trump ordered Pentagon to devise an ISIS plan and gave Bannon national security role. President Trump restructured the National Security...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: ISIS, NATO, Pentagon, Steve Bannon, Vladimir Putin

Congress Wants to Know if the US Could Best China, Russia in a Nuclear War

Congress Wants to Know if the US Could Best China, Russia in a Nuclear War


U.S. intelligence agencies are evaluating the respective Russian and Chinese capabilities to survive a nuclear war, as well as those of the United States.
Congress has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and U.S. Strategic Command, through the National Defense...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: China, Congress, James Mattis, nuclear war, preemptive strike, Russia, Secretary of Defense, US

Trump planned visit to Britain puts Queen in "Difficult Position"

Trump planned visit to Britain puts Queen in "Difficult Position"


The British government’s decision to invite President Donald Trump for a state visit, one of the highest honors it can bestow on a visiting dignitary, has involved Queen Elizabeth II in the passionate debate over Trump’s travel ban.
The Royal Standard flag flies from above Buckingham...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Britain, Buckingham Palace, Donald Trump, Europe, European Union, Peter Ricketts, POTUS, Queen of England, Sadiq Khan, Theresa May, UE, UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom government, United States, Western Europe

Generational Conflict Set To Grow Over Entitlement Policy

Generational Conflict Set To Grow Over Entitlement Policy


It is only logical that conflict will arise between different groups of our society concerning financial policy over entitlements. This means we should be prepared for a major clash in the near future when reality hits. Simply put the younger generation is concerned about their student loans and...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Economy
Tags: entitlement policy, GDP, interest rates, national debt

Pakistan Court Acquits All 115 Suspects in Burning of Christians’ Homes

Pakistan Court Acquits All 115 Suspects in Burning of Christians’ Homes


A mob in Pakistan watch as Christian homes are burned.
A court in Pakistan acquitted 115 suspects who were charged with setting the homes of more than 150 Christian families on fire, saying there wasn’t enough evidence to go forward with the case.
The Christians said their homes were set ablaze...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: islam, muslim ban, muslim crimes against christians, Pakistan, religion of peace

Hundreds of Haters Protest at U.S. Consulate in Toronto: US Closes Consulate.

Hundreds of Haters Protest at U.S. Consulate in Toronto: US Closes Consulate.


It’s not a “Muslim ban.” That would mean all Muslims were banned from entering the US. This is a counter terrorist measure.
Why didn’t these clowns protest Obama’s ban on Iraqi refugees or Carter’s ban on Iranians? They are beyond transparent. This best embodies the left, it’s their way or...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Canada, Donald Trump, muslim ban, POTUS, Toronto, U.S. Consulate

Obama Rejects Comparison Between Trump’s Immigration Policy and his Own, Encourages Violent Protests

Obama Rejects Comparison Between Trump’s Immigration Policy and his Own, Encourages Violent Protests


Former president Barack Obama rejected the idea Monday that President Trump based his immigration executive order on a policy adopted by his own administration, and he endorsed the protests that have been taking place across the country in response to the new restrictions.Trump has said that his...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Kevin Lewis, muslim ban, POTUS

Colleges offering Counseling and “Mental Health Services” for Students Dealing with “Anxiety and Confusion” over President Trumps' Muslim Ban

Colleges offering Counseling and “Mental Health Services” for Students Dealing with “Anxiety and Confusion” over President Trumps' Muslim Ban


The violent snowflakes need psychiatric help all right, but not because of President Trump. But because they are nuts.
College admins blast Trump Executive Order as ‘bad idea,’ offer counseling.
Anthony Gockowski, Campus Reform, January 30, 2017:
Administrators at more than 30 colleges and...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: colleges, Donald Trump, POTUS, Purdue University, snowflakes, Yale

Colleges offering Counseling and “Mental Health Services” for Students Dealing with “Anxiety and Confusion” over President Trumps' Muslim Ban

Colleges offering Counseling and “Mental Health Services” for Students Dealing with “Anxiety and Confusion” over President Trumps' Muslim Ban


The violent snowflakes need psychiatric help all right, but not because of President Trump. But because they are nuts.
College admins blast Trump Executive Order as ‘bad idea,’ offer counseling.
Anthony Gockowski, Campus Reform, January 30, 2017:
Administrators at more than 30 colleges and...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Education, Politics
Tags: colleges, Donald Trump, POTUS, Purdue University, snowflakes, Yale

School Sides With the Attackers after Canadian Girl, 14, Sexually Assaulted by 2 Muslim Immigrants at School Dance

School Sides With the Attackers after Canadian Girl, 14, Sexually Assaulted by 2 Muslim Immigrants at School Dance


A Canadian girl, age 14, was allegedly sexually assaulted by two Muslim immigrants, while attending her first school dance ever.
One of the suspects was the girl’s classmate, and was actually allowed to go back to school after serving only a brief suspension, the Canadian news organization the...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Education, International
Tags: Canada, Fredericton High School, islam, muslims, New Brunswick

Leftist Judge Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban, Immediately Learns BRUTAL Lesson from DHS

Leftist Judge Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban, Immediately Learns BRUTAL Lesson from DHS


The liberals have been trying to stand up to Donald Trump, trying to block his policies, but they just learned a hard lesson.
Judge Ann Donnelly issued an emergency halt to Trump’s immigration ban. However, the Department of Homeland Security shut her down by saying,
“The president’s executive...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Ann Donnelly, Department of Homeland Security, DHS, Donald Trump, POTUS

Trey Gowdy Breaks Silence about Trump’s Ban. Democrats Are GOING NUTS!

Trey Gowdy Breaks Silence about Trump’s Ban. Democrats Are GOING NUTS!


Trey Gowdy, a Republican representative from South Carolina, is known for his level-headed thoughts and his focus on rooting out crime.
He’s just shared his thoughts on Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, arguing that government has “a fundamental duty to ensure the necessary background investigations...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, muslim ban, South Carolina, Trey Gowdy

BREAKING: Trump Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General Who Said Travel Ban Was Unlawful; Names Dana Boente

BREAKING: Trump Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General Who Said Travel Ban Was Unlawful; Names Dana Boente


President Donald Trump has just fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general. He named Dana Boente as new AG.
Sally Quillian Yates
The White House said Yates “betrayed” the department by refusing to enforce a legal order “designed to protect” US citizens. The acting Attorney General, Sally...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: attorney general, Dana Boente, Donald Trump, POTUS, Sally Yates, White House, you're fired

China Openly Contemplating War Against the US

China Openly Contemplating War Against the US


It felt like only moments ago that the United States was on the brink of war with Russia, but now it looks like China is set to take the number one spot on America’s international rival list.
An official website of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army carried an Inauguration Day post stating...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: China, US, war preparations, WWIII

GOOD NEWS! Priebus Says Current Refugee Ban May Not Go Far Enough – "Perhaps More Countries Might Be Added"

GOOD NEWS! Priebus Says Current Refugee Ban May Not Go Far Enough – "Perhaps More Countries Might Be Added"


Earlier today White House adviser Reince Priebus told “Meet the Press” that the Trump administration will not apologize for keeping America safe.
Later in the interview Priebus added that the current refugee ban from seven Muslim nations may not be enough and “perhaps” other countries need to be...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Chuck Todd, Donald Trump, Egypt, immigration ban, Meet The Press, muslim ban, Pakistan, Reince Priebus, Saudi Arabia, White House Chief of Staff

BLM Anti-Trump Protest in Seattle: "White House Must Die; White People, Give your Fucking Money, your Fucking House, your Fucking Property"

BLM Anti-Trump Protest in Seattle: "White House Must Die; White People, Give your Fucking Money, your Fucking House, your Fucking Property"


This is what the left wants. They want to start killing people. During the Obama years, we adamantly opposed his anti-American, anti-freedom policies. But never did we get violent. Never did we call for violence or killing.
BLM Activist , self described PRESCHOOL TEACHER
During an anti-Trump...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: LGBT, muslimban, racist rant, Seattle

Pennsylvania Police Make Arrest in Nearly Decade-Long Suspected Child Sex Ring

Pennsylvania Police Make Arrest in Nearly Decade-Long Suspected Child Sex Ring


Pennsylvania police have reportedly uncovered and made arrests related to a pedophile ring that they say has been ongoing for nearly a decade.
Authorities in Bucks County make an arrest in a fetish-themed child predator sex ring they say was going on for the better part of a decade. Pennsylvania...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Law Enforcement, Lifestyle
Tags: Bucks County, furry fandom, Kenneth Fenske, pedophile ring, Pennsylvania, PizzaGate, Quakertown

Police Believe Quebec mosque shooting a "Lone Wolf" attack, Only one Man in Custody

Police Believe Quebec mosque shooting a "Lone Wolf" attack, Only one Man in Custody


More questions than answers.
Canadian police say a single man – reported by the media as student Alexander Bissonnette,27 – remains in custody over Sunday’s mosque shooting in Quebec City, in which six people died, and 19 were injured. The other man previously labeled a...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Alexander Bissonnette, Canada, fussilade, Justin Trudeau, Mosque Shooting, muslim ban, Quebec

Monday, January 30, 2017

ABC cuts Footage of Iraqi Detained at Airport Saying he Likes Trump

ABC cuts Footage of Iraqi Detained at Airport Saying he Likes Trump


Mainstream media caught in act of promoting fake news – again
Iraqi interpreter Hameed Darweesh was temporarily detained Saturday night at JFK airport in New York pursuant to President Trump’s executive order on refugees.
When being interviewed by the media, Darweesh said, “America is the...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: ABC, Donald Trump, Executive Order, JFK Airport, muslim ban, POTUS

Mass Deportations Loom: 7 Ways to Get Kicked out of America if You are Here Illegally

Mass Deportations Loom: 7 Ways to Get Kicked out of America if You are Here Illegally


The Minority Deport, new blockbuster from The White House
As of this writing there are reportedly scores of individuals being detained at airports across the country because they originate from countries on President Trump’s “ban list.”
Though the ban is indefinite for refugees from war-torn...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: deportation, Donald Trump, Executive Order, illegal aliens, POTUS, White House

Muslims Pray, Chant "Allah" inside Dallas Fort Worth Airport

Muslims Pray, Chant "Allah" inside Dallas Fort Worth Airport


Protests erupted at airports across the country following Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily barring Muslims from seven countries from entering the United States.
Muslims gathered inside of Dallas Fort Worth Airport with a loud Arab call to prayer in protest of this ban.
This is not a...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Dalla Airport, DFW, Donald Trump, Forth Worth Airport, islam, muslim ban protests, sharia law

Media Talking Heads Continue to Call for President Trump’s Murder

Media Talking Heads Continue to Call for President Trump’s Murder


Calls to assassinate President Trump continue throughout corporate media
Despite the fact that Donald Trump is now the sitting president of the United States, multiple corporate media talking heads have continued to openly call for his actual assassination.
The latest stunning example comes in...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Chuck Schumer, CIA, Donald Trump, Josef Joffe, MSM, presidential assassination

"Go Back Where You Came From"; Bystanders Yell at African Man Drowning in Venice Canal

"Go Back Where You Came From"; Bystanders Yell at African Man Drowning in Venice Canal


As the man bobbed in the water, onlookers pulled out their smartphones. Someone in a nearby water bus threw out a life vest, but the man in the water didn’t grab on. Spectators began to wonder if he was suicidal. One woman suggested to a neighbor that he was just pretending. Finally,...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: illegal immigrants, Italy, migration, sub saharians, Venice

"Muslims VS Muslims": At least 6 killed in Quebec City Mosque Shooting

"Muslims VS Muslims": At least 6 killed in Quebec City Mosque Shooting


Police officers are seen near a mosque after a shooting in Quebec City, January 29, 2017
At least 6 dead and 8 Wounded in Quebec City Mosque shooting.
At least six people have been killed after gunmen opened fire in a mosque in Quebec City on Sunday, the mosque’s president told reporters....[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: AK-47, Canada, Justin Trudeau, Mosque Shooting, muslim ban, Muslim Brotherhood, Quebec, Quebec City Islamic Cultural Center

LEFT BEHIND: French Socialists choose Inexperienced Hamon as Presidential Candidate, Just Another Helicopter Money Fan

LEFT BEHIND: French Socialists choose Inexperienced Hamon as Presidential Candidate, Just Another Helicopter Money Fan


Benoit Hamon
Social democracy is struggling everywhere in Europe. But, as Tolstoy might have said, the French socialist family is unhappy in its own way. Part of this has to do with the dismally low ratings of President François Hollande at the end of his five-year term. But internal squabbling,...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: 420, FN, France, Francois Fillon, Front Nacional, Marine Le Pen, PS, Socialist Party

The United States Is On The Precipice Of Widespread Civil Unrest

The United States Is On The Precipice Of Widespread Civil Unrest


It doesn’t take much of a trigger to push extremely large crowds of very angry protesters into committing acts of rioting and violence.  And rioting and violence can ultimately lead to widespread civil unrest and calls for “revolution”.  The election of Donald Trump was perhaps the single most...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics

Military: First-Known Combat Death since Trump in Office

Military: First-Known Combat Death since Trump in Office


Graffiti in Sana’a, Yemen.
It’s been described as the greatest burden any commander in chief must bear. Just days into his young presidency, a U.S. service member has died in military action authorized by Donald Trump. It’s the first known combat death of a member of the U.S....[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: Al-Qaida, combat death, Donald Trump, Pentagon, POTUS, soldier death, US Army, Yemen

The Most Dangerous Gun Maker in the World

The Most Dangerous Gun Maker in the World


A fully functional AR-15 with 3D printed parts
In 2012, Wired Magazine named Cody Wilson one of the “15 Most Dangerous People in the World.”
At first glance, it was a surprising choice on a list that included the likes of Bashar al-Assad and “El Chapo” Guzman. At the time Wilson was a...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: 3D gun, Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed, Federal Firearms License, The Liberator, Undetectable Firearms Act

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tesla Denies Rumors Trump Pressured it to Cancel Contracts with German Company

Tesla Denies Rumors Trump Pressured it to Cancel Contracts with German Company


Tesla Motors denied rumors the electric company was pressured by President Donald Trump to cancel contracts with a German parts supplier.
Tesla canceled a large order with Germany’s SHW because the supplier was supposedly unable to meet its contractual obligations to the California-based...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Economy, Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Elon Musk, POTUS, Solar City, subsidies, Tesla, Tesla Motors

"Open Affront": Tehran vows "Reciprocal" Retaliation for US Banning Entry to Iranians

"Open Affront": Tehran vows "Reciprocal" Retaliation for US Banning Entry to Iranians


Tehran has described the recent order by US President Donald Trump ~ which temporarily bars citizens of six Muslim-majority countries, including Iran – an “open affront” and has promised to retaliate in a reciprocal manner.
“While respecting the American people and distinguishing between...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Executive Order, Iran, muslimban, POTUS, Tehran

FedEx Releases Statement on Driver Who Saved an American Flag from Being Burned

FedEx Releases Statement on Driver Who Saved an American Flag from Being Burned


FedEx driver Matt Uhrin with the captured flag.
FedEx announced it has “no plans” on taking any action after one of its drivers rescued an American flag from protesters.
Protesters gathered at Ped Mall in Iowa City, Iowa, to protest President Donald Trump. They had a fire burning and threw the...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle, Politics
Tags: American flag, FedEx, Matt Uhrin

More Court Orders Block Trump’s Immigration Order

More Court Orders Block Trump’s Immigration Order


Federal courts around the country have issued emergency orders temporarily blocking the removal of refugees legally authorized to enter the United States, generating further confusion in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration from countries with high instances...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: court order, Donald Trump, Executive Order, POTUS, SCOTUS, temporal block

Former Delta Force Commander: "If in Charge, Take Charge"

Former Delta Force Commander: "If in Charge, Take Charge"


Lt. Col. (Retired) Jim Reese is a 25-year veteran of the U.S. Army. Reese served with the Army’s most elite special operations force, Delta Force, as a troop commander, squadron operations officer, and as ”the Unit’s” operations officer. He later served as a task force operations officer, chief...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: David McKiernan, Delta Force, Donald Trump, Jim Reese, Pentagon

ABC Caught in Fake News Scandal after Editing Trump's Photo

ABC Caught in Fake News Scandal after Editing Trump's Photo


The left has been using “fake news” against Trump supporters since we won the presidency. Now, the leftist media has been caught in an actual fake news scandal.
ABC has been caught using an edited a photograph of Donald Trump standing in the Oval Office. The photograph showed Trump looking out...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: ABC, Donald Trump, fake news, POTUS MSM

WTF? 9/11-Linked Saudi Arabia Not Included in "Muslim Ban"

WTF? 9/11-Linked Saudi Arabia Not Included in "Muslim Ban"


President Trump issued an executive order on Friday that will deny refugees and immigrants from certain Muslim-majority countries entry to the United States.
“We are establishing new vetting measures, to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America,” Trump said during a...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics

Trump gives Pentagon 30 days to Develop Strategy to Defeat ISIS in Iraq & Syria

Trump gives Pentagon 30 days to Develop Strategy to Defeat ISIS in Iraq & Syria


President Donald Trump has signed an executive order directing the US military to develop a preliminary plan to defeat Islamic State in both Iraq and Syria. He discussed the issue earlier in a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“It is the policy of the United States...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: Daesh, Donald Trump, Iraq, IS, ISIS, Pejntagon, POTUS, Syria

Giuliani Calls for "Detention Centers" for Illegal Immigrants who Commit Crimes

Giuliani Calls for "Detention Centers" for Illegal Immigrants who Commit Crimes


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani called for the creation of “detention centers” to house illegal immigrants convicted of crimes. The former mayor and adviser to President Donald Trump claimed the current system allows illegals who have committed crimes to stay in the U.S. after serving...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: detention centers, FEMA, FEMA camps, illegal immigrants, New York City, Rudy Giuliani

IS HAPPENING: Texas Mosque Destroyed in Blaze

IS HAPPENING: Texas Mosque Destroyed in Blaze


An investigation is underway after a Texas mosque was devastated by a fire on Saturday. With the cause of the blaze still unknown, authorities in Victoria are appealing to the public to not draw hasty conclusions.
The Islamic Center of Victoria was reported to be on fire at around 2 am and was...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: islam, mosque, radical islam, Texas, Victoria

CRA: The “Regulatory Game Changer” that Could Wipe out 8 Years of Obama regulations in an Hour

CRA: The “Regulatory Game Changer” that Could Wipe out 8 Years of Obama regulations in an Hour


Republicans could wipe out 8 full years of the Obama agenda
After a pompous, liberal agenda was crammed down the throats of the American people during his first two years in office, President Obama suffered staggering losses in Congress for the next six years that cost Democrats control of both...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Barack Obama, Congressional Review Act, CRA

Ron Paul warns of Imminent Economic Collapse to be blamed on Trump instead of the Fed

Ron Paul warns of Imminent Economic Collapse to be blamed on Trump instead of the Fed


Trump could be patsy for impending financial ruin
If former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is correct, an Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. That’s because, as Paul stated, the Federal Reserve has set up the American...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, economic collapse, end the fed, FED, Federal Reserve, Ron Paul

Mexico Threatens to Stop Fighting Terrorism after Trump Border Wall Plan

Mexico Threatens to Stop Fighting Terrorism after Trump Border Wall Plan


Corporate media silent on specific threat that could help terrorists
Mexican Senator Armando Rios Pitter recently appeared on MSNBC to drop an absolute bombshell threat that was subsequently ignored throughout the corporate media coverage of Trump’s controversial announcement of a wall on the...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International, Terrorism
Tags: Armando Rios Pitter, border wall, Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico

The Media Forgot about The March for Life, Vice-President Mike Pence Spoke the Truth

The Media Forgot about The March for Life, Vice-President Mike Pence Spoke the Truth


Liberals must love President Donald Trump, cause they gather for every step he takes. Well, not literally love, but they “honor” him. He must be honored to have big crowds screaming his name. Only if it wasn’t in the wrong context. These people should praise the President instead of spitting on...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Kellyanne Conway, March for Life, Mike Pence, Washington DC

Establishment in Full Meltdown Over Trump Refugee Orders

Establishment in Full Meltdown Over Trump Refugee Orders


‘We will fight this Islamophobic and dangerous proposal’
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday that will pause the resettlement of Third World refugees in the United States for 120 days while a system of “extreme vetting” is put in place.
With the stroke of a pen, Trump set...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Ann Corcoran, Donald Trump, Refugee Resettlement Watch, UE, UN, VOLAG

Texas State Report: ISIS is on Our Borders

Texas State Report: ISIS is on Our Borders


‘We are especially concerned about the potential for terrorist infiltration’
There long have been reports of activity by Islamic terrorists just across the border from Texas in Mexico, that ISIS was setting up training camps in the region and that Muslim terrorists were infiltrating the U.S....[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: El Paso, ISIS, Mexico, Texas, Texas Public Safety Threat Overview

EPA Employees Given ‘Dealing with Change’ Counseling Post-Trump Win

EPA Employees Given ‘Dealing with Change’ Counseling Post-Trump Win


Amidst employees in tears following the election of Donald Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency is offering counseling sessions on “dealing with change.” We obtained slides from one of the 45-minute seminars, entitled, “Feeling pressured? Worried about change at EPA?”
Topics included “How...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA

"Great Idea": Netanyahu tweets Support for Trump’s Mexico Border Wall

"Great Idea": Netanyahu tweets Support for Trump’s Mexico Border Wall


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has tweeted his support for President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the US border with Mexico, hailing the proposal a ‘great idea’.
The tweet comes in the wake of Trump signing several executive...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, border wall, Czech Republic, Donald Trump, Israel, Mexico, Milos Zeman, POTUS

"A truly Magnificent Talent:" actor John Hurt dies at 77

"A truly Magnificent Talent:" actor John Hurt dies at 77


British actor and cast member John Hurt arriving for the UK film premiere of “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” at the BFI Southbank in London.
As a self-described “old drunk,” the actor John Hurt nonetheless had a half-century career highlighted with memorable performances, two...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: actor, John Hurt, London, UK

BREAKING: Bill Clinton’s Long-Time Friend and Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Accused of ANOTHER Sex Trafficking Case Involving Girls as Young as 13!

BREAKING: Bill Clinton’s Long-Time Friend and Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Accused of ANOTHER Sex Trafficking Case Involving Girls as Young as 13!


Convicted Pedophile Is Back At It Again.
According to an article in the Daily Mail, long time friend of Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, is being accused of luring a young woman into his elaborate sex trafficking enterprise by making false promises.
From The Daily Mail:
Disgraced Wall Street mogul...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Lolita Express, Lolita Island, PizzaGate

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Socialist DESPAIR: French leader chides US populism, urges European Unity

Socialist DESPAIR: French leader chides US populism, urges European Unity


Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, France’s President Francois Hollande, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Cyprus’ President Nicos Anastasiades and Italy’s Prime Minister...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Cyprus, EU, European Union, France, Francois Hollande, Greece, Italy, Malta, Paolo Gentiloni, Portugal, Spain, US

Google tells Offshore Staff to Return to The US After Trump Executive Order

Google tells Offshore Staff to Return to The US After Trump Executive Order


Google issued a stark warning to staff traveling overseas who may be impacted by Trump’s new executive order on immigration: Get back to the U.S. now.
In the immediate aftermath of Trump’s controversial executive order, prohibiting entry into the US of citizens from seven mostly-Muslim nations...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Executive Order, Google, Middle East, Sundar Pichai

Putin and Trump Talked joint ISIS fight, Ukraine crisis, Future Meeting in first Phone Call

Putin and Trump Talked joint ISIS fight, Ukraine crisis, Future Meeting in first Phone Call


Russian President Vladimir Putin has had his first telephone conversation with new US President Donald Trump. They discussed the joint fight against international terrorism, the situation in the Middle East, the Ukrainian crisis and plans for a future meeting of the two leaders.
The Presidents...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Moscow, phone conversation, Vladimir Putin, Washington DC

Putin Consults his Security Council before Talking to Trump

Putin Consults his Security Council before Talking to Trump


Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a Security Council meeting in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Jan. 27, 2017.
Russian President Vladimir Putin conferred with his top officials Friday about relations with Washington a day before a scheduled call with U.S. President Donald Trump. Trump’s...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Donald Trump, Moscow, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Washington

Barcelona Bans New Tourist Accommodations in the City Center

Barcelona Bans New Tourist Accommodations in the City Center


Sagrada Familia church, designed by architect Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona, Spain, Friday, Jan. 27, 2017.58
Despite fierce opposition from hotel and business owners, Barcelona officials agreed Friday to curb the number of rooms for tourists in the city center in a move aimed at appeasing residents...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: Ada Colau, Barcelona, city tax, hotel industry

FedEx Driver Saves American Flag from Protesters Trying to Burn It

FedEx Driver Saves American Flag from Protesters Trying to Burn It


A FedEx driver saved an American Flag from protesters who were trying to burn it on Thursday. The protesters had gathered at the pedestrian mall in Iowa City, Iowa.
The FedEx driver was able to grab the flag right before the demonstrators set it on fire. An unidentified passerby said, “I’m with...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: American flag, anti-Trump protesters, FedEx, Old Glory, patriotism

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Hints on CNN that Obama Funded ISIS!

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Hints on CNN that Obama Funded ISIS!


American Congresswoman from Hawaii’s second congressional district Tulsi Gabbard recently appeared on CNN revealing what she believes to be a link between Obama and the funding of ISIS and Al Qaeda.
She was interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper after her visit in Syria and she uncovered some details...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Al Qaeda, Assad, CNN, ISIS, Obama, Syria, Tulsi Gabbard

Trump, Putin Expected to Speak by Phone on Saturday

Trump, Putin Expected to Speak by Phone on Saturday


President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to speak by phone on Saturday, marking the first time that the two leaders will converse since Trump’s inauguration.
A spokesman for the Kremlin said Friday that the phone call was scheduled to take place on Saturday,...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Moscow, Russia, US, Vladimir Putin

Man Goes to Hospital with Bellyache, Doctors find 6-Foot-Long Tapeworm in His Gut

Man Goes to Hospital with Bellyache, Doctors find 6-Foot-Long Tapeworm in His Gut


Warning: This story is not for the easily grossed-out.
According to a report published in The New England Journal of Medicine yesterday, doctors in India explored a man’s gut and found a creature that looks like it came straight out of a science fiction movie. The 48-year-old man had abdominal...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Health
Tags: India, PVS Memorial Hospital, Taenia solium, tape worm

Grad Student Exposes Massive Network of Over 350,000 Fake Twitter Accounts

Grad Student Exposes Massive Network of Over 350,000 Fake Twitter Accounts


A computer scientist in London has stumbled upon massive networks of fake Twitter accounts – with the largest consisting of over 350,000 profiles – which may have been used to ‘fake’ numbers of followers, send spam, and boost interest in trending topics.
On Twitter, bots are accounts that are...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International, Media, Politics
Tags: bot net, fake followers, London, Twitter, UK

The Fattest Voter Fraud Investigation Reveals that Over 800,000 Illegals Voted for Hillary

The Fattest Voter Fraud Investigation Reveals that Over 800,000 Illegals Voted for Hillary


President Trump talked a lot about the illegals who may try to affect the outcome of the presidential elections, referring to the non-citizens who may abuse the lax voter identification.
The national poll proved this true. Hillary Clinton garnered more than 800,000 votes from noncitizens on...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, illegal votes, Presidential Elections

Fleet Forces Commander: Navy Needs Capacity, Readiness, Not Just Capability

Fleet Forces Commander: Navy Needs Capacity, Readiness, Not Just Capability


Adm. Phil Davidson, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces, addresses the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) (Ike) on Dec. 29, 2016, using the 1MC on the navigational bridge. Ike and its carrier strike group are returning from a 7-month combat deployment to the U.S. 5th and 6th...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Defense, Politics
Tags: Adm. Phil Davidson, Ash Carter, military, Ray Mabus, South China Sea, US Fleet Forces Command, US Navy

Days After Trump Pushes for DAPL, Iowa Pipeline Spills Nearly 140,000 Gallons of Diesel Fuel

Days After Trump Pushes for DAPL, Iowa Pipeline Spills Nearly 140,000 Gallons of Diesel Fuel



Hanlontown, IA — Beginning around 5:30 am on Wednesday morning, local authorities in Hanlontown, Iowa, realized the Magellan Pipeline was leaking what amounted to 138,600 gallons of diesel fuel. KIMT in Iowa reported that emergency responders with the Worth County Sheriff’s Office,...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Dakota Access Pipeline, EPA, Iowa, Keystone XL, Magellan Mainstream Partners, Magellan Pipeline, Tom Byers

(Photos) Massive “UFO Clouds” Spotted Over Sweden

(Photos) Massive “UFO Clouds” Spotted Over Sweden


Photo credit: @bbaumish/Instagram
Skiers in Sweden were treated to a spectacular sight when mysterious UFO-shaped clouds hovered over ski resorts Åre and Duved on Thursday, reports The Local.
The enormous, cylindrical clouds resemble UFOs, but they are actually lenticular clouds. They form when...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle, Science
Tags: Åre, Duved, lenticular cloud, Sweden, UFO

The Obamas Spend Tax Money For Their Vacation With Richard Branson

The Obamas Spend Tax Money For Their Vacation With Richard Branson


Obama thinks he deserved a vacation after leaving office, and he decided to take his family to Richard Branson’s private Caribbean island. Can you guess how much he spent?
Necker is laid on 74-acre paradise soil, located in the British Virgin Islands. Barack has some fun time with his family...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Lifestyle
Tags: Barack Obama, British Virgin Islands, Michelle Obama, Richard Branson, vacation, Virgin

Trump signs Executive Orders to Keep Out "Radical Islamic Terrorists" and Ignores the Alleged 6Mil Jews in Holocaust Remembrance Statement

Trump signs Executive Orders to Keep Out "Radical Islamic Terrorists" and Ignores the Alleged 6Mil Jews in Holocaust Remembrance Statement


Ignoring The Jews
The Trump White House has omitted to mention any number of the slaughter jews in its official statement in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a first for any White House.
In a departure from predecessors on both sides of the political aisle, President Trump’s statement...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Law Enforcement, Politics, Terrorism
Tags: banning radical islamic terrorists, Donald Trump, Executive Order, Holocaust Remembrance Day, White House

Friday, January 27, 2017

Blood and Gore: Brussels Tries the Limits of Street Art

Blood and Gore: Brussels Tries the Limits of Street Art


A mural of a struggling child with a knife to his neck is painted on the wall of an house in Brussels, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017. Depicting details from “Sacrifice of Issac” (Caravaggio).
BRUSSELS — A struggling child with a blade to his neck awaiting slaughter. A gutted body hanging...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International, Lifestyle, Media
Tags: Belgium, Brussels, Caravaggio, Jan de Baen, Sacrifice of Issac, street art, The bodies of the brothers De Witt

Melania Wins Round in $150M Libel Suit against Blogger

Melania Wins Round in $150M Libel Suit against Blogger


Judge mulls whether to dismiss Daily Mail from case as lawyer reveals first lady is suing newspaper in a London court
First lady Melania Trump prevailed Friday in the first round of a $150 million libel suit she filed against a Maryland blogger over a report he published last summer about...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Media, Politics
Tags: Daily Mail, Donald Trump, label suit, Mail Media, Melania Trump

True American Women March for Life in Washington DC

True American Women March for Life in Washington DC


Members of Trump administration speak out for right to life
Thousands of people took to the street Friday for the annual #MarchforLife in Washington DC, the world’s largest pro-life demonstration.
President Donald Trump himself blessed the marchers, telling them “you have my full...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, MarchForLife, Mike Pence

Trump pledges "lasting support" to US relations with Britain

Trump pledges "lasting support" to US relations with Britain


Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May and President of the US Donald Trump, posing for a photo in front of Churchill’s bust in the White House.
President Donald Trump on Friday pledged America’s “lasting support” to the U.S.’ historic “special...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International, Politics
Tags: Britain, Donald Trump, POTUS, Theresa May, Trump-May meeting, UK

Chinese Government Engaged in "Holistic" Cyber Effort to Infiltrate U.S. Industries

Chinese Government Engaged in "Holistic" Cyber Effort to Infiltrate U.S. Industries


The Chinese government is engaged in a systematic cyber-economic campaign across industries in the United States, according to expert testimony before a congressional commission.
Jeffrey Johnson, president and CEO of SquirrelWerkz, a company that analyzes these Chinese-affiliated campaigns,...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: International
Tags: China, cyber warfare, economic espionage, Rhodium Group, SquirrelWerkz, trade secrets

Robert F. Kennedy’s Devastating Quotes on Vaccines and the CDC

Robert F. Kennedy’s Devastating Quotes on Vaccines and the CDC


From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump.
Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Health, Politics
Tags: Anne Dachel, CDC, Robert F Kennedy, vaccines

YOU'RE FIRED: Donald Trump Begins VA Recovery, Fires Two Corrupt Employees!

YOU'RE FIRED: Donald Trump Begins VA Recovery, Fires Two Corrupt Employees!


Donald Trump was voted the 45th president of America for several reasons, including safety in the country, rebuilding the economy and getting rid of the mass corruption that occurs now more than ever. This corruption was particularly becoming a problem in Washington D.C. where Trump promised to...[Read more on...]The Daily Westerner

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Category: Politics
Tags: DeWayne Hamlin, Elizabeth Rivera Rivera, San Juan VA, VA Caribbean Healthcare System

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